Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Elsa stood at the window, staring out at the courtyard. A jumble of thoughts passing through her mind. She had gotten up on time, and had come to her office to go over a few small items before breakfast. As soon as she started reading, she couldn't concentrate. She was a little sad. Her cousin was leaving today, and she still had so many questions.

Anna was here to help with some of those questions. She and Kristoff had been together for a few years now. But they had not taken that next big step. These were the questions she needed help with. The fluttery feelings she would get when they held hands or kissed were getting stronger. Indeed, the mere thought of him would send her insides south.

And bath time didn't help. She just wanted to tease him a little, but her curiosity got the better of her. She was slightly ashamed of herself. He had already voiced his discomfort. And with what had happened, she made him more so. She should apologize, and try to make it up to him, somehow. The sight of his scars and his missing foot shocked her at first. It seemed each scar had a story. And she wanted to find and hear them all.

This led her to one of her main questions, - why him? She had been approached by a few men, and had offers from many more. Men more clean cut, with impeccable family lines, and noble deeds. But Hiccup was none of that. Not in a bad way in any sense. He was unassuming, humble, and honest. He didn't carry himself with an air of superiority. He cared about his people. And he loved children. Simple, and that's when it dawned on her. Just like Annas' necklace… his simplicity made him beautiful in her eyes…

"Hiccup…" She sighed. She would see him again at breakfast. She had her schedule cleared for the morning to see Rapunzel and Eugene off. She hoped they could spend more time together. They had shared so much over the past week. She felt as though she was standing on the edge of a cliff, waiting to fall. It was going to happen -and soon- she thought. The idea of falling frightened her, but landing in his arms would make it worthwhile. Hmmm…

She had to stop! The thought of being in his arms… She had to focus! Get this little bit of work done, then get ready for breakfast. Then he would be here, and -they could- be, -together…

She decided not to change. She had her hair fixed into a simple braid, then walked to the dining room. Everyone was waiting when she arrived. It was a small gathering. Just Hiccup, her family, and her council. She walked right up to him, dipping lower than she had to. She offered her hand. "My Lord…" She said. He kissed it gently, as if it would break. He looked her in the eye. One corner of his mouth curled. "My Lady." There was light in his eyes. She could not say of what. She had not seen it as of yet. She thought she would like to find out. She took stock of his clothes. He was wearing one of his long-sleeved green tunics. This one had gold embroidery near the cuffs. Heavy brown pants, which were topped with a red sash. A buckle of curious design at the middle. One knee-high boot, and the animal skin cloak. She assumed this would be more like the clothing he wore at home every day. She though she might have him a circlet made… Maybe she would ask him first.

She welcomed everyone, then sat down to eat. Hiccup was immediately engaged by the general, and two other council members. The conversation didn't seem angry, or even agitated. It seemed at least they were getting along. But his attention wasn't. on. -her. Elsa took some eggs on her plate, along with those heavenly melt-in -your-mouth biscuits. She talked with Anna and Rapunzel keeping to girl talk and gardening.

She did manage to steal a few glances at him. The way he engaged each person, directly, with purpose and focus… The way he accepted an agreement or statement, just a single, firm nod of his head. He must be a good chief, she thought. Dealing with each person so precisely and honestly. Getting straight to the point. Seeing him in this light made her heart burst with pride. Oh yes, she fell in love with him again.

His talk with the councilors had come to its' end before she realized. She was looking at him with fondness. He held her gaze for a few moments. His mouth formed into that half-smile she was beginning to love. The one that made her warm inside. He made as though he was brushing crumbs off his lap, and cocked an eyebrow ever so slightly. She reached out under the table. They brushed fingertips, just as Anna cleared her throat. Very loudly. They both glared at her. Anna just smiled. Rapunzel was straightening her napkin in her lap, and elbowed Hiccup in the ribs. The poor guy! She would have to make that up to him. Kristoff and Eugene rolled their eyes and shook their heads.

When everyone had stopped eating, she nodded at Hiccup. He rose and pulled her chair out for her. He then bowed and offered his arm. They accepted the respect of the guests, and left. She swore she could hear giggling coming from the room. Anna would get hers… Rapunzel was another matter. They strode down the hallway a bit, until he stopped and turned to face her.

