Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 73 - Another Dark Cloud.

Chapter 73 - Another Dark Cloud.

"Good morning!" Diane called out, as she opened the Door to Diego's office. "You are.. the only one here." She uttered, a bit surprised to see that Diego was the only one at the office. "I sent Egiel to handle some other things." Diego stated, as he continued to look down at his work. Diane hummed lightly, before seating down as well. "Why are you so serious today?" She inquired, as she placed her head on the table, staring up at him. "I am not serious Diane, this is just the way my face is." Diego said, gazed at her, heeding no attention to his document. "You are such a bad liar." Diane began, as she sat upright. "I believe that my husband is much more handsome when he smiles." Diane announced proudly as she flicked her hair backwards. But The man seemed not to hear her-he was gazing with the utmost concentration at some documents which were laid before him.

 "What are you doing?" Diane suddenly called out from behind his shoulder, as she leaned down on him with her hands placed behind her back. Diego, who had not expected her to walk in on him like a ghost, nearly ended up flinging half of the papers into the air in his bid to conceal them. Diane remained silent, as she picked up the ones that fell on the floor. "Rather strange, don't you think? I believed that you could always sense my presence." She said, as she picked up the ones which fell to the floor. "You are hiding things from me again." She stated, her tone flat, as she carefully dropped the documents back on the table. "Don't worry, I didn't take a peek." She assured him, as she strode over to her seat. "I didn't intend to." Diego began, as he saw that Diane had kept her head down since the time she sat. "Things are, a little complicated to explain at the moment, so I hope you understand." Diego stated half-heartedly. "I am fine with it, really." Diane said, as she glanced up with a small smile. "Things like this takes time afterall, especially since you had become so reserved for so long." She began. "Thank you." Diego stated. "For what?" Diane blinked. "Ahem.. for trying to understand." Diego said, as he looked away. Goodness, what was wrong with him? Why couldn't he look at her in the eye? "You don't have to thank me for understanding, silly." Diane said, as she beamed sweetly. "But are you sure you are okay? You seemed... a bit off since this morning." She commented worriedly. "I am fine." Diego said, as he returned his attentive to his work. "Are you certain about that?" Diane inquired. "Yes." Diego nodded. "Very sure?" Diane added, as she leaned on the table, making the distance between the both of them shorter. "For the love of all things good, Diane." Diego began, as he felt mentally overwhelmed. "What else could I possibly say that will prove to you that I am alright?" Diego inquired, as he gazed at her. Diane seated herself properly, while giving him something similar to a glare out of the corner of her eyes. "Hmm, let's see." She pondered, as she placed her index finger on her chin while staring at the ceiling of the office. "You failed to register my presence, You barely touched your meal during breakfast.." She continued, as she placed a finger down on the table one by one. "You have been quite absent minded for the past few days, and most importantly at the moment, it seems like you are looking at me but not actually looking at me." She concluded, before proceeding to wave her hand at his face. "Hello? Master Raymond? How many fingers am I holding up, two? Three? Five?" She went on, as she continued to move her hand this way at that. "Enough, Diane." Diego said, as he gently placed her hand on the table, unsure if to cry about his Wife's comical behavior or not. "I get your point. I am fine, truly." Diego explained. "Then why did you fail to notice my presence?" Diane obstinately pressed on. "Diane, I am not some radar that can tell if Someone or something is at a particular location or not." Diego said, as he placed his hand on his forehead. He sighed softly, when he saw the manner at which his wife stared at him. "What I intend to say is, it depends on how concentrated I am on sensing someone's presence anyway." He added. "Oh." Diane relaxed, as the realisation dawned on her. "By the way, you have become a rather frequent visitor to my office as of late." Diego stated, after successfully satisfying his oh-so-curious wife. "I just came to check up on you, that's all." Diane began, as she shrugged her shoulders. "Oh really?" Diego began. "Really." Diane responded, unable to shake off the feeling that Diego was emulating her behavior from earlier. "Besides, I see it as an opportunity to know more about each other as well." Diane said, as a small smile subconsciously formed on her face. "But you do realise that we will have to part ways three months from now?" Diego absent minded inquired. "Did you have to bring that up?" Diane yelled, as she threw a pen at him, which he effortlessly dodged. "Your brothers must have surely had a hard time." He commented, as he gazed at the pen which lay idly on the floor. Diane awkwardly retracted her outstretched arm. "Ahem.. Forgive me, I acted on impulse." Diane muttered, as she looked away. "On impulse, Was it? So it Is alright If you bring the contract up but I don't?" Diego teased. "Can we just forget about this whole affair already?" Diane said, somehow irritated, as she felt her cheeks flush out of embarrassment. "Anyway, since I came here, I can assist you with some tasks." Diane began. "We still have that Carnival to attend, afterall." She began. "Oh right, that." Diego stated, as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "You didn't forget, did you?" Diane interrogated, as she raised a brow up at him. "Diego Raymond, look me in the eye and tell me that you didn't forget." She repeated herself. "Then they say I am the impossible one." Diane muttered angrily, Diego became unresponsive. "Forget about that for now." She said, as she impatiently waved her hand. "What can I help you with?"

