Chereads / Love & Lucky (Fairy Tail OC FanFic) / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Chance Encounter

Love & Lucky (Fairy Tail OC FanFic)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Chance Encounter

Chapter 1: 

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million. It is a world of magic. Magic is bought and sold there like anything else, and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who make a living using magic. These people are referred to as wizards. These wizards belong to many different guilds and accept jobs brought to them. There are many guilds in this kingdom, and there's a certain wizard guild in a certain town...

A guild from which countless legends were once born… nah that's not quite right, one that will continue to create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail 


In a large town called Era, there in the heart of the city lies the headquarters of the highest authority in the world of Magic in the continent of Ishgar, the Magic Council.

A ball rolls playfully on the floor before literally breaking in a stop… yet mysteriously, as if time reversed itself, it turned back to what it was before breaking before a voice interrupted this little game as the ball flew towards the arms of a young woman with long flowing silky dark purple hair as it sways in the ambient wind. This young woman, as well as everyone inside this room and around the round table is a part of the aforementioned council, and is seemingly named…

"Ultear!" A small cat-like man named Michello shouted in a scolding tone "This is an important meeting. Would you please stop playing?"

Ultear chuckles playfully at this as she lazily tilts her head back, seemingly unbothered by the scolding as she controls the ball to move around her arms and onto the top of her head as she remarks. "But there's nothing else to do! Isn't that right, Siegrain-sama?"

The camera pans to a blue-haired young man with an eye-catching a symmetrical red tattoo above and below his right eye as he shows a mischievous smirk to Ultears' comment as he backs it up "Yes. So very little to do… Makes me hope somebody will stir up some trouble. Maybe some dark guild? Or those Mercenary losers? Want to bet, Org?"

"Sh- Shut your mouth, you brat!!" A tall, gray-haired elderly man with a small bat ornament on top of his head named Org who has a really furious expression on his face as his hands slammed on the table "How did these young cretins get on the prestigious Council anyway?"

"Cause we've got killer looks?" Ultear pointed out as she leans forward accentuating her enormous cleavage as it seems to be threatening to fall out

"That, and enormous magic power you old farts simply can't hold a candle to" Siegrain bluntly stated as he leaned back to his chair


Org was interrupted as a staff slammed down to the floor loudly which silenced all of the people in the room as Siegrain chuckled and Ultear hid her giggle behind her arms. This was done by the Chairman of the Council, Gran Doma, a similarly elderly man who is clad in fitted armor with a stereotypical wizard hat as he scolded. "Will you both be silent?! The magical world is beset with a mountain of problems! And among them, the problem to be solved with the greatest speed concerns… THOSE IDIOTS AT FAIRY TAIL!!"


In the train stop at the town of Hargeon, there seems to be a small commotion occurring inside the train.

"U-uhmmm… Sir..?" an employee went closer to take a look at a seemingly sick man sprawled down on the floor as his eyes are in a swirling pattern "A-Are you all right?"

The said sickly man is a young man with spiky pink hair with a distinct scaly white scarf around his neck, this young man is named Natsu Dragneel. "Urgh, get me off this hellhole"

"Aye! Don't worry, this always happens." A blue-furred cat named Happy commented with a huge smile on his face 

"Well… if you say so" The employee said as he looks weirdly at the talking cat as he thought 'Well not the weirdest thing i've seen on this train'

"I can't stand it!! I'm never ever getting on a vehicle again, never!" Natsu sickly promised or, well, wished "Urp!"

"If the rumors were true, then the fire dragon Salamander is somewhere in this town!! Let's go" Happy invited as he happily walked towards the outside of the train.

"Wait up, buddy… I… I need a quick breather… URP" Natsu requested as he laid his upper body on the opened window before a hand as white as snow patted his back to comfort him.

"There, there, Natsu." This hand belonged to an innocent young woman with short white hair wearing a casual white dress with a blue bow at the chest area. This young woman is none other than…

"Lisanna… please help me, URGH!" Natsu begged as Lisanna chuckled in amusement before she helped Natsu out of the train while Happy waited outside for them. 