"Elsa? I, I want to apologize for dismissing your council yesterday. I… I overstepped, and -I'm sorry!" He was looking at his feet, well… foot. She put a hand on his arm.

"Hiccup! That's quite alright! I was -not pleased with them myself!" She said.

"I, I try not to let my emotions -take control -in situations like that, I'm -I'm sorry…" She took his chin in her fingers. Bringing his gaze to her.

"Hiccup! It's OK… They should be grateful! Getting dressed-down by you I think is preferable to getting frozen by me!" A small smile curled her lip. He narrowed his eyes.

"That's RIGHT! Because NOBODY messes with MY girl!" He pecked her on the lips. A smile flashed across his face. She could feel her cheeks heat. She brought a hand to her mouth. He reached up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand down.

"Don't…" He said. She tilted her head. She didn't quite understand. "You do that much too often for my liking…"

"Wh, what's that Hiccup?" She was truly curious.

"C, -cover up your smile… I, I love your smile…" A blush crept up his neck to his cheeks. He kissed her hand. She smiled, but had to bite her lip to keep it from splitting her face in two.

"Especially THAT one!" He said. Aaand, she was done. She rose up on her toes and kissed him, long but chaste. She settled back on her feet. She brought his hand up, and caressed it with her cheek. "I love you." She told him.

"And I love you, Elsa." She gazed upon his face. She felt so warm inside. After a moment she remembered her schedule.

"Hiccup? Would you… would you walk, with me a bit? I have some spare time…" She hoped he would accept. She still owed him a tour after all.

"Aaahh, actually, I have business here this morning, Elsa. Yes! aaa ahmmm, a talk today… with, with the council, -and… ummm, yeah…" What ever could this be about? She wondered. He did say he would talk to the council. She would hear about it later. For now they walked to her office. They said their goodbyes, and parted company.

Elsa sat at her desk finishing the paperwork from earlier. Madame Gertrude came in with a few issues, and asked after Hiccups' room. She bid her to keep it for him, and asked for a plain chair to be put next to the tub. Maybe she would ask about having a handrail or something installed to help Hiccup get in and out if the tub. She blushed a little. Using the words Hiccup and tub in the same sentence brought the fluttery feelings back. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself… But still…

An hour later, she was making her way down to the palace doors. They would walk down to the harbor where Rapunzels' ship was docked. It was what she wanted. It would give her a chance to say goodbye to her friends here. She and Eugene were quite popular with her people. It would also give her and Hiccup a chance to see and be seen by the people. Catarin had stopped by as she was getting dressed and assured Elsa that all was ready. She had also covered a few points of her schedule for the rest of the day. When asked about the council meeting, she only said that Lord Haddock apologized to them. And had presented the council with letters of credence. Proving he was who he said he was. It made her feel good about trusting him. She again felt a warm tingling inside.

She turned a corner, and the procession was there. Her council members in the back, then Eugene and Rapunzel, Anna and Kristoff, and finally Hiccup. He brightened when her saw her, but then crossed his arms and gave her a flat look. Upon reaching him, He spoke in a low voice.

"I have been waiting for you for HOURS! " He glared at her, but with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yeah…" She said nonchalantly, "-But I'm worth it, aren't I?" She smiled and fluttered her eyelashes playfully. A corner of his mouth curled. He pecked her on the nose.

"You're DAMN RIGHT you are!" He winked. A laugh exploded from her mouth unbidden. She brought her hand up, but he cocked an eyebrow at her in mock-warning. She took his arm and rubbed it affectionately, and patted his hand.

The doors opened, and a great cheer went up. She could feel Hiccup tense a little. She gave a small squeeze to his arm. They walked out and stopped at the top of the stairs leading down to the courtyard. Kristoff and Anna moved up on their right, Rapunzel and Eugene on their left. They stood and waved. She heard her name, and Hiccups' too. Some people were waving small flags. It looked like an even mix of Arendellian, and Coronian. A group of young girls came up to the bottom of the steps, and offered flowers. She and the other two accepted them graciously. As she walked back up, she saw Hiccup beaming at her. They stood and waved for another minute, then made their way down.

They walked through the square. People were lining the way, cheering and shouting. They were nearly to the docks, when a little girl came running out. She was wearing a light blue dress. It looked surprisingly close to the one she herself was wearing. Her blonde pigtails were bouncing as she ran. She held a single pink rose. She stopped in front of them, and gave a wobbly curtsy.

