Chereads / Journey To Eden / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2:Registration Forms

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2:Registration Forms

"You are such a lover who can't save anyone."

One year had past since the last selection day and once again it was selection day for the new children getting their soul animals.

To the parents relief it was spring so many parents could easily make it to the cathedral for their children to get soul animals which made the turn up even greater than the previous years.

Nova escorted Ezra to the cathedral yelling at anyone that made fun of his bestfriend and scaring them away with fire.

"Woah, it's a good day today. The sun is out the cloud look beautiful round the sun, the eagles are soaring and my best buddy is going to get his soul animal." Nova said happily trying to give Ezra some hope.

"Thanks for escorting me, Nova." Ezra said.

"Don't mention it, I need to be the first person to see your super strong soul animal."

Ezra chuckled as they approached the cathedral that already had a huge crowd at its door. Suddenly he began to feel uneasy like a force was pushing onto him. Everyone was staring at him with disapproving faces that he had seen many times before but this time felt different.

"Hey what are you all peeping at?" Nova yelled, "Ezra here may get a stronger soul animal than your kids just you wait."

Nobody said anything in retaliation. They merely waited and watched Ezra go for his seventh selection.

The luab once again welcomed everyone to the cathedral and instructed the children to sit on the floor as he held the ground. Everyone recited a prayer except for Nova who was watching Ezra carefully like father watching his son learn how to ride a bike.

"Bond" said the luab and his horse turned into a bright white light that formed arrays on the ground which surrounded all the attendees.

"You may now close your eyes and listen for your animal then call it."

Ezra closed his eyes and went into a deep meditation. His mind was blank and he focused on the empty void that was in his mind. He listened and waited for a sound. He listened but all he could hear were faint sounds that he couldn't make out.

He tried calling out to the sounds but nothing arrived. He listened and called but received nothing.

"Ezra." Nova's voice broke through and snapped him out of his meditation.

"Huh, Nova. What...what's wrong?" Ezra asked, looking around for any soul animal.

"Ezra, the selection is done. You didn't get any." Nova said holding back tears.

"What?! It can't be. Tell me you're joking." Said Ezra. He knew that he didn't but part of him denied the fact.

The crowd around burst into laughter. "You have to be the most pathetic person in this whole village. Seven years you have tried to get a soul animal and still nothing." Said Trazer, Ezra's step brother that was about his same age.

The crowd continued laughing and their laughter began to piss off Nova.

"Shut up. All of you. Do you know how hard it must be on him? You bastard don't know how much he works everyday to ensure that even though he doesn't have a soul animal, he has the strength to protect you fools." Yelled Nova.

"I wish we could but we don't. None of us are powerless wastes like him."

Nova gritted his teeth in anger and flames began to form around his fist. Ezra saw this and touched his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter, Nova. Just leave it." Ezra said as they made their way out of cathedral and to their hideout.

As they were on the path to the abandoned cathedral, Nova was venting his frustration to Ezra who was mostly silent today.

"Those villagers are bastards, all of them. You could probably kick their asses even with their soul animals. Ahhh." He shot a fire ball into the air that quickly burnt out.

"Be careful not to burn down the plantations or you'll make them angry."

"Screw them."

"EZRA, NOVA!" Yelled Bailey in the distance, who was running towards them with Brook, who was carrying some papers, and Carl who was escorting them.

"Hey guys, we were coming to the hideout." Nova said, his eyes fixed on the papers they were holding.

"What are those?" Ezra asked pointing at the papers.

"They are the registration papers to the Entrance exam of Aizen College." Said Brook.

"For real. That's great. Let's take a look at them. How did you get them?" Asked Nova.

"Oh the chief gave them to us to give everyone eighteen years old." Said Bailey.

"Technically he gave then to me." Said Brook.

"I know, that's what I said." Bailey replied.

"Anyway we have to get going." Brook said before running past them to the village.

Nova stared at the piece of paper he was given and a wide grin formed on his face. He turned to Ezra.

"You have to register." He said.

"Doesn't Aizen College take only students with soul animals?" Ezra asked.

"It doesn't say that here. They aren't even asking for soul animal."

"I guess it's because this is a registration to the Entrance exam."

"Yeah and knowing us this should be so easy."

"I guess."

"Come on Ezra, remember when we were twelve, the promise we made to each other."

"Yeah, I do. It was that we would both join the elite Aizen College someday."

"Yeah and this is our chance."

Ezra sighed and scanned the paper until his eyes landed on a slot asking for a parent's signature.

"How is the hardest thing here my dad's signature?"

"What's wrong?"

"He will not agree. He believes I'm a failure that shouldn't amount to anything in the world."

"Oh yeah. Then ask your stepmother."

"She won't either. She's like a toddler. She follows whatever my father says and does. She couldn't."

"That's a problem."

"Don't worry I'll figure out something."

"Okay bro, goodluck." Nova said before running to his house and Ezra ran back home and before he entered, he checked for his father and luckily he was there drunk as ever.

He entered the house and heard Trazer talking his father.

"Hey old man, I need you to sign this form for me." He said callously.

"What is it about?"

"Registration to Aizen College's entrance exams."

"Is that so? Put it on the table I'll sign it when I'm going to sleep."

Trazer jeered him and placed the form on the table beside his father and left for his bedroom.

Ezra walked quietly to the living room. Fortunately for him his stepmother was handling her either child and wasn't in the living room.

He placed his form below Trazer's and right before he could leave. His father called out to him. Mr. Jameson was partially blind at night and Ezra knew this well. So if his father just called out to him once he knew that he was just trying to know who was in the room.

He remained silent and left the room and waited. Luckily, he hadn't filled in anything neither had he written his name so even though Trazer tried taking his form he would be very disappointed.

And so he waited.