Chereads / Stars of Destiny / Chapter 21 - Hall Of Water

Chapter 21 - Hall Of Water

Phaistos, Zara, Freya, Miki, and Kibi left the classroom, their minds buzzing with the challenges ahead. They headed towards the serene courtyard of the academy, where they often gathered to discuss their strategies and experiences.

Phaistos was the first to break the silence. "So, where do we start? We need to find a way to help the Lyra Alliance integrate harmoniously into the magical alliance."

Zara nodded thoughtfully. "We need to understand the cultural differences and unique magical abilities of the Lyra, Vega, and Altair civilizations. That way, we can find common ground."

Freya suggested, "Why not start by using the orbs to gather as much information as possible about each civilization? We need to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and historical relationships."

Miki agreed. "Good idea, Freya. Let's divide the tasks. Phaistos and I will focus on the Lyra civilization. Zara, you and Kibi will work on Vega. Freya, you'll take Altair."

"Nevertheless, let's not forget that we need to focus on our magical studies first. I propose we all spend three hours on our magical training before tackling this problem," Kibi suggested.

The other four nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of purpose and resolve. They spent a few more moments exchanging thoughts and refining their plan, ensuring everyone was on the same page. With final words of encouragement and determination, they then split up to head to their respective destinations, each ready to tackle their individual tasks with renewed focus and energy.

Phaistos, Zara, and Freya headed towards the space hub to take a shuttle to their respective moons. While Zara and Freya went to their usual halls, the Plant Hall and the Ice Hall, Phaistos decided to go to the Water Hall for the first time.

As the shuttle took off, Phaistos noticed that it was heading in a different direction than the one he took to the Light Hall. After several minutes, he spotted a new, sky-blue moon.

The closer the spaceship got, the more details Phaistos could discern. This moon, entirely covered in water, revealed vast oceans stretching as far as the eye could see, dotted with a few rare tropical islands. The waters were a crystalline blue, offering clear visibility of the colorful coral reefs and majestic marine creatures inhabiting the depths.

The spaceship docked on one of those rare tropical islands. As far as the eye could see, there was a beautiful sandy beach shining under the sun. As Phaistos took in the enchanting details of this idyllic environment, he wondered, "Where is the Water Hall?"

As he pondered the question, he saw the other apprentices taking deep breaths and diving into the water. Phaistos decided to do the same. Luckily for him, living on an island had made him an adept swimmer.

Diving into the crystalline water, Phaistos immediately felt a deep connection with the element. The waters of this moon were a true aquatic paradise. As he descended, Phaistos observed a multitude of brightly colored marine creatures. Exotic fish with luminous fins glided gracefully around him, forming synchronized schools that danced with the currents. Scintillating jellyfish drifted peacefully, emitting bioluminescent flashes that lit up their path. There were also giant marine algae reaching tens of meters high.

Unsure of where to go, he followed the other apprentices towards a submerged opening hidden among the colorful corals. As he swam deeper, he noticed the water getting slightly warmer, creating a soothing sensation.

After several meters underwater, feeling his air supply dwindling, he finally saw what seemed to be his goal. He had reached the end of the underwater tunnel he was swimming through. Before him stood an immense underwater grotto whose height could not be described. In the center of this grotto stood a huge structure, which had to be the Water Hall. The hall's door was made of an assembly of corals of different colors. This simple arrangement managed to convey all the majesty of the marine world.

The Water Hall is an architectural marvel located at the ocean's depths, constructed from bioluminescent corals that illuminate the underwater grotto with a soft, mystical glow. Surrounded by lush aquatic gardens and transparent glass tunnels, it allows apprentices to move around while admiring the marine flora and fauna. The classrooms and training areas are designed for constant interaction with water, featuring indoor pools, cascades, and giant aquariums.

Phaistos entered the building, unable to help but be amazed by the beauty of the nature evolving around the hall. After taking only a few steps, he approached the counter to identify himself.

"Hello, my name is Phaistos and I am here to register as an apprentice of the water element," Phaistos politely said to the lady at the reception desk. Since entering the academy, he had learned that one could not judge a person's strength by their appearance. The lady in front of him could very well be an apprentice like him or a great magician.

"Hello, since you have already reached the intermediate level of your mastery of the water element, I accept your registration. Given that you have reached the intermediate level before presenting yourself here, you are entitled to two hours of training in the origin room of the water element," she said in a cold tone.

As she pressed the orb delicately with her fingers, a faint glow emanated from its surface, sending a pulse of energy through the room. Almost instantly, a vivid notification materialized in Phaistos's mind, accompanied by a soft, resonant chime that seemed to echo within his consciousness.

[You are now registered as a student of the Water Hall. Congratulations on passing the academy's first test.]

As she finished registering Phaistos as an official student, she handed him a badge. "This is your proof to be able to train in the origin room of the water element. You must follow this path: take the right alley, then turn right once, and then take the fourth left to arrive at this room," she said without changing her tone.

After thanking her, Phaistos turned on his heels and headed in the indicated direction. "Indeed, you can't judge a book by its cover. She managed to determine my understanding of the element in just one glance."

Following the receptionist's directions, Phaistos walked through the hall's coral-lit corridors. The bioluminescent coral walls emitted a soothing light that illuminated his path. He turned right, then again right, before taking the fourth left. With each step, he felt increasingly immersed in the aquatic environment, as if the water itself was guiding his movements.

When he reached the origin room of the water element, he was greeted by a breathtaking scene. The room was immense, with a glass ceiling offering an unobstructed view of the ocean depths. Pure water cascaded down the walls, creating rainbows of reflected light. Scattered around the room were several small pools. The closer the pools were to the center, the more special the water seemed. At the center of the room was a large pool filled with such clear water that one could see the bottom covered with precious stones and sparkling corals.

Inside the room, there were only a few students in different pools. He guessed these were people in the same situation as him, with multiple elemental affinities. A person stood at the entrance of the room and explained that the closer one was to a pool near the center, the better they would be able to harmonize with the water element.

As he walked into the room, he didn't feel much at first as he passed the outer pools, but after passing several pools, he started to feel his lungs emptying of air. He finally noticed that it was hard to lift his body, feeling as if he was moving through water. He realized that the sensation in his lungs was like that of someone who couldn't breathe underwater.

After passing ten pools, he found himself unable to take another step. He had to backtrack to the tenth row and found an unoccupied pool to start meditating. As he immersed himself in the water, he began to feel a soothing sensation, as if the water in the pool had the ability to subdue ambient tension.

Phaistos, sitting cross-legged in the pool, focused on his breathing and the calming energy of the water surrounding him. He closed his eyes and let his thoughts drift, deeply connecting with the water element. The water seemed to resonate with him, amplifying his perceptions and understanding of this element.

He began to visualize an immense ocean teeming with animal and plant life. In this ocean, life thrived, seemingly undisturbed by the passage of time. However, it seemed that this vision did not move Phaistos, as it began to change gradually. He observed an island surrounded by a sea he knew all too well. In his visualization, he imagined the Aegean Sea around which he had grown up.

It seemed that it was much easier to learn magic by being able to imagine elements they had already experienced. After all, the things around them were also made of magic. For him, the Aegean Sea was the representation of the water element. This vision was enough for him to deepen his current understanding.