"Queen Elsa! Sir Hiccup!" They bowed. Elsa looked at Hiccup. He just shrugged his shoulders, and knelt down to pick her up. Elsa noted the girls mother, and held a hand up. Hiccup lifted her all the way up over his head. The little one gave a squeal of delight. He then settled her on his hip.

"Lady Kirsten! How good to see you!" He said. The little girl giggled.

"I wanted to thank you for my new dress!" She said brightly.

"It's VERY pretty! Is, is that for me?" Elsa indicated the flower.

"No… It's for, Princess Rapunzel…" She had not thought this through.

"Well then!" Hiccup said. "Princess Rapunzel! May I present the Lady Kirsten, of Arendelle!" Kirsten giggled again. She held the rose out to her.

"Lady Kirsten! Thank you! I'm happy to meet you! May I present my husband, Prince Eugene of Corona!" Eugene took the girls' hand, and kissed it. She was beside herself. She looked to Rapunzel.

"When are you coming back?"

"In a few months' time little one. And when I do I, Princess Anna, and the Queen shall have you over for tea!" Kirstens' eyes went wide.

"Oh! Thank you! thank you Princess!" She reached for Rapunzel. Hiccup handed her off, somewhat reluctantly she thought. Seeing him again with the little girl made her chest clench. Rapunzel put her down. She curtsied to them all. Hiccup knelt down and took Kirstens' hand. She couldn't hear what he said to her. She nodded and threw her arms around his neck. She then skipped away back to her mother.

She watched Hiccup for a moment as he followed her with his gaze. He seemed wistful. He stood and faced her. Her heart went out to him. There was a longing in his eyes. She made a decision in that moment. Then she stopped, and huffed at herself. The thought of having children just a mere three weeks ago was -unpleasant. Now, it was one more thing she wanted to share with Hiccup Haddock…

They reached the dock and she and Hiccup took their place at the end of the line. Rapunzel and Eugene were sharing hugs and handshakes. Saying goodbye to their friends here. She still had questions. Perhaps she could send messages to her. As the couple got closer, she grew sadder. She felt a hand slide into hers, squeezing gently. She looked up and Hiccup was looking at her. A smile on his face.

"Don't worry," He said gently. "They'll be back." She nodded, and leaned against him lightly. She was glad he was here.

The time came. Rapunzel was standing in front of her. She curtsied as was proper, They then threw their arms around each other.

"Goodbye Elsa! I hope you two find your happiness!"

"Thank you! I'm sure we will, but I, I still have so many, -questions! So, so much I -don't know…" That was an understatement. Relationships, men in general, and how this was supposed to -work, between two royals…

"It will be alright Elsa, you'll figure it out. Hiccup is -experienced. The two of you will find your way. Just -take your time, get to know each other. It will happen on its' own." Elsa was pretty sure she was right. It was the 'getting there' that was the problem. She hugged Rapunzel fiercely.

"I'll be back before you know it!" She smiled, And Elsa returned. They held hands for a moment then Rapunzel turned to Hiccup. She curtsied and offered her hand.

"Goodbye Lord Haddock! It was SO good to meet you!" What's this? She's -teasing him? Oh Lord!

"Aaahhh, -Yes Rapunzel! I, it was good to meet you as well! and ummm -Thank, thank you! -for, -listening." He wasn't sure what was going on, she wasn't either.

"I DO hope you will come and see us before you head North! Elsas' Aunt and Uncle will want to speak to you, I'm sure!" He shifted his weight nervously.

"Ah, Yes! That was the plan! If, if Elsa doesn't keep me here too long." The poor man! He looked like a cornered animal. She had the advantage of knowing Rapunzel all her life, he did not… She curtsied to him gracefully, then took a couple of steps toward the ship. She then turned back to him…

"Oh! -and Hiccup? DO take good care of my cousins! For it would be a SHAME to have you FLAYED upon your arrival…" She tipped her head, then turned and walked towards the gangplank. Hiccup looked completely mortified. While she was fighting tooth and nail not to laugh. Eugene had stepped in front of him by now.

"She… she's kidding? -Right?" Eugene just shrugged his shoulders, tipping his head to the side. He bowed to him, and shook his hand.

