Chereads / Star Wars: Starkiller / Chapter 40 - A Bad Day

Chapter 40 - A Bad Day

Today was not a good day for Major Partagaz.

To begin with, his morning had started with a message from the Director of the ISB, Colonel Wullf Yularen. Apparently, the Bureau had received a personal request from the Emperor: the session of the Imperial Senate to be held that day was to be monitored very carefully.

Partagaz found the request unusual.

Palpatine was not one to make requests, much less to the ISB. His authority was absolute; if he wanted something, he simply ordered it. However, as strange as the situation seemed, a request from the Emperor was not something that could be ignored. If he wanted to keep his job and his career, he had to obey without question.

When all the Supervisors were present, he called the meeting to order. However, none of those present, apart from him, knew the real reason for the meeting. To them, it seemed like one more of the many meetings they held weekly, where they compared data and results from their respective jurisdictions.

This is how most of the meeting went, with the supervisors routinely presenting their reports. Finally, the last to present concluded his report:

"...In summary, rebel activity was reduced by 35% in the sector, resulting in a steep increase in trade and total assimilation of the area by the responsible Imperial forces."

"Well, very impressive, Supervisor Migg." Partagaz nodded approvingly as the man flashed a proud smile.

But then it was time to address the real issue.

"Now let's move on to the next item on the agenda," the Major announced, his tone taking on a more serious tinge. "As you know, today the Imperial Senate will meet to discuss the details of the Public Order Resentencing Directive issued by the Emperor. However, that is not our point of interest."

He paused briefly, making sure everyone was paying attention to him. The supervisors at the table turned their gaze to him expectantly.

"This morning I received a message from the Director of the ISB, Wullf Yularen. Apparently, the Emperor sent a personal request to the Bureau here on Coruscant. Our task will be to observe this session of the Senate with full attention."

A murmur ran through the room. It was rare, unheard of, for Palpatine to show such a direct interest in the proceedings of the Senate, much less request the ISB's intervention in a legislative matter.

"Silence." The Major's voice rose slightly, and the room was plunged back into order.

"It is important that you understand the magnitude of this request," he continued. "The Emperor was clear in his request: we must be alert to the appearance of this individual."

With a gesture, he activated the holographic projector in the center of the table. A figure appeared in the air.

A silhouette that not everyone in the room recognized immediately, but whose simple outline projected a sense of imminent danger.

"The subject you see here will make his appearance today to enter the Senate session," Partagaz explained. "He must be identified, but under no circumstances should he be arrested or terminated. Instead, he must be secretly apprehended and immediately brought before the Emperor."

The announcement caused a ripple of murmurs among the supervisors. However, what he said next was even more shocking.

"The individual is highly dangerous and possesses abilities that most would consider...supernatural."

The mood in the room changed instantly. It was not uncommon to hear rumors of individuals with extraordinary abilities, after all it was well known to all present that the Jedi had been capable of such feats in the past but for the ISB to receive a direct order from the Emperor to capture one of those class of individuals meant that the matter was far more serious than it appeared.

To emphasize the point, Partagaz paused before adding, in a gravelly voice:

"Just so that you understand the magnitude of his power, know that this fellow alone was capable of completely annihilating an imperial company of over two hundred troops."

This time, the murmur was louder. Some supervisors exchanged looks of disbelief; others shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"Order! ORDER!" the Major's voice boomed through the room, demanding silence.

The officers pulled themselves together, giving him their attention again.

"The Emperor's instructions are precise," he continued, in a tone that brooked no objection. "So as not to arouse suspicion, once the subject is identified, an officer and two Death Troopers will be assigned to escort him to where the Emperor is."

He leaned forward slightly, sweeping his gaze over each of those present.

"Remember that the Emperor's motives are not open to question. Our job is not to question, but to obey. Is that clear?"

The Supervisors nodded quickly.

"Good." Partagaz folded his hands behind his back. "Therefore, I order you, for today, to put any other tasks on the back burner and devote your utmost attention to this matter.

