Chereads / Olympus:The Awakening / Chapter 11 - The Visit

Chapter 11 - The Visit

Kore groaned as she came too, she tried to roll over, but a soft hand stopped her.

"Kore, are you alright?" Katrina's voice sounded distant to her. She didn't quite know where she was, but the floor was cool. Kore tried sitting up again, Katrina placed a hand to help guide her up.

"I'm... Ok Mrs. Roe" Kore rubbed her eyes; everything was so bright for some reason. Kore looked around and realized she was in the back section of the flower shop. Kore winced, her head hurt, she reached up to where it was sore and felt a cut on her forehead.

"You scared me! "Katrina grabbed her into a hug. "I found you outside on the floor and had to drag you back in here, I was about to call an ambulance, you were out for an hour!" Katrina studied her from head to toe, noticing the small cut on her head. She quickly got up and pulled out the first aid kit they previously used on her finger.

"A cut on the finger and a bump on the head, what in the world has gotten into you today!"

"Zen..." she said softly. Katrina froze, turned to face Kore with her mouth opened wide in shock. Kore shrugged sheepishly and pushed herself off the floor.

"Don't worry, he didn't hurt me" she smiled weakly.

"This isn't hurting you?" Katrina pointed at Kore with a look of disapproval.

Kore made her way over to the stool at the counter and took a seat. She placed her head down, hoping the headache would go away. She must have bumped her head on the handle outside while trying to get back in. She turned to examine her finger and noticed the wrap was gone, exposing her cut. 'Must have slipped off when she dragged me in' she brushed it off.

Katarina pulled her phone out, she bit her lower lip looking at Kore with concern, thhen looked back at her phone and shot off a text as she walked up to Kore to make sure she didn't fall asleep in case she had a concussion.

Aidoneus threw his car's door open, tossed the papers into the passenger seat then stepped inside. He put his hands through his hair while he heavily breathed. He kept his hands on his head as he took a deep breath. He huffed, took the keys from his pocket and put them in the ignition.

He pulled out of the parking spot, driving by the guards who were walking around wondering what to do with the mess he left. He smiled, knowing how mad his brother would be. He slowly pulled up to the gate arm, impatiently tapping his finger on the steering wheel. He couldn't wait to be as far away from this place as possible.

The arm raised slowly, as he hears Bing! From his phone. He scoffed, dreading that it was Hippio. He pulled forward while reaching into his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out only to be met with a "Battery over heating "notification, he squinted and saw the text behind the notification from an unknown number. He couldn't make the most of it out, all he saw was red when he saw the ending "Kore's hurt".

Aidoneus set his AC on blast as he pulled out of the garage, cutting people off.

"Gamó*̱!" He smashed his hand on the steering wheel and made a sharp right onto the freeway, horns were blaring as he zigzagged out of traffic. He reached over and held his phone up to the AC to get it to cool down.

"Kore, sweetie, please open your eyes" Katrina rubbed her back.

"I'm so... sleepy" Kore nodded off. Katrina was worried because how easily Kore bled that she might have a bad concussion. She wanted to check her pupils, to see if one was dilated but Kore wouldn't lift her head up. Kore slowly started to slide off the stool.

Katrina grabbed her as best as she could, one arm around Kore and another bracing on the counter.

"Kore! Kore! Please ..." She managed to bring Kore back to the floor and laid her down. She pulled her phone out, turned on the light and opened Kores eyes, she gasped, as one was larger than the other. She quickly called 911. Praying they'd respond. She knew that this part of town was less of a priority than others.

As she put her phone up to her ear, she heard tires screeching down the street. She immediately knew who it was. She hung up and ran outside waving frantically. Aidoneus pulled over and threw the car in the park.

"What happened o fílos mou?" he slid out of the car in a quick motion moving faster than Katrina could explain.

Aidoneus rushed into the shop. He froze as his eyes landed on Kore laying down on the floor. His jaw clenched, he quickly made his way to her and kneeled next to her, he scooped her up quickly while proceeding to provide support for her head. As he was exiting the building holding her limp body, he saw her eyes open slightly. She smiled weakly and reached up to his face.

"Genaiódoros*" she whispered as she slipped out of consciousness.


Kore woke up, lights shining in her eyes and loud talking around her. She tried shooing them away, but the nurses held her down. She was a bit confused but too tired to fight back, so she laid her head back on the cool pillow. She woke up for a little bit when she heard a mechanical whirl around her. She was pulled back to sleep, she was having the nicest dream.