"So long Hiccup! I wish you two the best of luck!" He clapped him on the shoulder heartily.

"Thank you Eugene! It was good meeting you. Your, -wife… Rapunzel, she, -she's… You're a lucky man Eugene! I'm very fond of her…" A blush crept up Hiccups' neck. It was so cute.

"Thank you Hiccup, I do consider myself very lucky indeed! I'll see you in a couple of weeks then?" He asked.

"Ummm yeah! Sure!" Hiccup frowned, and she thought he even glared at Eugene for a split-second. Hmmm, she would have to ask about that… Eugene was almost to the gangplank, when he turned around.

"Oh! And Hiccup? Don't worry! I'll personally make sure all the flaying knives in our kingdom are dulled!" Eugene bowed with a flourish. Then he straightened, then smiled and waved.

"Not Helping! Smart Guy!" Was Hiccups' sarcastic reply. Anna burst out in laughter. And Elsa lost her battle, for she started laughing too. Hiccup stood there for a moment, watching the sailors spring into action. He leaned over to her slightly, lowering his voice.

"She was kidding? -Right?" Elsa chuckled, swatting him on the arm.

"Don't be silly Hiccup! She loves you!" Indeed, the talks she'd had after meeting him were positive. Rapunzel had gauged him as a truly kind soul. There was darkness there, but it was receding. Being replaced by light. She was warmed both by the thought that he got along well with her family, more than well actually, and the light she spoke of was love.

The gangplank was raised, ropes were untied. Men in two boats pulled at their oars. Soon the ship started to slowly back out of its' berth. Elsa felt a small sadness creep in with every foot the ship moved. She hugged Hiccups' arm to her. She felt their palms meet. Her fingers intertwining with his. He squeezed her hand gently. She looked up, and there was that smile. Her sadness lifted a little. His eyes were shining.

"It'll be alright." He said to her softly. He kissed her forehead. Bringing his hand up, he patted hers on his arm, and rubbed small circles on the back of it. She turned her head back towards the water and rested it on his shoulder. Yes, her cousin was leaving. Along with her unanswered questions. But it also meant that she and Hiccup would be able to -explore their relationship without a large amount of foreigners about. Her sadness lifted more. She squeezed his arm. Yes, she thought, it would be alright.

They stayed until the ship had been turned. Eugene and Rapunzel disappeared below the deck. The sails were unfurled, and their ship slowly made its' way out of the harbor. They turned and started walking back to the castle. Kai came up to them and bowed respectfully.

"My Queen? Would you like me to send for a carriage for you?"

"No Kai, but thank you just the same." He bowed. She still had meetings to attend, and paperwork to do. But spending time with Hiccup was the one thing she wanted to do right now. They walked back towards the castle. The crowds had dispersed a little. They took their time greeting her subjects, engaging a few in light conversation.

When they made it back to the palace, they continued to walk arm in arm until reaching Hiccups' room. He turned and faced her. He looked upon her face, as if drinking her in. he brought a hand up and caressed her cheek with a finger. She was pretty sure he didn't want to say goodbye either. But there was work to be done, and meetings to be had… Which reminded her.

"Hiccup? What did you speak to my council about?" No one had told her anything -really -yet.

"Yeah, umm you see, -about that, I -ahhh -you'll -you will find out soon enough!" He was blushing. What could it be? And why wouldn't, or -couldn't? He tell her? She trusted him. But it bothered her just the same.

"Will you, come to dinner -tonight?" He seemed to think about it for just a moment.

"Of course." He replied. The fluttery feelings came back. She hoped the would be a repeat of last nights' -activities. Maybe she could even the score on the bath incident. Maybe that would be -hoping? -Too much? They had to be careful. Maybe Anna could give her some ideas.

She cast a glance down the hallway. He seemed to understand, for he glanced the opposite way. Satisfied, she placed her hands on his chest. She could feel his heart beating strongly. Her hands traveled up over his shoulders and around his neck. She felt his hands on her waist. They then curled around her back. Her legs turned to jelly as he pulled her flush with him. She could feel his strength through the fabric that separated them. Her own heart picked up its' pace in anticipation. He tilted his head just so, and she matched him. Their lips met, her mind went blank.