 Diego glanced at the woman, that was sitted beside him, who was paying the utmost attention to the documents which were assigned to her. Dusk was approaching rather quickly, but she seemed to have failed to notice that. Any action she performed at the moment seemed to be with precession and poise, from the way she elegantly held the pen, the way her eyes softly gleamed over the documents, even the manner she tucked some lose strands behind her ear. It was rather hard to believe that this was the very same person that swooned and groaned and complained over every little thing that did not move In Accordance to her will. And to be honest, despite the fact that she was annoying and childish, Diego had to undeniably admit that his days were less monotonous and gloomy with her around. A soft knock on the door interrupted his thought. "Come in." Diane said, before he could even open his mouth. Diego's eyebrow twitched, whose office was this exactly?

 "Oh, so this is where you have been this whole time, Diane." Maria said, as she stepped in. "Good evening aunt." Diane greeted cheerfully. "Ah, I see that your wife is rendering assistance to you Diego. Isn't that nice?" She added, as she sat beside Diane. "So, how is the work coming along?" She inquired. "Rather harmoniously, I have to admit." Diego commented. "She is far More competent than Theodore, and she knows the ethics of the office quite well. All the documents she has assisted me with that I have proof read so far, are not erroneous in any way." Diego said. Diane blinked. Damn- just a single praise from Diego and her heart has gone wild. But still, it felt rather nice that he especially noticed the effort she made, and appreciated it. "Oh, wow." Maria said, as she nudged Diane slightly. "How does it feel to be so eulogised by your husband?" Maria inquired. "Well, I will admit it feels rather refreshing, especially since He has never praised me for anything before." Diane began. "But O actually learnt all of this from watching my brother, so the credit actually ought to go to him." Diane stated. "I am glad to know that you still consider them family despite the fact that they broke ties with you." Maria nodded. "You must miss them, don't you?" She inquired. Diane looked down. "A bit." She uttered so little, but her eyes seemed to say more. "My goodness, staying with you makes it feel like I have reverted back to my twenties." Maria said, as she tapped herself lightly on the head. "I was actually supposed to call you two out for Dinner." She added, as she stood up. "I lost track of time, if not I would have been there sooner." Diane commented, as she stood up also. "I believe you, my little foodie." Maria teased. "It's not that- the food here tastes far more delicious than the one back at home." Diane explained, her face turning red with embarrassment. "Diego, aren't you coming?" Diane inquired, when she saw that the man was still seated. "You two go ahead. I will join up with you soon." He explained.