Kore was in a field of dandelions, laying down, arms spread out in the warm sun, the smell of spring drifted across her nose as she turned her head to see Aidoneus with her. She rolled over onto her elbow looking at him. He had a smile to die for on his face, he turned to face her and reached out to touch her face. She pushed her face into the palm of his hand while taking in his warmth. He pulled her into him, they snuggled as he kissed her forehead.

Aidoneus paced back and forth in the ER lobby. He started cursing under his breath. Katrina ran through the lobby doors.

"Aidoneus ! Where is she!?" she frantically pleaded. He ran his hands through his hair, gritting his teeth.

"They took her to get a CT scan, we'll know more shortly" he continued to pace back and forth. The nurses stared at him; he looked like he was about to burn a hole in the floor. Katrina put her hands up pleadingly.

"Aidoneus , please sit down, you're not doing anyone any good by stressing yourself out this much" He stopped, clenching his fists. He looked at Katrina and walked up to her.

"What happened?" he looked down on the woman who went and took a seat. She patted the chair next to her. "I don't know much" she started as Aidoneus took a seat next to her. "But all she managed to tell me was that Zen visited her".

Aidoneus shot her an angry glance and bolted up.

"HE WHAT?!" he roared as steam started coming off of him. Katrina put her hands up and gestured to him to calm down.

"She told me he didn't do this to her, that's all I know. Don't go jumping to conclusions, ask her when we're able to see her" she clutched her purse in her lap. He sat back down, his head in his hands. Katrina reached over to him and rubbed his back. She could see the glow of his eyes reflecting off his hands.

"Ms. Caterino..." a soft voice woke Kore up. She was startled to see a doctor next to her.

"Wh... what happened?" Kore questioned while pushing herself up, she winced and grabbed her head.

"Well, it appears you had quite the spill at your job" the doctor flipped though her paperwork. "Your CT came back; it shows you have a severe concussion" the doctor placed his hands neatly in front of him. "We'll keep you over night to monitor you, prescribe some pain meds and give you a couple weeks off so you can rest up." He walked over to the I.V placed in her arm to check it. "Rest up miss" he helped her lay back down and exited the room. Kore drifted back to sleep.

Kore felt a warmth engulf her, along with a heavy feeling. She wiggled to attempt to get away from it. She slowly opened her eyes to see Aidoneus asleep on her lap.

"Oh, thank goodness" Katarina said softly from the chair in the corner.

"Oh, Mrs. Roe," Kore tried to sit up, but Aidoneus had her pinned. Katrina put her finger up to her lips to shush her.

"That man has been a complete mess" she whispered. "He almost fought the doctor when he said you couldn't have visitors" she let out a small laugh, Aidoneus's head nuzzled into Kore's legs. Kore laid her head back down on the pillow. She reached down and ran her fingers through Aidoneus's hair with a weak smile on her face. She looked at Katarina and mouthed 'Thank you' as she drifted off to sleep.

She felt the warmth again, except this time it was on her forehead.

"Kore..." Aidoneus whispered ever so softly. She pushed her head into his as she slowly placed her hands on his face, she held them there, inhaling his scent. Her eyes flew open, and she quickly turned red.

Aidoneus locked eyes with Kore. Katarina held her hands up to her chest with a smile on her face.

"Agápi̱ mou, * it's time to go home" he leaned placing his hands on her arms. Kore looked at him pitifully.

*My love*

"I'm sorry Aidon" tears welded up in her eyes "I... I didn't mean to worry you" she looked down to the left to break eye contact with him. She felt terrible that she made this man worry so much about her. She wasn't used to thinking about others.

Aidoneus stepped back to give Kore room to swing her legs over the bed. Katarina had made an exit while the two were having their moment, she pulled a nurse aside and asked if they could get a wheelchair for them.

Kore swung her legs over the bed and attempted to stand, she fell into Aidoneus . He grabbed her softly, she placed her head on his chest, she hadn't noticed how steady his heart was racing. She closed her eyes and took the sound in. He glanced down at her and rubbed the back of her head.

"Agápi̱ mou "he whispered, "Let's get you home" he placed his chin on top of her head and inhaled her floral scent. He felt her starting to sob. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. Kore didn't know how to process the feelings she was having, she didn't mean to cry, she didn't want him to think she was crying because she was scared, she was crying because she was grateful to have people who care for her.

Katrina pulled the wheelchair up to the room and saw Kore crying. Kore looked at her, Katarina's heart broke. Kore gently moved away from Aidoneus and made her way to Katarina. They embraced.