She could only feel. His lips sliding against her own. His mouth opened, and she accepted without hesitation. Their tongues slid against each others' in a delicate dance. He withdrew much too soon for her. She pulled him against her harder. But he resisted slightly. It was not what she wanted, but she realized they were not completely alone. She broke the kiss, and rested her head on his chest. She could hear his heart pounding, his breathing slightly heavy. She felt him kiss her hair. They stood there for a moment while she floated back to the ground.

She took a half-step back, and gathered his hands from around her back. She looked at him and there was that smile. She shook her head.

"What? What is it Elsa?" He sounded concerned.

"That smile! That one is my favorite!" He turned his head slightly, then remembered their earlier exchange. -And there it was again! She felt there was only one thing appropriate to do. She raised up on her toes and placed a quick kiss on it. It didn't go away. She frowned.

"What? What are you doing?" He half-chuckled.

"That smile! It, it makes me, -think things…" Things… like kicking the door down, dragging him into that room, and… She could feel her face heat.

"I, I was trying to remove it!" She smiled coyly at him.

"Well, you're going about it the wrong way! Besides, I don't think a whole herd of Yaks could remove this smile!" He told her, smiling at her warmly.

"It won't stop me from trying!" She said, defiant. His smile widened. He released her hands, only to take her left hand in his, And she took his right hand in hers. He kissed the back of her hand, and placed it over his heart. "I love you." He said. She took his hand, and caressed the back with her cheek. She kissed it. "And I love you, Hiccup!" One more brief kiss, and they separated. He went into his room, she walked to her own. Yes! She thought, they would be alright!

The rest of the day went well. She had meetings with four ambassadors before they left for their homes. She had met with her minister of finance over some draft agreements. And signed more than a dozen royal appointments. Anna had not been with her. She was spending time with Kristoff, as he was leaving in two days. She was tired, but there was still one more meeting before she was done.

The council filed in and sat down. The festival cleanup was going according to schedule. Everything would be back to normal in a couple of days. All accounts had been settled with the visitors. No reports from the ships that were sent out. And no major disturbances had been reported. No issues within the castle or the palace. A few points were gone over on the queens' schedule for the next day or so. Everything appeared normal, but she couldn't help but notice a few glances stolen between Catarin and the general. Indeed all the council members had given somewhat stunted reports. Either in speech, or otherwise. She didn't ponder it too much. Her mind was on later this evening…

She had thought they were done, and was about to dismiss them when the general stood.

"Your Highness! There is one more matter to discuss!" She groaned to herself, She just wanted to relax before…

"The council has received an official offer for your hand! And after careful consideration, we have accepted the terms. The union would be beneficial to both our countries. Which includes a favorable exchange rate, and a base if you will, for exploration. To expand our knowledge of the known world."Her stomach dropped to the floor.

"W-what?" Was all she could get out. They had talked about this… discussed it. This can't be happening!

"Your Highness, it has been far too long. The kingdom needs an heir. You need to continue your bloodline. To ensure the stability of the realm." He said. She could feel a lump forming in her throat.

"General, we have discussed this. Indeed! I have talked about this with you all. I will give my all for my kingdom, and my people. To the last! But I WILL reserve my right to choose." She swallowed. That lump would not leave. She could feel the corner of her eyes stinging. She had to muster all of her will to keep her powers in check. It was working so far…

"My Queen, please! We have been patient, but this will be VERY helpful for the kingdom. We will get timber, gems, and ore! We will be able to mount expeditions! Chart the farthest reaches of the northern oceans. We will be the envy of all the kingdoms in the region!" She thought about it. He made it sound good, but no. She couldn't… she wouldn't!

"Do you accept these terms?" The general raised an eyebrow at her. He was waiting for her answer. Had they not been watching? Surely, they were there the other day when… THAT happened. They had been discreet, but they had to have noticed… NO! She wouldn't! She was not willing to give her hand nor anything else to anyone that wasn't Hiccup!

"NO!" She said resoundingly. "I do NOT accept!" She felt a small relief. She had made her choice. She did not regret it. She was sure it was the right one.

"Are you, -quite sure? My Queen?" There was that eyebrow again! And was, -was that a glint, in his eye? She nodded firmly, taking a page from Hiccups' exchange with him this morning. It was all she could manage around the constriction in her throat that refused to leave.

