Setting: A bustling airport during peak hours. A passenger (Person A) is on a call with airport security (Person B), sounding extremely panicked.
A: "Hello! This is an emergency! Is this security?"
B: "Yes, sir, how can we assist you?"
A: "Do you monitor all areas of the airport?"
B: "Yes, sir. Please tell me what's wrong."
A: "Is the food court being monitored right now?"
B: "Yes, sir, but what happened? Are you in danger?"
A: "Not just me! Hundreds of people could be affected! Are the food court staff hearing this?"
B: "Sir, this sounds serious. We'll alert the staff right away. Are you safe? Are others around you safe?"
A: "I'm not sure. Do you see a man in a red jacket near the pizza counter?!"
B: "Checking the cameras now... Yes, we see him. Is he a threat?"
A: "YES! He just took the LAST SLICE of pepperoni pizza!"
B: "...Sir?"
A: "I've been waiting in line for 15 minutes, and he swooped in like a ninja! Can you get me that pizza, or at least another slice?"