One time when Gim was 12 years old, he invited his grade 6 class to his Minecraft themed birthday party. When sending the invitations, he and his mom had made sure to write down Minecraft themed presents only. His class arrived, and everyone was very nice to him. Even the popular girls who liked to gossip had given him a hug and handed him his present. He felt like the most popular kid in his class. After he opened all his presents, he ended up with 5 Minecraft plushies, a pair of enderman Adidas, a pink shirt with the face of a pig from Minecraft on it, diamond armor Minecraft pajamas, and a poster that showed the overworld, the nether, and the end. His best friend had gotten him the best gift, which was a controller for his game. After presents they all had cake. Everyone sang happy birthday before Gim cut the cake. It was a triple-chocolate cake with purple icing. The cake had the face of the Ender Dragon in the center, he laughed and dramatically chopped up the Ender Dragon into pieces as he served his classmates.
The dragon was furious, his roar echoed through the End, vibrating the stone structure he built. It swooped down rapidly, missing Gim as he jumped off the stairwell, and circled around, going back up in the sky. The dragon, noticed the enderman went back to minding their own business after Gimmick had taken down 5 of them with ease. It began hovering in midair in the center of the island, roaring and flapping its large black wings. Then its purple eyes began to glow brighter. Gim felt a sense of deja vu, knowing what followed after.
The endermen's eyes began to glow in response to the dragon and once more like a horde of zombies, they began chasing Gimmick. However, this time Gim was ready. He stood his ground with his diamond blade in one hand, and an arrow in his other as the enderman rapidly approached him. A cluster of 10 had all teleported simultaneously at him, but he stabbed the first one in the eye with an arrow, sliced down with his sword and took him down. Then he sidestepped and rolled out of reach from the attacks of the others, swinging his sword at countless legs, knocking them down. He got up and began running, towards the tower that held Steve.
The endermen, got up and followed him, a few more joining up with them. He began shooting arrow after arrow, as the endermen fell like dominoes. As many as he shot, the endermen kept multiplying, more tagging along the horde. He was going to retreat to get more distance from them, but the endermen had surrounded him. They circled around the tower, standing menacingly, waiting for Gim to make one wrong move so they could lunge at him.
The dragon, made a higher pitched roar four times, almost as if it were laughing. Gim gritted his teeth and pointed his blade at the idle horde, walking around the obsidian tower. "I conquered the Nether, and I will conquer this place and bring you all down! Mark my words." He lunged wildly at the circle of mobs. He slashed at arms, rolled and stabbed at torsos, sidestepped and cut down legs. 'Whether it be 10.' He collected ender pearls as quick as he was taking them down. 'Whether it be 50!' He jumped over an enderman who had tried headbutting him, flipping over, bringing his blade down against the monster's head, dragging down all the way to its shoulder.The enderman disappeared in a small cloud of smoke, leaving its life essence and 2 ender pearls. 'Whether it be 100, 500, even 1,000!' He jumped again where the most endermen stood. Just like before he had become a sharp twister bringing down his blade on everyone in the vicinity. A few endermen had teleported to safety before they had been eliminated quickly.
The dragon roared angrily, noticing none of the endermen had laid a hand on the puny creature. It flapped his wings loudly, staying in midair. As its throat began pulsing with a newfound energy. It opened its mouth, aiming for Gim, and a condensed purple beam of light fired out. Gim had played countless hours of Minecraft and had fought the Ender Dragon many times. However he did not recognize the attack the beast had just thrown at him. Sensing the danger, he ducked out of the way, as the beam hit the ground where he and the endermen had stood, disintegrating the horde in seconds.
The dragon did not stop there. From where it flew, it moved its head to the left, as the beam continued, a sharp line made up of highly potent purple flames, and ran through the obsidian towers of the left side. They burned through the tower easily, as if a laser had cut into them, as they all toppled down consecutively. The dragon kept going, moving its head to the right, and Gim almost had been caught in the line of fire..literally. He ducked over the beam, as it made its way to the obsidian towers on the right side of the island, taking those down with ease as well. The island shook, as the buildings collapsed. Gim felt like he stood in the center of an earthquake.
When the beam died down, the entire island was covered in purple flames, deleting any sign of endermen and the obsidian towers were either intact, on the ground, or turned into black rubble. The only tower that hadn't been destroyed was the tower that had Steve imprisoned. The pink crystals had worked as a barrier, as the energy from them protected the tower, and the area around him. The dragon dived down, and thrust its claws forward, Gim's diamond blade clashed with the dragons sharp claws, as a standstill, then he pushed back slightly, rolling out of the dragon's way and stabbed it in the belly. The dragon roared and retreated back up to its domain. Gim didn't care, for he had landed a successful hit on the dragon.