The battle raged on, the arena trembling under the sheer force of their relentless exchange.
Ash and Seth clashed in a dizzying flurry of spells, wind and lightning intertwining in a chaotic dance that left the battlefield scarred and smoking. Each strike met with a counter, each maneuver met with a counter-maneuver.
It was a battle of power versus strategy, and for now, neither side was willing to concede.
Ash circled Seth, his enhanced speed allowing him to stay just ahead of his brother's devastating attacks.
The Storm Dragon loomed behind Seth like an ominous shadow, sending arcs of crackling electricity coursing through the air with every movement.
Seth stood his ground, his presence like a storm incarnate—unstoppable and unyielding.
"You're holding up better than I thought, brother!" Seth grinned, sending a barrage of compressed wind blades hurtling toward him.