"Just don't puke on my dress, alright? or no lunch for you" Lisanna warned with a sweet smile on her face, while her eyes tells that she means every word as Natsu swallowed nervously

"Aye" Natsu muttered nervously, having enough strength to stand by himself now as Happy walked towards Lisanna who picked him up with a smile on her face. 

"So… where are we going first?" Happy asked curiously while in Lisanna's arms as the camera pans out to show the whole town of Hargeon before zooming in on a particular store near the port of the town… Nivadellir.

???'S Point of View

"Huh?! Did you just say you're the only one with a magic shop in this town?!" I screamed incredulously in genuine shock at the man in front of me.

"Yuh, man… This town has always had more fish buyers than magic buyers" He explained before he gained the gleeful smile that I always used to see on him ever since I met him as he continued "Well… that'll change soon with me at the helm GURAGURAGURA"

'That weird ass laugh is still a weird ass laugh' I thought in an amused smile before I walked closer to him as I initiated a handshake to which he reciprocated. "Man, you got lucky with this place, Thor. If you do it right, you'll be rich in no time"

Yup, this right here is my best friend since childhood, Thor Engerion. He's a bit… uhmm eccentric in a way?? But well, he's a talented innovator and excellent collector especially when it comes to magical items. Not to mention a weirdo, although he's pretty beautiful for a boy with his long scarlet hair and golden eyes, no homo though. 

"So anyways, what brings you here, Loki?" he asked curiously as he tinkered with a hammer at his table barely paying attention before looking at me straight in the eye and commenting "Hargeon is a long way from your manor, your majesty"

"Haha, you're still as funny as Amy Schumer, i see" I remarked with a smile on my face hiding my irritation which brought a smirk on his face "Well, anyway, I was just around the area and thought of visiting you, my dear old friend"

"GURAGURAGURA, Now who's the one being funny here?" He laughed at my insincerity, well half-insincerity to which I gained a smile as it seemed he still knew me quite well.

"Okay, you got me" I raised my hand in fake-surrender as I continued "I just came here for the Salamander guy… y'know the one from Fairy Tail? Rumors say he's at the town right now"

Thor raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by the idea of me—the Heir of a Wealthy Family, himself—being so drawn to the point of slight obsession to Fairy Tail, the most troublemaker of all guilds "And what's your plan here, man? You wouldn't find any Salamander here at this store and don't give me any crap about missing me cause that's totally gay"

"Oh? Isn't it obvious, you musclehead?" I asked him as he seemed to gain tick marks on his forehead "This is a store, isn't it? So how about you tell me what you got for me, Thor?"

Thor just slightly smiled at this as he stood up from his chair and walked towards a cabinet wherein he took a small brown chest and placed it in front of me. "Let's skip the foreplay, here's the only thing you'll be interested to buy in my store at the moment" 

I looked at the chest in front of me and opened it as it revealed a shiny silver key with a dog symbol at the bow of the key.

"You've been looking for this, am I right?" Thor smirked mischievously as his eyes has started to turn into jewels and he seems to be salivating like a dog even as he continued "Eevee, the Canis Minor"

Well… maybe I can negotiate something with this guy… "How much?" I asked with a forced smile hoping for the best

"100,000 jewels" He exclaimed immediately and firmly


"Would you prefer 110,000 jewels, sir?" He interrupted with a sweet smile on his face showing no sign of budging.

Poor me… quite literally


"Man, that guy still has no heart when it comes to business" I sighed in frustration as I looked at my wallet which contained only a few thousand jewels as i thought. 'Should've stolen more from dear old dad'

"SNORRR" a sound of snoring caught my attention as one of the silver keys at my belt suddenly glowed as a magic circle opened and small chibi-sized grayish-blue-furred chubby bear with an apricot-colored underbelly appeared sleeping peacefully at the top of my head. My main partner, for many reasons… one of the silver keys just like the one i bought earlier, Snorlax the Ursa Major

"Do you always have to appear unannounced?" I tiredly asked the sleeping bear at the top of my head, which seems to never fall off no matter what kind of movement I make, "and why even appear when you're just gonna sleep, anyway?"

