*The bleak sky is a constant overcast filled with dark swirling clouds that blot and blocked any sunlight from entering with several inches of white ground snow making the scenery look more lifeless more Haunting with temperatures around -50° -60° the constant swirling invisible radiation though invisible could kill life in minutes as it makes color appears more dull as the landscape as thick with greyish fog and toxicity with the ground though filled with inches of frozen snow with hakf covered snowed broken buildings and structures with half destroyed machinery also covered with icy thick snow where dead trees resides with bowling winds and errie silence the occasional creaking mixed cracking of snowed covered buildings the wind biting sharp like knifes the grayish fog mixed radiation making the scenery causing a metallic taste in the air difficult enough to see a few feet in front with the hakf covered buildings having jaggering sides from bitterness of the snow winds.*