 Diane sat at the front of her mirror, as she wore an elegant black dress. It was elegant, yet simple, and it allowed for a lot of aeration, and she could move in it easily. She had thought about the carnival for so long that it nearly became the some sort of infatuation. That was the reason she went to meet with Diego(one of) and to think that he actually forgot . How could he forget such a thing? She thought to herself, as she fiddled with her hair. She stared impatiently at the bedroom door, before she proceeded to walk around in the room. "What is taking him so long?" Diane asked no one in particular. After working herself to a point of vexation, she finally went to the door and grabbed its handle. She was about to pull it to out when she perceived the sensation that someone had taken hold of its other end. And in stepped Diego, nearly bumping into her. "Ah." Diane called out in surprise, as she gave him some distance so he could step in. "I was about to look for you." She explained. Both of them stared at each other for a while. "Where are you going?" "Why aren't you dressed yet?" They both called out at the same time. Diane gazed at Diego with perplexed eyes. "The carnival?" She stated uncertainly. Diego sighed, as he placed his hands on his forehead. The words that came out of his mouth struck Diane like a thunderbolt. "I don't think we will be able to go out anymore, Diane." Diego began, as he sat on the bed. Diane gazed at him, her eyes wide open. "But why? It only occurs annually, doesn't it? If I miss this chance now, I will have to wait for the next. Goodness knows if I will have time by then." Diane complained instantly. "Diane, I said no." Diego stated, as he looked at his wife with a firm gaze. "I don't understand you, Diego." Diane said, as a small smile formed on her face. "Don't you believe you are being a bit unjust here? You had all the time In the world to inform me that there was a change of plans, but you didn't. I sat with you in the office, all day. Not a single word related to this slipped out of your mouth." She continued, as she felt her lower lip quiver. "You had the opportunity not to let Me know about this carnival. But no. You told me. You riled me up instead." She said, as she went back to sit at the dressing mirror, as she placed her head in her hands. "Do you know for how long I have been anticipating this moment?" She inquired. "Diane, please." Diego stated, as he placed his fingers in between the bridge of his nose. "Why can't you understand? If I said no, then there is a reason for Me saying so." Diego pressed. "Then give me a valid reason for your excuses at least!" Diane suddenly exclaimed, as she turned to him from where she was seated, with much ferocity in her eyes. "You can't just make decisions all of a sudden and simply expect others to move in Accordance with your will, you have to clearly explain to them so they will realise your end goal and purpose!" She yelled. "Do you really need me to explain? I am only doing this to keep you safe!" Diego began. "From what, from who?" Diane began, as she rose to her feet. "That's right, you never explain anything, how could I forget?" Diane inquired. "Forget it, if you are going or not, I will still go! I have made up my mind!" Diane began, as she strode towards the door. "Diane, don't you dare go beyond that door." Diego began, in a warning tone. But his obstinate wife played deaf, and still continued to stride towards it. "Diane, don't pass that door!" He warned, his tone even more dangerous now. But just as she was about to lay her hand on the door handle, a stronger and firmer hand gripped his. She gazed upwards, and saw the manner in which Diego gazed at her. "Diego, let go of my hand." Diane began, as she tried to wring her hands out of his. "I said let go, you are hurting me." She added, but Diego roughly swung her on his shoulder. "Diego, put me down for goodness sake!" She exclaimed, as she banged her Small fists into his chiseled muscles. But the man didn't even budge in the slightest. "Ah!" She exclaimed, as he roughly threw her on the bed. Fortunately, she didn't hit her head or anything. "It seems like I gave you too much room to dominate." Diego stated, as he pulled out a key from his pocket, it was the key to their room. "Diego, what are you doing?" Diane cautiously inquired, a bit too dizzy to immediately rise to her feet. But the man didn't answer her, he simply stepped out of the room, before slamming the door shut. "Diego!" Diane bolted up, when she heard the sound of the door being locked. And of course, it was locked. "Open the door!" She screamed, as she slammed at the door with her hands. "Open.." "Just be quiet, not another word from you!" Diego interrupted. "I am not your prisoner, Digeo, I have a right to leave if I want!" She called out. "And as your husband, I equally have a right to direct your affairs, and you are staying in this room, since you intend to be so stubborn." Diego told her. "Let's see how stubborn you can be." "You are impossible." Diane sobbed. "How could you be so self-centered?" She inquired. "Are my desires of no significance to you?" She added, as she collapsed on the floor. Diego gritted his fist.