He sighed. Resigned, "Very well, Your Highness! I shall inform Lord Haddock myself. I'm sure he will be VERY disappointed…" The bottom dropped out of her world.

"Wait, WHAT!" She looked quickly around the room. She saw smiles on their faces. Catarins' eyes seemed over-bright. She began to piece it all together. The general bowed respectfully.

"Lord Haddock came to us this morning, and asked permission to court you Your Majesty!" He said gently as he straightened. His eyes were misty. The tough old bird!

"Do you, -do you accept?" He asked.

"YES! -yes I do!" Her throat was choking for an entirely different reason now. It all came together. His silence. Catarins' dismissal. Hiccup had gone to them officially, and had asked. They all stood clapping their hands. Offering their congratulations. She heard the door open. Anna came rushing in, arms outstretched. They hugged each other tightly.

"Oh Elsa!" She said into her shoulder. "I'm so happy for you! Don't, -don't be mad! It was my idea!"

How could she be mad? It was all that she had hoped for all those years. To find someone she could share her life with. To be truly happy. She hugged Anna more. Tears were flowing freely from her eyes. They separated after a a minute. Tears were flowing out of her eyes as well. She hugged her again. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She separated from her sister once more.

He stood in the doorway looking a little sheepish. One arm was behind his back. Everyone's' gaze followed hers. He fidgeted a little. Everyone separated, opening the way between them. He had changed clothes, she noticed. The white pants were back as well as the waistcoat. He wore a green tunic, and also had a darker green vest with black embroidery. A red sash was around his waist, capped with the buckle he had worn before. It was all topped off with the bearskin cloak.

He bowed at the waist. Then took a few tentative steps. He was obviously nervous. She wondered. After the battles he said he had been in… He was unnerved in this. She had to fight the urge to rush to him, to throw her arms around him, -and… yeah… She had to be patient here though. He took one more step. When their eyes met, it seemed to calm him. When he stood in front of her, he brought his arm around. In his hand were a bunch of wildflowers of various descriptions. They were beautiful. He had picked them. For her. It made them all the more special.

She held his gaze for a moment. He then seemed to realize why he was here. He took her right hand in his. She handed the flowers to Anna, and she took his left hand in hers.

"Elsa?" He hesitated, as if gathering his words. "I, -I was in darkness for, for quite a long time. -I, I had all but given up hope of ever finding my way out. Of finding someone, to guide me." He looked away, frowning. She waited patiently.

"When, when I met you, I, just. knew… I knew you would be my light. I knew you would be the one to show me the way. I, I feel I can do anything, BE anything, when, when I'm with you. I feel like the luckiest guy in Midgard, just to be able to spend even a few moments with you. I, I'll be the happiest one -if, -if you'll have me…" Her heart felt so full, she thought it would burst!

"Yes! Hiccup! Yes, I will!" She could barely choke it out. She was nearly overcome with those warm feelings that filled her. They came out through her eyes as tears. Out of her mouth in a choked sob. He brought her right hand up and kissed the back of it, placing it over his heart. She choked a laugh, recognizing the gesture. One more thing she was growing to love. She brought his left hand up and caressed the back with her cheek. She kissed it, and this time, rested it over her own heart.

And there was that smile. That wonderful, half-smile that said everything and anything she wanted to hear. She heard the words with her heart. They were written on it, and they would never fade. They kissed. Brief, but passionate. Conveying thoughts and feelings in that simple contact. They released each others' hands and wrapped their arms around each other. She rested her chin on his shoulder. "I love you Hiccup!" She breathed in his ear. "I love you Elsa!" She heard in hers. His breath ghosting across her neck. They stood there in each others' embrace. He rocked her slightly. She felt warm, blissful, and right.

They seemed to remember at the same time they indeed were not the only people in the room. They separated, and smiled at each other. Only then did the noise filter in. Clapping, shouts of congratulations. Slowly returning to this place where everyone else was. She let go of Hiccup, only to be hugged by Anna. She was crying now.

"Oh Elsa!" Was all she could say. Her tears threatened to soak her shoulder. Anna released her only to turn and attack Hiccup in a fierce hug. They mumbled words to each other, but she couldn't hear. Her attention was draw to Kristoff, who now stood in front of her.