"Snorr… comfy… snorrr" He stirred in his sleep answering my question bringing a slight smile in my lips as despite his laziness, he's a pretty cute bear. 

I was interrupted in my musings as a group of girls came running from an alley towards what I think is uhmm.. more groups of girls circling something or other.. "What in the Ishgar is going on?"

"KYA!!!! I can't believe a famous wizard has come to our town!!" One of the girls screamed in excitement

"Salamander, the fire dragon!!!" Another girl beside her shouted which caught my attention as this Salamander seems to be a lady's man if these snow bunny heaven fanclub of his is any indication. 

"He seems to be really popular… what a lucky bastard" I admitted in envy as i looked at the crowd of girls surrounding him "Is being a destructive idiot the fashion these days?"

"Well, at least I don't need to find him anymore, lucky me i guess" I accepted as i shrugged before walking towards the crowd as i picked up the sleeping bear on my head and put him in my shoulder wherein he shifted to a comfy position "Fairy Tail, Salamander, here i come"


Natsu and Happy can be seen walking aimlessly in Town as they conversed with one another.

"Why did we have to take the trains, again?" Natsu asked in exasperation as he lazily walked as he added "and where the hell did Lisanna go all of a sudden?"

"That's because it's too far away" Happy replied "and Lisanna said she wanted to buy some souvenirs for the guild so she went around town"

"I still hate trains" Natsu commented

"Aye! you don't do well when it comes to moving vehicles" Happy pointed out with a smile

"Now I'm hungry" Natsu added as his stomach grumbled loudly which was followed by Happy's own stomach

"Aye, me too. We don't do well when it comes to money, either" Happy acknowledged as he rubs his tummy while walking

"Say, Happy… you think this Salamander is Igneel? Natsu asked with a hopeful tone of voice towards his friend

"Yup! The only fire dragon I can think of is Igneel" Happy answered as he looked up at his friend

"Yeah, that makes sense" He nodded in agreement before raising his hands cheerfully with a smile on his face "So we'll finally find him! I'm even feeling a little better now!"

"Aye!" Happy cheered before the cheering of girls caught both of their attention.


"Burn me, my lord!!"

"Let me melt in your presence"

Hearing the name "Salamander" from all the cheering, Natsu and Happy gained huge smiles on their faces as they looked towards the crowd of women "Speak of the dragon and there the guy is!!! Let's go, Happy!!"

"Aye, sir!" Happy followed behind his running friend


'Who the hell..' I thought as I looked at the cause of all of this commotion, a relatively tall and slim man with mildly short, spiky dark blue hair wearing some ornate clothing 'is this clown?!!!"

'Salamander, my ass" I irritatedly scowled inwards as iooked at the man before my eyes were drawn to his right hand wherein I recognized a magical item at his ring finger 'Is that… a charm ring?'

This enormous dirtbag is using a false identity and a charm spell to attract girls towards him which really caught my ire as I gained a tick mark at my forehead as my hair shadowed my eyes. 

I was marching towards him ready to give him a 'peace of my mind' so to speak but suddenly a loud obnoxious voice suddenly overpowered the screeching girls around me.

"Igneel!!! Igneel!!! Igneel!!!" A pink-haired young man wearing a vest called out loudly as he made his way to the center of the crowd quite forcefully too. Oh and a bipedal blue cat seems to be accompanying him too… I looked at the two, especially at the white, scaly scarf around the pink-haired smiling idiot.

'I found him… Natsu, the Salamander of Fairy Tail' I thought excitedly with a smile on my face as I looked at Natsu and his cat partner, who if I'm not mistaken is named Happy. I felt Snorlax stir awake as he felt me shaking in excitement as he used his tubby little hands to rub his eyes awake. 

"Who are you?!" Natsu asked the imposter who looked quite shocked or disheartened 

"If I said Salamander… would that ring any bells with you?" The imposter smugly answered, man that face is so damn punchable I can hardly stop myself. 

'Well, whatever the case may be.." I trailed off as I looked at Natsu interestedly whom looked unimpressed and disappointed with the response "...I finally found you, dragon slayer"