This is not a suggestion. It is not an option. It is an order, one that has come from the highest command. I expect your full cooperation in this operation."

One of the supervisors raised her hand.

"Major, I have a question."

"Supervisor Meero, go ahead."

"How do we know the subject will show up today? What if he's expecting us?"

The Major looked at her approvingly before answering:

"Good question, Supervisor. The answer is no, he will not be expecting us."

He let his words sink in before continuing:

"Nor will he be expecting the Emperor's presence."

A tense silence fell over the room.

"Therefore, operate in such a way as to keep it that way."

He did not need to say more. The supervisors nodded with understanding.

The message was clear.

Today was not a good day for Major Partagaz.

And he had a feeling it was about to get worse.

(A few hours later...)

The tower stood imposingly several kilometers from the Galactic Senate, an inconspicuous but strategically located enclave to oversee the operation without attracting attention. Inside, Major Partagaz stood, staring at the holoprojector in the center of the communications room. Around him, several officers and technicians from the Imperial Security Bureau worked in silence, monitoring every transmission coming from the personnel deployed on the ground.

The atmosphere was tense. Every word spoken into the communicators was analyzed with meticulous attention. Then, a voice interrupted the calm.

"One of the guards reports that Senator Mon Mothma has arrived," reported a transmission technician. "She is apparently accompanied by an as yet unidentified individual."

Partagaz felt his mind immediately come into focus. The odds were high that this stranger was his target.

"Tell him to ask for the code on the chain right now." His voice left no room for doubt. "If it's him, his code will probably be spoofed. We'll identify him by his face."

The technician nodded immediately and transmitted the order. A few seconds later, a holographic image appeared in the air, showing both the presented chain code and the face of the individual in question.

There was no doubt.

Both Partagaz and the supervisors accompanying him-Dedra Meero, Blevin and Lonni Jung-recognized the subject instantly.

"That's him. Seize him at once!" exclaimed Blevin enthusiastically, not hiding his satisfaction.

But Partagaz raised a hand in a warning gesture.

"Calm down, Blevin," he said in his usually neutral tone. "We must proceed with caution. He does not yet know we are watching him."

The Supervisor clenched his jaw, but nodded. He knew that acting impulsively against someone with his skills could be a fatal mistake.

"Let's make the target think everything is still on course," Supervisor Meero interjected surprisingly. "Let's lead him straight to the Emperor."

The Major turned his head slightly toward her, appraising her with interest.

"That way he won't be suspicious," Meero continued, with characteristic assurance. "And we'll carry out the order without raising alarms."

The silence that followed was brief but significant. Finally, Partagaz inclined his head slightly.

"Good idea, Supervisor," he admitted. "How do you propose we do that?"

Meero didn't answer right away. He took a few seconds to consider his options, but before she could speak, Lonni Jung stepped forward.

"We could lead him to the escort box in the Senate," he suggested. "But on the way, divert his route to the Emperor's office.

According to the report, His Majesty is there during the session."

Partagaz looked at him with a mixture of surprise and approval.

"That... indeed might work." He nodded with satisfaction. "Good thinking, Supervisor Jung."

The alluded one sketched a slight smile.

(A few minutes later...)

The tension in the room peaked when the final report came in.

"The target is already with the Emperor," Partagaz announced, his eyes fixed on the holoprojector.

He picked up his communicator and pressed the open channel.

"To all units, mobilize your assault teams and be on high alert."

With a click, he cut the comm.

There was no time to waste.

"The rest of you, follow me," he ordered, turning on his heels. "We'll go with the troops to lead the assault."

The three overseers nodded without hesitation. They knew what was at stake.

Without wasting a second, the group left the communications room, heading for the transport platform where several squads of stormtroopers awaited them. In a matter of moments, they boarded the deployment vehicles and departed at top speed for the Senate.

The hunt had begun.


The shuttles landed with surgical precision on the Imperial Senate concourse. No sooner had the landing systems been secured, the hatches opened with a mechanical hiss, and a tide of stormtroopers emerged with martial discipline, forming security lines as the officers descended.