"Ahh, ermm, con, -congratulations, Elsa! Queen! Qu, -queen Elsa!" He wasn't sure what to do. He settled on a handshake but, that would just not do, she decided. She wrapped her arms around him in a firm hug.

"Thank you Kristoff!" She said. He put his hands on her back gingerly, still unsure. He stepped back after a brief moment. A blush crept slowly up his neck to his cheeks. He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. It was incredibly cute. He looked to Anna. She was still sharing words with Hiccup. He was holding her hand, his other on her cheek.

"I guess, I… I should, -follow his example?" He looked a little, -forlorn. She placed a hand on his arm.

"In your own time, Kristoff. You're both still young, and trying to figure it out. In truth, I'm trying to figure it out myself, a little but… Hiccup -knows. Some day you will too!" It was all she could offer.

"Yes! Umm… Thanks, thank you, Elsa. AHHH Queen! -Queen Elsa." She smiled at him. He loved Anna. She knew. Anna knew as well. Only time would tell. Anna and Hiccup finished. He turned towards her and took her hands. He smiled warmly at her. She was drinking in his face with her eyes. The General stepped up to them both.

"I suppose you two know the rules. You are not children, and we will not treat you as such. However, appearances must be kept. You will not be allowed to be alone together without a chaperon, or at least a witness. We will, of course, respect your need for, -privacy at times. But it must be limited! Do I make myself clear?" They both nodded, only half paying attention.

"Then I, -we shall take our leave!" They all paid their respects, and left through the door. Leaving the four of them alone.

They sat and chatted for a while, until she noticed Hiccup fidgeting. She leaned into him, and he calmed.

"I, uhh -I have to go-" He said. She was upset, -a little. And curious.

"Oh? What for?" She asked him.

"I, -have business to attend to, yeah. And court, -courtship means gifts, and I should, -you know, -get started." He said. He sounded sad, like he didn't want to- but still…

"Ooooh! Gifts? What are you planning?" Her interest was piqued. If it was coming from him…

"Not Telling! It's a surprise. It's going to be like nothing you've ever seen! Besides, tradition says that the, ahhm -groom has to keep his hands, -busy! And, not with, -with the bride-to-be." He blushed a little. She could only imagine what his mind, and -hands could come up with. And tradition could hang as far as she was concerned. She could imagine a few things his hands could do…

Now it was her turn to blush. He apologized, and said he would be back in time for dinner. He then stood taking her hands. He stepped in and kissed her, and they shared a hug.

"I'll see you in a little while." He told her. He said goodbye to Anna and Kristoff, then left. They had a few hours until dinner. She sat with them for a bit, then they left too. Promising to see her at dinner. Elsa made her way to her chambers. Floating on the warm thoughts and feelings from this day. She busied herself in her chambers before settling into a bath. She then got dressed, and relaxed for a moment before the meal.

They had been waiting for a bit. It was just her, Anna and Kristoff. The food was on the table, and they were waiting for him. He had said he would be here. She was irritated. But she trusted him. She thought he might of gotten caught up in his work. It seemed he had been very focused when they met. She thought of that night, and chuckled to herself. She could laugh now. But she thought it odd, that somehow, she knew too, that night when they 'met'. That he would come to mean something to her. She had denied it at first. But in the short time they had known each other, the harder it was to deny it. What had started as curiosity, now bloomed into something else.

Just then, the door opened. Hiccup was announced, and he walked in. She thought she detected a slight limp in his step. He looked like he ran most of the way to the castle. Her concern overrode her irritation, but only slightly.

"Sorry everyone! I, -I got held up." He sat down and they started eating. The food was delicious. They made light conversation. Elsa noticed at times Hiccup was only picking at his food, lost in thought. She would clear her throat to catch his attention. He would look up and catch himself. He looked her way and smiled, frowning afterwards. She wondered what was on his mind. She would ask later. Soon, the eating had slowed down. They talked some more before Anna and Kristoff excused themselves. She and Hiccup left the dining room, and walked to the parlor. Instead of taking a seat, she chose to walk out onto the balcony. They stood there admiring the view.

"It's a beautiful night." She said. Opening the conversation. It was. The sun had set about an hour ago. There was a faint reminder on the horizon. It was fairly warm, to her anyway. The stars had begun to make their appearance all over the sky.