 Theodore walked over to the Veranda where his cousin stood, a glass of wine in his hand. He sighed, as he walked over to his side. "You sure are looking quite majestic tonight." He quipped, as he rested his hand on the veranda, enjoying the sensation of the wind blowing through his Hair. "What Is it?" Diego inquired, without bothering to spare so much as a glance at his cousin. Theodore chuckled. "I could hear you two, you know." He added, trying to get his cousin's attention. "Congratulations to you, then." Diego replied curtly. "Do you really believe that you are being fair to her this way?" Theodore inquired. "Since you overheard us, I am quite sure you know the reason why I declined." Diego said, as he turned to gaze at Theodore. "Yes, I do. But you still have to understand from her viewpoint as well. Besides, it is not like you are not strong enough to protect her, afterall." He commented, with a small smile. "Ensuring her protection isn't one of the issues at hand, but I don't why I can't bear the thought of anyone harming her because of me." Diego commented, while gripping the glass in his hand even harder. Theodore observed the look in his eyes, but didn't speak a single word. "I would take her out if I were you, irregardless of the current circumstance." He commented. "Afterall, this may be the last time that we could ever spend time together like this." Diego turned to him. "So you want me to disregard her safety?" He inquired, his eyebrow raised. "I believe her happiness ought to be your utmost priority. Think about it. She came from a broken home. What more could you possibly do for her other than to make ensure her happiness while she is still tied to you? She is your wife afterall, it's your duty." Theodore stated. "Besides, I don't believe he will be stupid enough to make a move with that much people around." He added. Diego exhaled. "You sure have a twisted way of convincing me to Change my mind." He mused, a small smile on his face. "Forget about that. The moon is up, and the night sky is clear. A perfect atmosphere, don't you agree?" Theodore inquired, as he took the glass from his cousin's hand. "Brother, it is too early to get drunk now." He added with a whisper. "You brat." Diego said, as he watched Theodore walk away with both the glass, and the bottle. "Oh, and Theodore" He began. Theodore paused his foot steps, whipping around. "Yes?" "Try not to listen in a couple's private conversation next time." Theodore nearly dropped the bottle in his hand. Private? The both of you were nearly bringing the roof down with your voices." Theodore commented, a mocking gaze I. His eyes "Of course. I will take note of that, next time." Diego stated.

 The door to the bedroom made a click sound, before being pushed open gently. The room was indisarray, the pillows and sheets were flung off the bed, as well as half of the cosmetics on the dressing mirror. The black dress that appeared so beautiful was recklessly abandoned on the floor, and the perpetrator of it all was lying on the bed, a wollen but thin sheet wrapped around her. Diego knew without anyone telling him- he underestimated the magnitude of her anger. Diego sat by her bedside, and the bed creaked due to the combined weight of the two. "Diane." He began softly. But of course, he didn't get a response. "Diane." He called our again, as he pulled the Wollen material from her head. "Are you trying to suffocate yourself?" He inquired. "If I could, I would have done that minutes before you came into the room. But there is still so much more to live for." Diane stated, although her eyes were still tightly shut. "I am sorry, Diane." He muttered quietly, not knowing the best way to express himself. "Stop playing with My emotions, Diego." She stated. This time she opened her eyes, those beautiful eyes of hers stared at him angrily. "If you are going to lock me up, and disregard my feelings, then what is the difference between this life and the previous one?" She inquired. "I know apologies are incapable of changing what occurred earlier. I know that you are still upset because I don't relate anything about my childhood or personal experiences to you. But things are... complicated, and simply taking about them is overwhelming. I don't even want to recall such memories." He added, as he looked down at his feet. "It is alright, if you don't understand. I won't blame you." Diego began. Diane blinked softly. "You really have the talent for playing around with my heart, Diego." Diane said. "I don't know why I wish to understand, and I can't tell why I want to become a part of your vast, mysterious world." She said. "But I will wait for you, so you don't have to rush things. Even if it takes a Millennia." She stated. Diego glanced at her. "Are you sure? It will be quite difficult, though." Diego explained. Diane glanced at him. "I want to know you more as a friend, not as your wife." She said. "Thank you." Diego muttered. "Are you still interested in going to the carnival?" Diego inquired. Diane's eyes brightened immediately, and she nearly bolted, up, before she shrunk back again, covering herself even more. "Diane, are you alright? You are not hurt are you?" He inquired. "I am fine." Diane replied, her tone a bit high pitched, her ears red. "Will you kindly excuse me? I-I am not putting on any clothes at the moment."

