Chereads / Testrun Novel / Chapter 4 - Foundation of Power

Chapter 4 - Foundation of Power

Rin leaned against the cold wall, listening to every word spewing from Ren's mouth. "What an ass." Rin pushed herself off and walked back to her bed, falling asleep.

Class 13-A

"So, can anyone tell me how a magic spell actually works?" Professor Aleron leaned forward on his desk, eagerly awaiting any response. "Come on, don't be shy. There's no wrong answers, I hardly expect anyone to know." Ren's hand shot up into the air. "Alright, Mr. Natsume, let's hear it."

Ren stood up and cleared his throat before speaking. "Of course, Professor. When a spell incantation is spoken the mana begins to drain from the core. It's then absorbed by the spell in order for it to work."

"Very good Natsume." Aleron praised Ren and gestured for him to take a seat. "Can someone explain what a core actually is? Other than Natsume."

Another student rose, a girl with long brown hair and glasses that made it difficult to see her eyes.

"Ms. Valcrest, go ahead."

"It's called a mana core, it stores the majority and spreads the rest throughout the body. It's used for everything to do with magic." Lyra Valcrest spoke quickly with confidence and stood openly with her hands resting on her hip. She had a smirk on her face, expecting the praise.

"Good, good. I suspect this class will be full of smart students." Aleron paused for a moment and looked up at Sosuke. His gaze pierced Sosuke's eyes and shocked him back into focus. "Mr. Estrella… what is a core technique?"

Sosuke stood up slowly, shaking slightly. Rin, who sat next to him, gave him a comforting smile. Sosuke relaxed himself and took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, from what I know, a core technique is something embedded within everyone's being. It's the very essence of one's being. It cannot be changed by any means. It unleashes one's greatest power." Sosuke sat down quickly after finishing, contemplating the validity of his response. He read about core techniques previously, yet he wasn't fully confident.

Professor Aleron kept his gaze in Sosuke's direction for a moment before he spoke once more. "I'm impressed, I doubt many others know about that at all, if any."

Sosuke could feel Ren's gaze locking onto him, and heard his scoff even three seats away.

"Very well class, we'll be moving outside to the training yard tomorrow. I decided to drop that piece of info to get you all excited. It's only if you pay extra attention today after I teach you all the basic information. Glad to hear you know most already." Aleron opened up the book on his pedestal and grabbed a piece of chalk.

After what felt like ages, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Sosuke grabbed his books and walked into the hallway. Rin followed behind like she always does, hunched over with bags under her eyes.

"Do you ever get any sleep on school days? Sorry, I meant, is any sleep ever enough for you?" Sosuke smiled, holding back a small laugh.

Rin lightly smacked Sosuke on the shoulder. "I couldn't sleep, the new environment is difficult. I'm just glad we have rooms to ourselves. I almost thought this would be a shared room situation. I only got lucky with you at the academy. I'd hate having to share with some random idiot."

Sosuke chuckled at her complaint. "How do you even keep up with classes? You never even study."

Rin taps a finger on her head. "It's all in the brains my friend. I find that I have a wonderful memory and am quick to learn. I use it to my advantage so that if I were to fall asleep, all I'd need to do is ask you and figure out the rest myself."

Sosuke was taken aback by her confidence. His eyebrow raised and lips moved into a half-smile. He shook his head at the absurdity of her response. He couldn't tell whether or not she was joking. "Whatever you say Rin."

Sosuke looked around the school hallway, it had been a day but he was still impressed by the architecture. Sosuke stumbled slightly as Ren bumped into him, a scowl forming on Sosuke's face. "What's your prob—?"

Ren stood in front of the two and raised his hand to stop Sosuke speaking. "I'm impressed to say the least, Sosuke Estrella. I didn't take you for one so knowledgeable." Ren paused, and closed his eyes for a moment before sighing. His gaze flickered toward the ground, unable to maintain eye contact. "I admit, I didn't know much of anything about a core technique. I… apologize for last night."

Sosuke opened his mouth to speak, unable to find the words and blinked in surprise. "I… okay. Didn't think you had it in you for such a gesture." Ren dropped his hand and smiled slightly, looking into Sosuke's eyes for a moment. Ren looked away and without another word walked back toward his friends.

Suddenly, an announcement began to play on the speaker system. It was Caldus's voice. "Hello first years, I hope you're enjoying the first day of class. Before you can settle down between classes, there's an exclusive meeting being held in the Great Hall. This is a special opportunity for this years first years. There's a surprise waiting, so don't take too long!"

Sosuke turned to Rin. "We have to go! It's gonna be like a once-in-a-lifetime thing!"

Rin sighed heavily and had an exhausted expression. "I have sleep to catch. Do we really have to?" Rin groaned.

"We're going. Come on, it'll be fun!" Sosuke spoke with a smile, trying to convince Rin as best as he could. In the end, she reluctantly followed behind.

Hundreds of students poured into the Great Hall, but the first-year class wasn't nearly enough to fill the place to capacity.

"We have to get good seats before they're taken!" Sosuke grabbed Rin by the wrist and pulled her along with him. They squeezed through the crowds and made their way to the front. Rin fell down into the seat quickly, like a lifeless corpse. Sosuke sighed, then his gaze turned to the stage when he heard the curtains move.

