Chamos wasn't showing off anymore. Frowning, he asked, "Do you really believe what he said is true?"
"I don't know, but in my memory, he has never lied, at least not a lie like today's."
"It's certainly surprising that he can come up with such a story," Chamos said, "but even if it is surprising, a story is a story... Maybe he's been mad for a long time, maybe even mad ten years ago, or else he wouldn't have caused the Night Star incident. All of this is nothing but the mumblings of a madman. And if you think he is not mad, or even that everything he's saying is true, then the one who has gone crazy..."
"Is Lyra," Kude said softly.
"No," Chamos rolled his eyes, "the one who has gone crazy is you."
Kude: "..."