 Diego tried to rearrange the room, while Diane struggled with the zip of her dress. "Why are you bothering to clean up anyway? Afterall, the maids are going to clean it up." Diane called out from where she was seated. "I can't wait for them to clean up the next morning, I like my things being done orderly." Diego stated, as he placed the pillows back to the bed. "Besides, some servants really don't know their place. They still run their mouths irregardless." He stated. "Why will they do that? You are the head, they ought to concur to your terms." Diego turned to her. "You really don't know anything." "Don't worry, I will learn." She replied, while observing him. Diego walked up to her, after he was done with making the room appear less chaotic. "May I?" He inquired. "If you are alright with it." Diane replied, as she turned her back to him. Diego gently zipped her dress up. "Done." He said he stepped backwards a little. "Thank you." Diane muttered, while the residual warmth still lingered on her back. She looked up, only to see that Diego had picked up her hair brush. "What do you intend to do with that?" She inquired. "What else is a brush used for?" Digeo equally inquired. "I can get Dorothy.." "You want to wake the poor lady from her sleep?" Diego asked. "Time has gone deep into the heart of the night. The only people awake at the moment is you and I, as well as the knights." Diego explained. "Alright. But you do realise how to do it, don't you?" She interrogated. "You are speaking to a man who pratically raised his sister." Diego said, with a small smile. He proceeded to take the hair brush and calmly swept it through her hair. Diane didn't even feel a tinge of pain, even when he got to her tangled curls. When he was done, there was quite a recognizable difference. Even Diane was awed. "Impressive." She said, as she turned her head at the window this way and that. "Who do you think your husband is?" Diego commented, as he twirled the brush around his fingers. "A heart breaker." Diane stated. She looked up, only to find the most ridiculous expression she had ever seen. "I am only joking." Diane explained, as she giggled. "Go ahead, and observe your expression at the mirror." She added. "Well, we have spent more than enough time here." Diego ignored her, but rather chose to open up the window. "Wait, you said the servants were asleep, so who is going to unlock the door for us?" She inquired. "We will get out nonetheless, so no need to fret." Diego said, as he poked his head out of the window. "Like this." He stated, clambering up to the window sill. "Diego." Diane called out, as she stood up. "What are you doing?" But the man had already climbed up to the branch of a nearby tree, that was just a couple of meters away from their window. She continued to watch as he descended,until he safely arrived at the bottom. Diego glanced upwards, only to behold Diane poking her head out of the window, gazing down at him. "You will have to jump, Diane." He explained, as he called from below. 'Why?" Diane inquired. "It's the only way you can get down, and I doubt quite highly if you can climb trees." Diego explained. "Can't you use magic or something?" Diane inquired, but Diego shook his head. He would have done that a long time ago, if it was within his capability. Diane could sigh, as she slowly crept to the window. Only then could she tell how great of a height it was . "Trust me." Diego called out from below. She exhaled briefly, within an interval of seconds, she could feel the wind bustling through her hair.