This chapter is ok ig. Only 2.1k words though, feel like if I'd be dragging it a lil bit if I kept adding shit on. Actually imma write a lil more 2.3k words now, its shit, but enjoy.
I dont own Naruto nor JJk idk why I even bother to put this here but ey better safe than sorry
Saw some other bum form here plug it, there are actual writers here. This is Jax's server, author of Nah, I'd Adapt, and Zenin Days.
As I wasn't paying too much attention while Deiki gave us a verbal brief of the mission, I had taken the mission scroll home with me and replaced it with a random investment opportunity I had on me.
The mission was near the border of Amegakure, we were meant to get rid of a rogue shinobi from Iwagakure, with the rank of chunin. His name is Daiki Retsu, he is nineteen and, he specializes, in, guess what? Earth Jutsu. Although he is also noted to be a competent taijutsu. The genjutsu might be a problem, but me and Baki should be enough to take him down, after all, who expects one of their opponents to disappear suddenly? Close to no one. Should Baki not be able to get an incapacitating blow on him in such a situation, I would be able to take him by surprise, from the other side.
With a confident smirk, I closed the scroll and got to packing some supplies. This was going to be easy.
We met just in front of the village gate, and after Dekiru scolded me for taking the mission scroll without his permission, we double checked our supplies, and set off towards the border with Amegakure, in search of the Iwa rogue.
We passed quite a few interesting places on our way towards the border, most concerning being a forest made out of giant fungus. Now, if these people knew anything about what fungus can do in my old world, they would be just as terrified of them as me. Controlling humans didn't seem like that hard a task for a fungi to do, considering that creating illusions and moving the very earth to do your bidding is an easy task here. And I do not want to end up as a puppet, controlled either through genjutsu or hormones by some chakra powered glorified mushroom.
My worries about mind controlling mushrooms made this trip feel a lot shorter then it was, even with us doing what felt close to a sprint that would have made Usian Bolt envious for the entire duration of the journey. Our idea was to camp in a forest near the forest, and patrol he area where our target was last spotted, and the areas where he could have went.
We reached a grand forest of pines, in which we set up camp, and delegated a space for scouting to each of us. The jonin then took out some papers with a weird seal on them, and told us to poor in chakra in them when we made contact with the target, and it would guide us to their location. Me and our sensei were to scout alone, as my technique would allow me to escape unharmed, or buy enough time for the others to arrive, while Dekiru could deal with the target on his own. And so, we split off to search for the rogue Iwa shinobi.
The first three days were uneventful, while we had found evidence of a campsite, we failed to track where our target could have went off to after leaving it, having covered his tracks better than we were prepared to deal with. Nevertheless, we kept patrolling, and eventually, on the third day, we had found our targets new campsite.
Our sensei told us to act as if we were alone, as he would interfere only if it was absolutely necessary. I guess he wants us to get some real combat experience, in a controlled environment. If any of us got hurt, the Kusakage would find him and make his life a nightmare, as we are pretty much the only ones in this village with the potential to become jonin, Baki, or kage, me, level shinobi.
We took turns looking over the campsite, one by one, as the others rested or trained. The healing can had been learning some elemental ninjutsu, to better utilize her bigger chakra reserves from her Uzumaki genes. Utilising the Jutsu scrolls I donated to the village as a gesture of good will and for political power, Dekiru had taught that girl two nature transformations, Fire and Earth. She had mastered quite a few Jutsus, "showing great promise". As if learning how to move your hands a bit and pumping some chakra into it is any sort of achievement.
While I was creating a projection, I noticed the paper our jonin had given to each of us started glowing. Baki, who was the one keeping an eye on the campsite had activated his. We had eyes on the target. I kicked Karin out of her nap and took off towards my teammate. Karin had taken after me while shouting something, but soon stopped after I showed her the paper she stopped.
We both masked our chakra and went to the designated watch spot, only to see Baki engaged in taijutsu with the target. He was forced to stay on the defensive due to the difference in age and experience.
The target was a tall man with black hair, and dark brown eyes, he had a scrubby beard and bore many scars, both on his arms and his face. He was dressed in black, with his scratched Iwa forehead protector hanging around his neck.
I signaled to Karin to prepare a Fireball Jutsu, and release it on my signal. I used my Projection to appear in front of the Iwa chunin, and kicked him into the fire ninjutsu I made the Uzumaki prepare.
Karin had jumped down to us, and went to Baki to check if he was injured. As she was fussing over his safety, our target had recovered from our attack, and rushed to catch the two from behind. Unluckily for him, I had been taught utmost vigilance, although forcibly, and engaged him halfway through. While he was stronger than me, even with Reinforcement active, I was now able to form Projections even while distracted, so I still held the upper hand. Considering that Baki was supporting me with shurikens and kunai, we were dictating the pace of the battle.
While me and Baki were pressuring the target, a second opponent appeared. It was a slim brunette with long hair, dressed in standard Amegakure gear and a chunin jacket. She attacked Baki, kicking him into Karin, and sending them both flying into a tree. I used Projection to appear behind the target and kicked him as hard as I could.
