The gear car traveled on the tracks, approaching the towering Sky Tower slowly but steadily.
Gerard, like yesterday, sat in the cornermost seat, where no one wished to come near him because of the strong odor of lubricating oil emanating from him, but he could still overhear the enthusiastic conversations of the people in the car.
"Ah, you've got a new prosthetic, huh?"
"Yeah, it was just released three days ago."
"What's it good for?"
"You see, like this, you just press this button... and pop, a spring claw flies out from it."
"Ah, that gave me a shock... Is that all it does?"
"What do you mean, is that all? Don't you think it's super cool? Isn't that reason enough? Plus, it's the latest model. Are you not considering getting one?"
"Hmm... It is very cool, but it also seems a bit too big. If I fitted one of those, I'd need to cut off more of my arm, seems a bit not worth it."