There's a teenage boy named Sion Parker in the Dying Light 2 universe he got captured by the GRE and they were experimenting on him to see if they could make him immune to the virus or partially immune or give him powers from the infected cells but he was a failed subject and was left to rot in the GRE lab the only thing he wanted was to live in a world that was peaceful and wasn't full of infected.
(Sion on EARTH story)
There's also a teenage boy named Sion Parker on Earth who loves spider-man wants to be just like him so badly but he is also in the hospital because he's dying from a disease that has never been heard of on Earth so the doctors don't know what to do so they give a period of how long he has left and he spends most of his days reading comics about spider-man, playing dying light 2, and watching spider-man movies thinking how awesome it would be to be a hero like him and save people in villedor as he was reading a comic his body started convulsing and seizing and his last thought was please let me become spider-man in villedor.
In the end, both of them pass away at the same time but in different universes with their wishes being the last thing on their minds a miracle happens and they swap souls Sion from the DYL2 universe his soul goes to Earth and the Sion on Earth his soul goes to DYL2 and they both get their wishes granted the Sion from earth gets a spider-man template system with stats and status and access to a store that has everything from across the spider-verse as well as the super soldier serum from marvel, inventory, and skills.