Chapter 10 - House rules

Kitsune's words were still etched in my mind. What did she mean when she said that Himeko isn't human? I left her at the abandoned apartment building to attend to my shop. She's probably waiting for her daughters to return.

I decided to hunt some evil spirits and demons lurking in the forest near Yokohama. If we're going to face stronger opponents, I need to get used to weapons other than my scythe and sniper rifle.

As I ventured into the middle of the forest, the darkness thickened. I turned on my flashlight to navigate. Not long after, I spotted five orc-like demons, each about the size of an adult human. I immediately summoned my weapon.

"Shape-shift: Katana."

I dropped my flashlight and charged at the orcs' location. They noticed me, and three of them rushed to intercept. I quickly regained my distance, closing my eyes to focus and form a stance. I waited for them to enter my striking zone.

"Katana: Kamaitachi."

A gentle breeze flowed and enveloped my katana. My senses sharpened, and even with my eyes closed, I could clearly hear the footsteps of the demons. As they entered my range, I launched a horizontal strike, slicing through the heads of the three demons. The two that stayed back were cut down by the wind blades produced by my katana.

"I guess I'll call it a day."

I returned to my apartment. Even though I don't need to sleep, it feels nice to do so. I lay on my bed, turned off the light, and closed my eyes.

When I opened them, it was already morning. Sleeping really does feel good! But as I looked around, I noticed Kitsune's angry face hovering above me, sitting on my bed.

"Oh, is this what you call hunting?"

She grabbed my neck and choked me hard. I couldn't fight back—she's physically stronger than me. Before I could panic, another voice interrupted.

"Mother, that's enough. We should be polite to the master of this house."

"…Sigh. Fine."

Wait—that voice. I knew it. Kitsune also plans to let her daughters stay in my apartment. It's not that I don't want to let them stay, but this room is barely big enough for one person.

"Misaki, let my daughters stay here," she demanded, her tone annoyed.

I nodded my head. As if I had any other choice.

"Once again, we are indebted to your kindness, Father. We will commit our utmost loyalty to you."

"Please, just don't call me Father. Misaki is fine…"

"Misaki, just let them call you Father. It won't hurt you."

"It will be, especially when they start going to school…"

"Oh? So you're approving my proposal?" she asked with a sly smile.

"By the way, Misaki, I went to school, but it was closed…"

"Because it's the weekend. There's no school on weekends."

"That's inefficient… Time spent not learning is wasted."

This idiot. If every student in the world heard her…

But since we're all here, I thought something... maybe I should use this opportunity to set some ground rules.

"Since all of you will be living here, I'd like to establish some rules to ensure this place doesn't turn into a mess."

"What now, Misaki? Abusing your authority to suppress our rights?"

"No, Mother. As he said, rules are made to maintain order here. Mitsushi, Yoshi, and I agree that it's reasonable to have some," Nishi said.

"No, Nishi. This boy is in his puberty stage. He'll probably—"

I immediately covered her mouth before she could finish that sentence, saving her daughters from hearing something they didn't need to.

"First rule: Kitsune, you're not touching my manga again."

"Are you out of your mind? I'm using it as a reference to study human society, Misaki!"

"No, you're only learning degenerate ideas from it…"

"Nishi, do you see those books on the shelf? Don't let your mom touch them."

Nishi and her siblings nodded. I could trust them; they're far more responsible and mature than their mother.

"Second rule: Don't make a mess of this room. Feel free to clean or organize it, though."

"Third rule: If I have any visitors, I'd like all of you to hide your presence."

Everyone agreed to the rules, except Kitsune, who looked so depressed. I felt bad for her… Maybe I'll buy her some children's manga to cheer her up.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"What's that thing called?" Kitsune asked, curious.

"It's a cellphone. You can use it to talk to anyone from anywhere. It has many other uses too. Don't worry, I'll get you one someday."

Or maybe not. She'd probably learn even more inappropriate things if I gave her a phone.

When I looked at the screen, I saw that Himeko was calling.

"Stay quiet, Kitsune. I'll take to Himeko... It would be a problem for you if she learned that we're leaving together.,,..."

"Oh? While you're at it, can you tell her about Mount Fuji?"

I answered the call and greeted her.

"Hello, Himeko. Do you need something?"

"Uhm, I was wondering if you need help with the club…"

"Oh, about that… Ms. Ishi mentioned going on a trip to Shizuoka. She wants to do some sightseeing on Mount Fuji and discuss the club."

"We're going to Shizuoka? Is it overnight?" She sounded excited.

"According to Ms. Ishi, it'll be a camping trip at Mount Fuji. If you'd like to come, just let me know."

"Ye… yes! When are we leaving?"

"I'll ask Ms. Ishi and let you know. You can start shopping for supplies. I'll have her accompany you."

"Yes, please do. Thanks, Misaki."

I bid her farewell and hung up. Kitsune immediately questioned me.

"What do you mean by 'shopping together with her'? You didn't even ask for my consent…"

"This is your chance to get to know her. Maybe you'll change your mind about her not being human."

"But Misaki, do you really think her offer to help with the club was just a coincidence?"

"You're overthinking it, Kitsune."

"No, I'm sure of it…"

"Sure about what?"

"Himeko Tsukimiya. Even her name resembles it… the name of our Queen."

"That's impossible, Kitsune. Besides, it's not yet time for our Queen's reincarnation…"

"Misaki, do you know the scriptures of Lunaria?"

"Of course. They're the writings left by our Queen, saying when she will be reborn."

Six pillars of divinity, their light does shine,

Binding the king of hell in chains divine.

Each billion years, one pillar fades away,

Until the last one stands, holding night at bay.

When the final pillar holds the world in light,

The glow of Lunaria will pierce the night.

And as the heavens tremble and stars depart,

The final war will rise, a darkened art.

"If the king of hell was sealed 4.5 billion years ago, then there should still be two pillars standing," I argued.

"Misaki, I don't know if you're just a fool or if someone tampered with your memory… but that scripture is wrong."

"Tampered my memory?? You're speaking some nonsense here..."

"Misaki, you're not being careful aren't you? Running your shop, exposing yourself on enemies..."

I don't know why, but Kitsune's words sent a chill on my spine...