I then engaged the woman, and shouted at the other two, telling them to take care of the target, as I engaged the woman. While I was shouting, she had found an opening in my guard, and punched me in the stomach. And boy was she stronger then she looked, even with Reinforcement protecting me, the hit still made spittle fly out of my mouth and my head to become a disjointed mess.
I projected behind her, and kicked her, pouring in about a quarter of my chackra reserves into the hit, getting her right knee. To my absolute joy, a terrifying crack came out through the clearing, and the woman screamed in pain. In spite of this, instead of freezing in pain, her hand whipped to my head, hitting me square in the head.. I was sent flying, my jaw dislocated.
I put my mandibular back into place, and went to engage the Ame shinobi. Despite the broken leg, she was still able to hold me back if I didn't charge up another Reinforcement. But now, I was sure I would win a battle of endurance, every time she changed her stance, her faced cringed in pain, and she put more pressure on her left side to compensate for the lack of stability from her right, forcing her to spend more energy than normally needed.
I put some distance between the two of us to look at Baki and the target. Baki was slowly being overwhelmed, in spite of the injuries the target had from Karins jutsus. The redhead lay on her back, her arms moving groggily while spouting some gibberish, she got caught by a genjutsu. I jumped back to the woman and threw away defense. I strained myself to my limit, and created two projections, which I maintained permanently, to overwhelm the Ame chunin. I appeared from one spot to the next, baiting out her attacks, only to appear in another place and hit her before she had any time to put up any sort of defense.
Eventually she fell. My vision was blurry, and my whole body was burning but I didn't care. I raised my foot, and crushed her head under my heel. I could feel a grin had started to spread on my face. A sudden scream took me out of my thoughts, it was the target, his face was contorted in pure anguish as he looked at my heel. In his pain, he had forgotten about Baki, who, despite having one of his arms broken, put a kunai in the back of his neck.
I tried to say something, only to be hit with an unbearable headache, blood was pouring out of my mouth and eyes. As I tried to use Recovery, I found I had close to no chackra left, utilising both Reinforcement and two Projections had taken too much out of me. Just one projection already needed a full quarter of my reserves to create maintain and utilise. Coupled with my careless use of my Reinforcement, I was drained of nearly all my chackra. I complied with my body and passed out.
I awoke in our camp, my whole body still burning, my vision still blurred and even as I tried to call for someone, my tongue slurred, only some dribble coming out of it. I forced myself to get up despite the pain. I got out of my tent, and found that it was the middle of the night, and our fight with the target had been in the morning. The only person outside of their tent was Karin, who appeared to be on watch duty. I approached her while trying to say something, unfortunately, my throat was still much too dry.
I tripped right before reaching her, falling flat on my face. I raised my head and used my hands to make a drinking motion. She sighed before passing me a water flask. I quickly drank it all, with my throat now humid, I tried speaking again. I failed again, after a few more tries, I finally got something out:
"Get me some food, bitch." Karin's expression quickly grew dark. She stared st me as if I should explain myself somehow. "What are you waiting for? Go make me a sandwich."
The redhead simply got up, and went to her tent. I continued to lay on my stomach as I waited for her to bring me something to eat. After a few minutes, I realised something! She might not know how to make a sandwich, which made sense really, I mean most of her life she has been used as a healing tool. They might not have gotten around to teaching her how to prepare meals yet!
I got up, albeit with great difficulty, and made my way to her tent. I entered it, and then said:
"You do know how to make a sandwich right? Actually,do you know what a sandwich is?" The girls face contorted in anger, and she started breathing heavily, after a few seconds however, she began to calm down. Saying something about "importance" and "can't hit him or you'll get in trouble"
As I waited for the girl to get out of her stupor and get to work a thought sprung up in my head.
"Are you on your period?" It would explain her rapid mood swings, and her unwillingness to get me some food. Instead of the simple answer to this question, which would be yes/no, I instead got punched in the face, and flew out of her tent.
I was about to comment on her overreaction to such a simple question, however, before I fully got up again, she threw something in my face, from her tent. It was a sandwich. I guessed wrong, she was actually just slow all along!
I sat down to enjoy my food, looking upon the ever-changing scenery before me, great pines that climbed up to the sky, with beautiful dark green leaves. As I bit into my sandwich, I thought over my previous encounter, and started to ponder what decisions would have been better in each situation.
The night went by quickly, with Baki soon coming out of his tent to take over watch duty, the green-eyed genin looked as happy as ever, unbothered by the cast around his broken arm. I quickly stumbled to my tent and went to sleep.
The next morning we set out towards the village, with our jonin sensei carrying a sleeping 6 year old kid on his back.
"Since when do you have a kid? You don't seem like you'd have a partner." Karin and Baki quickly looked away, while Dekiru wore a exhausted expression on his face.
"This is the kid of the target with that Ame chunin, we are taking him with us, and giving him to the orphanage, he should have enough potential to be worth raising and indoctrinating." Dekiru said, while looking at me.
I dropped the subject there, and instead started training. Since I could hold two Projections, I practiced maintaining and manipulating them, as we traveled towards the village. My chackra had almost completely recovered from exhaustion, although my body still burned with every step I took. Before I even realised, we were in front of the Kusakage, Junnosuke Sena. After a brief report, we were each given our allocated reward, and were told to leave. Our jonin sensei, however, stayed to further explain the situation with the kid.