Gerard pushed open the door to the archive room, and the dust that had settled on it cascaded down, as if to declare that no one had set foot here for a long time.
Behind the door hung a crystal; Gerard looked up at the crystal for a moment, then walked underneath it. The crystal only shimmered lightly and made no further sound.
Gerard wove through rows of bookshelves, the archive room so quiet that only the echo of his own footsteps could be heard.
"Seeing how hesitant you were just now, I thought this place would be extremely difficult to enter," Bai Wei's voice echoed in Gerard's mind. "Turns out, after all that fuss, there isn't even a supervisor?"
"The crystal we passed just now is the supervisor," Gerard said gravely. "Only the faithful of my Lord Lyra may enter here. Those who have forsaken the Lord Lyra in their hearts will trigger the crystal to sound an alarm immediately."