Major Partagaz led the way, with Overseers Meero, Blevin and Jung following close behind. Their footsteps echoed steadily on the marble of the entrance as they moved at a brisk pace into the imposing building. There was no time to waste.

The group rushed up the stairs, dodging bureaucrats and administrative droids who sped away, fearful of the sudden presence of the ISB and its stormtroopers. His destination was clear: the Emperor's office.

Arriving in the hallway leading to Palpatine's office, they were greeted by the Officer they had put in charge and two Death Troopers, their dark visors reflecting the lights of the Senate.

"Officer Shaw," the Major inquired without pausing. "What happened to the suspect?"

"He entered the office, sir, as ordered," the Officer replied stiffly. "As far as we could hear, he is still talking to the Emperor."

Partagaz nodded.

"Good. Let it stay that way. In the meantime, order your men to check the perimeter for-"

He did not finish the sentence.

A rumble shook the hallway.

The floor vibrated as if a thunderstorm had detonated inside the Emperor's office. Simultaneously, the huge windows overlooking the city exploded into a thousand pieces, scattering a shower of glass over those present.


The Major's order was instinctive. The overseers, the Officer and the stormtroopers threw themselves to the floor just as an invisible shockwave whipped through the corridor. The roar of the explosion echoed through the air, followed by a deep silence.

Dust hung in the atmosphere as the Major, still on the ground, tried to catch his breath.

"Are you all right, sir?" asked a stormtrooper as he helped him to his feet.

Partagaz glared at him.

"I'm fine, but don't worry about me," he spat urgently. "OPEN THAT DOOR, NOW!"

The stormtroopers didn't hesitate. They positioned themselves with military precision, raising their blasters as the Death Troopers surged forward. With a brutal kick, the door burst open, revealing the interior of the office.

What they saw made Partagaz's skin turn even paler than usual.

The office was in shambles.

Palpatine's massive desk had been thrown against the wall, reduced to rubble. The windows overlooking the Coruscant skyline were completely shattered, and shards of glass carpeted the floor like a field of sharp daggers.

And at the center of the devastation, a hooded figure lay motionless on the floor.

But the suspect was nowhere to be seen.

Partagaz felt a knot in his stomach.

No. It couldn't be.

He stepped forward urgently and bent over the fallen body. With trembling hands, he felt the neck for a pulse.


A cauterized wound ran across the Emperor's chest. It was unmistakable.

A lightsaber.

The Major felt his mind try to process the information as a shiver ran down his spine.

'A Jedi?' he thought in disbelief. 'Was the subject a Jedi?'

The silence in the room became unbearable.

"Oh, no..." muttered one of the supervisors, unable to look away from the scene.

"Major..." Meero's voice sounded restrained, as if trying to control his own astonishment. "The Emperor... is he...?"

Partagaz closed his eyes for a moment. He forced himself to inhale deeply before answering.

"I'm afraid so, Supervisor."

His own voice sounded strange to him.

He slowly sat up and turned to the troops.

"Stormtroopers, cordon off the area!" her voice rang out with unwavering authority. "No one enters or leaves the building without my express authorization, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

The Imperial troopers immediately mobilized, setting up a security perimeter around the office.

But Partagaz hardly noticed them.

He felt... empty.

Behind him, Officer Shaw was still staring at the corpse with wide eyes.

"Kriff... the Emperor really is..."

His voice cracked.

The ISB supervisors remained in shock. No one dared to say anything.

But Partagaz felt only one thing: overwhelming shame.

The operation had been an unmitigated disaster.

Emperor Palpatine, the undisputed figurehead of the Galactic Empire, had fallen under his watch.

And came the worst.

'May the Force protect us all.'

His gaze descended one last time to Palpatine's lifeless face.

His eyes, still open, reflected something Partagaz would never have imagined seeing in the face of the most powerful person in the Galaxy.



Special thanks to Kal Odinson, Orion Chung, Ken Harris, Tigerdude163 and Julio Posas. Thanks for the support.

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