In a world teeming with ancient mystical beasts, Ryu Akira is a young Beastmaster with a rare power—the ability to forge blood pacts with these creatures. From towering leviathans to majestic phoenixes, Ryu's bonds grant him extraordinary power, but they come at a cost. As he forms deeper connections, Ryu uncovers a hidden system that tracks his growth, levels him up, and unlocks the potential for evolution—both for himself and the beasts he commands.
With every battle, Ryu becomes stronger, but danger follows. Dark forces seek to control the very beasts he tames, and as he grows, so too do the threats against him. Alongside his growing harem of powerful allies—fierce warriors and mythical creatures—Ryu must fight to protect his bonds and unravel a mystery that could change the fate of the world.
Bloodbound: Pact of the Beastmasters is an action-packed tale of growth, betrayal, and romance, where Ryu’s journey from weak to strong is marked by fierce battles, evolving powers, and the trials of forging unbreakable pacts.
Can Ryu survive the challenges of the beast world and rise above, or will the weight of his bonds be his undoing?