Principal Caldus stepped up to the podium in the center of the stage. She adjusted the microphone and cleared her throat before speaking. "Welcome students, find a seat quickly. What we have for you today is a rare privilege. Something to remember for years to come."

The stray students began to take their seats, the room looking less and less crowded. The first two rows of the hall were filled up, it seemed more than just Sosuke was excited for whatever was in store. Sosuke shook Rin by the shoulder to wake her up. Rin jerked alive and looked around in confusion.

"Right, right. I forgot we were here." Rin barely kept her eyes open and leaned back in her seat.

Once every student was seated, Caldus began. "First years, this event is very very special. I'd hate to keep you all waiting, so without further ado, your special surprise, Gabriel Aurelius."

The room filled with awe and shocked expressions. Gabriel took center stage on the pedestal, spotlights turning directly on him.

Gabriel Aurelius stood tall and imposing, his flowing golden hair and piercing ice-blue eyes radiating an ethereal elegance. Dressed in a pristine white uniform, his flawless features and serene expression belied the unsettling authority in his gaze. Every movement exuded grace and power, as if he carried the weight of divine judgment in his presence.

"I am Gabriel Aurelius, High Council leader and so-called strongest of all time. I appreciate you all having me here and being to eager to welcome me. I can tell some of you are very excited, while others may not know who I am." Gabriel looked around, his gaze stopping on Sosuke unusually long. He clearsd his throat and began again.

"I've brought peace around our world, organized parties to eliminate threats like ancient beasts or even end wars between man. I began the High Council fourth years ago when I got the idea to bring together powerful people and make the world better. I figured we could bring our minds and strength together to help make a change. A century ago the world was dangerous and unlivable for many."

Gabriel reached for a book underneath the pedestal and opened on exactly the right page. "My path has been far from easy, but the connections I made with others who inspired me to keep moving forward. I'm sure many of you could relate to that."

Sosuke turned to Rin who was slumped in her seat, snoring softly, and sighed. "I've studied many arts and cultures around the world. I hope many of you will get the opportunity to do the same in your lives." Gabriel ended with a smile and the room applauded him. Sosuke looked around, he was impressed sure, but everyone seemed incredibly moved. He shrugged the thought off. "Now if anyone has any questions, I'd be pleased to answer them."

Dozens of hands shot into the air, Gabriel pointed to a random boy. He stood up and began with his question. "If you're so great, what is your power? L-like your core technique."

Gabriel's confident smile faltered for the briefest moment, his hand still resting on the podium. He blinked once, as if processing the question, then straightened his posture. "Ah… an excellent question," he said, his tone measured but lacking the effortless flow of his earlier words.

He glanced at the book in front of him, as though considering his response carefully. "As you might know, the abilities of High Council members are… classified for a reason. It is not secrecy for secrecy's sake, but rather a measure to ensure that no individual can exploit such knowledge." He paused, his gaze flickering toward Sosuke briefly before settling back on the crowd. "But I can assure you, my core technique has served me well in protecting this world."

Gabriel pointed to a girl in the back. She stood up with confidence. When Sosuke turned around, she recognized Lyra Valcrest. Lyra stood, adjusting her glasses as she addressed Gabriel directly. "You've spoken about uniting powerful individuals to create a better world, but history shows that consolidating power often leads to conflict or corruption. How does the High Council ensure its actions remain truly for the greater good, rather than serving its own interests?"

Gabriel laughed slightly and glanced at the book in front of him. "Well, that is definitely a well thought out question young lady, but I'm glad you asked. The High Council was founded on principles of collaboration and accountability. Every decision we make is reviewed, debated, and agreed upon by a diverse group of individuals who bring unique perspectives and expertise.

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the room before settling back on Lyra. "As for corruption, I won't pretend any system is perfect. But we're deeply committed to transparency and to learning from history, not repeating its mistakes. The Council's strength lies in its unity of purpose—a purpose to protect, to preserve, and to elevate humanity. It's why I'm here today, sharing our vision with the next generation."

The applause slowly died down, and the room fell into an expectant hush. Gabriel stood at the podium, smiling serenely as if nothing had disturbed the peace he'd cultivated. His eyes flicked over the room once more, landing on Sosuke for a brief moment before he spoke again.

"I'm glad to see such enthusiasm. But now, my time here has come to an end." Gabriel's voice, smooth and commanding, echoed throughout the hall, leaving a lingering warmth. "I trust you all will remember this moment, as it will be the first of many opportunities that the High Council will offer you."

He turned, his white coat flowing behind him like a symbol of purity and authority. Without another word, Gabriel strode off the stage, his figure disappearing behind the velvet curtains. The energy in the room shifted, the lingering awe from his presence giving way to a quiet unease.

Students began to murmur amongst themselves, their voices low and uncertain.

Sosuke glanced around, his brow furrowing. Something felt off, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Are you satisfied now?" Rin's voice broke through his thoughts, and he turned to see her sitting up slightly, her tired eyes narrowing.

"Yeah… I guess so." Sosuke hesitated, unsure of what to think. The excitement in the air had evaporated, and in its place was a strange heaviness.

Without another word, the students began to file out of the hall, the sense of awe still hanging in the air, but now mixed with a quiet unease. Sosuke lingered for a moment, his gaze fixed on the place where Gabriel had disappeared, but eventually, he turned and walked out of the hall, Rin trailing behind him.