In fact, only those who come early enough to watch the serious fight between two heavy-long horns that have escaped being slaughtered during the last festival already will be able inform wanderers the reason for the deadly fight. Simply because they would have dragged themselves far away from the initial spot where the fight began!
And when two elephants are fighting, the grass underneath suffers the pain greatly. Wounds, damages, accidents and death are the common spectators at the site a quarrel or couples fight!
Indeed, when two amateurs decided to play ludo game, both the dice and figures may not be stabled or certain at the start of the game. It takes a bigger and sharp stone to kill an elephant in the forest if possible.
Getting through the valley became extremely difficult for Yetunde that night, but it was not impossible. The difference between winners and losers is the way they respond to failure or tough times like this.
Song writer Roger Williams says:
''There is so much good in the worst of us. And so much bad inside the best of us. It handily becomes any of us to talk about the rest of us''
Thereafter, Segun despite the anger began brooding over the incident. He was sadly disappointed with all sorts of distractions in his family. The rest few days were fraught with dangers.
In a decent society, nobody curses the king loudly and earn honour or big prestige in return as the dividend!...Never!!! Likewise, anyone that steps on the tail of a mad sleeping artesian dog has invited trouble.
Hideously, an earnest eagle have landed on the rope, things are no longer stable or ease for neither the bird nor the rope again. When things fall apart, the centre cannot hold any longer.
From that moment, Yetunde, the beloved wife of Segun became too cold for comfort. She was acknowledging with deeper shame, culpable, and verily guilty inside The Innocent Villa.
Everything, everywhere inside the innocent villa became dreadfully, hideously, unbearably harsh, and unpleasant for the able-wife.
Segun badly hated her with a deep hatred like an aching sore because of what she had innocently committed with his father. Yetunde was harvesting a crop of shame. She had sown wheat but reaped thorns.
Indeed, it appears as if the entire globe was against her. The earth around appears speedily rotating and unstapled. The universe was like about to crash and scatter inside the Atlantic Ocean. Her eyes were seen double with sparkling stars! Her groaning was not heard.
Severely, the past mistake was digging deep. The racing bike has lost control on top-speed towards the lagoon without a break to hold it back.
The hell prison walls have broken loose, the streams of hot fire from the lake was about to consume the universe into ashes. What a bombshell! Yetunde attempted singing a new song:
'Come Back darling …Give me another chance…I'II make You Satisfy!
Segun did not bother to listen. He became deaf and too be clouded to give Yetunde the second chance.
Yetunde have committed an abomination. The hidden atrocities have turned into an unpleasant episode and have exploded. What will be the saving grace to clean the mess of shame?
Will Segun temper justice with mercy for goodness sake?
Can the lad behave maturely as a husband by allowing love and forgiveness display their virtues' at this hour?
'' O My God! Oh My God!!!
''My Dear, Please! Please!!....Please!!!
Yetunde kept shouting bitterly and pleading repeatedly before Segun that have put on the red garment of bitterness, sorrow and anger with the sharp-shining cutlass set to maracas his wife mercilessly like the Sharia marshal. She wanted to hobble away from the scene. There was nowhere to run to since the door was tightly locked.
As a result of the self-humiliation and guilty heart that rendered Yetunde powerless of reaction to the behaviour, reactions, thoughts, words of ''The Lord '' Segun like a king that walked in absolute mastery and dominion!
Most assuredly, ''No matter how much you train a dog to act like a human life, it can never truly be human simply because it doesn't have human life. To be human, you have to be born that way.''
Clearly, Yetunde ran into bad luck with the terrible, unpleasant reports of her son called Junior. He had created the unexpected troubles being faced by the mother.
Yes, no single wisdom can be relevant for life. Hardly, could a woman or man in this world know when he or she is going to run into bad luck. She was like a fish caught in a net or a bird caught in a snare.
Invariably, it was down on Yetunde that wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one rotten apple can spoil a barrelful.
Really, dead flies will cause even a bottle of perfume to stink!
Yes, a small mistake can outweigh much wisdom and honour. Yetunde realised her mistake but it was almost too late to amend or adjust. When the roof leaks, the rafters begin to rot!
When the clouds are heavy, the rains come down. When a tree falls, whether south or north, the die is cast already, for there it lies.
Segun was almost deaf and dumb. Several thoughts ran through his mind that night. The breaking heart of Segun mourns in loneliness with his eyes overflow with tears due to the mistrusted act exposed.
An adage says: ''When one is crying, the eyes are never blind.'' The wailing of Junior cautioned the father for a while!
Yetunde despite her plight staggered and went inside her bed room alone with these actions and utterances:
'' Lord Jesus, you're my Rock, my refuse in You, I find peace, strength and protection. You are my wisdom and the source of my righteousness; the unshakeable foundation on which I stand''
-Sang Madam Yetunde wholeheartedly!
Thereafter, she climbs the bed to rest. She remained vigilant and alert in her spirit.
These song lyrics flowed from her lips and the tears streaming down her checks, in spite of her present troubles. Yetunde refused to be fortified and unshakable no matter be the outcome of the troubles with Segun. She became bold and courageous!
One Man's victory another man's loss!
Life is usually in two sides like that of a coin. The victory of a man will definitely result into the loss of another fellow. That is life for you. The stages are of two types, the winning stage and the losing stage.
You have to belong to a stage at a moment.
Oh Yes! One man's victory another man's loss. The joy of victory, the anguish of loss and the reciprocal relationship between the duo.
A victor is one who wins gallantly in a contest of life and a loser is the one who losses or was won or defeated in a life content. Every human being is fighting a battle to win or loss! It pays to win and very painful to be a loser!
As we all know that, the one who wins will usually enter into the ecstasy and pregnancy of joy, while the loser will invariably go about some hideouts covering his or her identity in the grab of ignominy!
But if I may asked: '' what concerns the Muslim clergy about the fat legs of the butchered dog?
In his worries, Madam Yetunde read out this Poem:
The Child
The Child I am raises to question,
What motherhood is all about?
Why the innocent young bear the mark of rejection.
And the reason why l am thrown out.
The child l am seeks to know,
The purpose of my being.
The history of long ago.
And the mystery of blood into being.
The child l am seeks to know
Why there is much hate in the world.
Why blood hate blood.
Within the confines of human knowledge,
My life is walled, my vision blurred.
For being ingénue, it is iniquitous to partake,
In the sin of human.
What is my offence? I ask.
But no answer lies with man only
But a still voice inside of me whispers
Challenge! Challenge!
For unto my innermost heart the word pierces.
And for once has woken me to the path of challenge.
The many wickedness and injustice that I see,
I am from such things relieved.
For with challenge I can swim the great sea.
And with it l conquer, because I have believed!
Thereafter, Madam Yetunde took solace in God. Who is unconquerable?
All things work together to produce her blessings. She boastfully affirmed: ''Christ is my rock and fortress'' confessed by Madam Yetunde. This is amazing!