"Yes, it is." He finally said. She stepped closer and took his arm, hugging it to her. He looked at her and smiled. He took the arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. She snaked her arms around his waist. She pulled closer to him. He smelled of the forge, and the wind. She melted a little more. He hugged her shoulders with his arm. His gaze was out upon the fjord and the sea beyond.

"Hiccup? Is there something wrong?" She was sure there was but would he speak?He looked at her and smiled.

"No, Nothing really…" He looked towards the sea again, then sighed. "I had a little trouble getting the, -materials for my, -project. Then I started carving the moulds, you know, for pouring, -the material in… I just couldn't get it right. That made me realize I might not get it done in time before I -have to…"

"Before you have to leave?" She finished. He closed his eyes and nodded.

"I guess I, -I got so caught up in finding you, -in figuring out if this was, -real. I forgot about, -the, going-home-part." He looked so sad, she wanted to make that look go away.

"I guess we'll just have to make the most of the time we have, yes? And, we will see each other again. It may be a while, but…" He turned towards her, and smiled that smile. He put his left hand on her shoulder. Trailing it down to take both her hands in his.

"Elsa I, -I didn't want to spring this, whole, courting thing on you. I just wanted to let them know who I was, so, -so no one would think, -badly of you." He did that. He came out in the open. Out of his self-imposed secrecy for her. He did all that, just to protect her honor.

"Thank you, Hiccup. I really appreciate the sentiment. But all that wasn't necessary. I am Queen after all…" She told him. It made her heart swell.

"Yes, you are. But they could cause trouble. And I, just wanted them to know you weren't seeing just some idiot in a forge." He looked sheepish, but here was a light in his eyes.

"Yes, an idiot! A wonderful idiot, who makes me feel like a person, not an object to be had. An idiot that makes me feel like no other!" She couldn't help the smirk that grew on her face. He looked her in the eye. The sadness was gone.

"Being without you will be, -difficult. For any amount of time." She shook her head. He was being difficult right now.

"Hiccup! It will be fine. Now let's just enjoy the time we have, yes?" There was that smile again. He tipped his head at her.

"As My Queen Commands." He said gently. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush to him. Her hands came to his chest. She could feel his heartbeat. She looked up to his eyes. There was a different kind of light there she did not recognize. He moved in slowly and kissed her. Deeply and passionately they kissed. Her hands ran across his chest and around his neck to his back. His hands traveled from the small of her back to her shoulders and back again. A full minute of sliding lips and hands. They broke with a heavy breath. She turned her head and rested it on his chest. She floated back to the ground slowly. Like a leaf in Autumn. When she opened her eyes, she saw the fjord. She smelled sweat, fire, and the forge. This fit her idea of enjoying the time they had quite nicely!

Until, of course, it was ruined. She heard someone clear their throat from the room beyond. Hiccup turned his head, then sighed through his nose."Yes Catarin? What is it?" As if they already didn't know…

"Lord Haddock! My Queen? It, it's getting… late…" She sounded flustered.

"Yes Catarin! A few more minutes." She turned her head, she did look a little embarrassed. "Yes Your Highness's!" She stepped out the opened door.

She felt Hiccup kiss her hair. She pulled back a little to look at his face, only to take another to her forehead. They smiled at each other. They shared a hug, and a few more short, sweet kisses. He rested his forehead on hers and sighed.

"Until tomorrow?" He said. Almost like a promise. She nodded. "Until tomorrow…" They walked hand in hand back into the room. Catarin came in and dipped.

"My Lord, My Queen, at which hour shall we make the announcement?

"I think before noon?" Hiccup said. "We could have lunch after…" He looked to her a little sheepishly. He had overstepped a little. But it was fine with her. She nodded.

"Very well at eleven o'clock then? We shall see you then. -Lord Haddock, My Queen…" She dipped to them again. And left, but didn't close the door. They turned and embraced each other. A few more kisses were exchanged before they parted.

She walked back to her chambers and prepared for bed. As she climbed in, She gathered her thoughts. It had been a full day. It had started with a sadness at her cousins' departure. But ended on what had to be the happiest day of her life. To know she was loved and cared for as she loved and cared for him left her reeling. She wanted to share some more of herself, but they would have to be patient. She laid her head on her pillow, and was fast asleep.