"Thank you, Katarina, you have no idea how much you guys mean to me" Kore sobbed. Katarina rubbed Kore's back and shushed her. Aidoneus stood with his back turned, ridged. He sensed she wasn't crying because his brother terrified her. He sensed that she was grateful for her new companions. He clenched his jaw and balled up his fists, he straightened himself up and turned as Katarina helped Kore get in the wheelchair.

"I honestly can walk..." Kore softly said.

"It's hospital policy for you to leave in a wheelchair" Katarina smiled at her. Aidoneus strode next them taking up the whole left side of the small corridor. People ducked into rooms to avoid running into them. Kore looked up at him and noticed his suit looked scorched.

"What happened to you?" she said, placing her hand on her chin studying him. He glanced down quickly then backed up.

"Agápi̱ mou*, we need to worry about you, not me" he said in a cool tone. Kore felt he wasn't in the mood, so she didn't push it. As they exited the sliding doors there was a black Cadillac SUV parked in the pick-up zone. Peter stood in front waiting for them.

*My love*

Katarina helped Kore get into the car, as Peter and Aidoneus had a conversation on the side. Peter nodded and headed towards the driver's side. Aidoneus ducked into the doorway.

"Agápi̱ mou, I'll meet you at your place. I have something to take care of. Peter is going to stay with you till I get Iris to come over." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. She turned bright red.

"Please, agápi̱ mou, no more accidents?" He smiled softly at her. She giggled and nodded in agreement. Katarina waved Kore goodbye and said she'd stop by tomorrow since it seems Kore's visitor roster was already full as she closed the door.

Aidoneus stood there as Peter pulled out to take Kore home. He turned to head towards his car, he ripped off his tie and tossed it aside and undid the top two buttons of his shirt. He removed his jacket, tossed it over his shoulder, rolled up his sleeves and he walked ahead as a heat whirlwind surrounded him, his eyes started emitting a bright turquoise.

"It's time to pay you a visit.... brother" he said as steam slowly spilled out from the sides of his mouth.

Zen was sitting at the table with Hestia and Hera, poking at his food. Hera nudged him trying to encourage him to eat.

"I really do dislike eggs; I don't know why you force us to eat them every day" he took an angry bite of his food.

"Just because you're special, doesn't mean you can live off of steak your whole life" Hera said while looking towards Hestia. She pushed her food around as well. She threw her head back and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Why did I miss the party" she whined. "Aidoneus hates parties, but he got to go home with a woman!" She used an exasperating tone while smacking her feet against the table like a child. "I wanted to see her" she cried.

Hera shot her a glance. Zen smashed his hand on the table. "We will not speak of her" he said frustrated.

"Why? You're not happy that Aidoneus got rid of that snake of a woman Minithe?" She coyly said looking at her brother. Hera looked at Zen. 'Why does he care so much who he sees?' she took another bite of food. Hera was jealous of this girl grabbing all the attention from the men in her life.

A butler entered the dining room announcing Hippio's arrival. The brother pushed by the butler and headed towards Hera's side.

"Adelfós!" Hestia stood up for a hug as he passed by her, he ignored her. She sat back down pouting. Hippio took a seat next to Hera. A maid quickly walked up with wine and food.

"I managed to get that leverage we set up" he took a bite of toast, then quickly washed it down with wine.

"Oh?" Zen cocked his eyebrow at Hippio.

"Yes, I have someone set up to take the fall" he said in-between bites. Hestia looked at Hera who looked just as confused.

"What are you talking about agapi̱tós? She placed her hand gently on his. He pulled away. "Nothing that concerns you woman" He coldly said. She crossed her arms in disapproval.

They heard some commotion coming from outside, Zen looked at Hippio with concern, the two stood up and headed for the door. One of Zen's guards flew through door and smashed into Hippio, knocking him over, Hestia and Hera quickly stood up, Hestia took a defensive stance in front of Hera. Hippio threw the guard off of him, the man's chest was burnt through, the exposed bone charred.

"Aidoneus " Zen's eyes narrowed towards the steaming figure standing in the doorway.

Aidoneus huffed while his shirt was starting to set ablaze. He took a step towards Zen, Hippio blocked them. He snatched Aidoneus's shoulder, impervious to his heat. Aidoneus grabbed him threw him across the room like he was a rag doll.

Hestia stared in disbelief as her brother walked through the door.

"YOU! "He pointed at Zen. Zen was taken aback at how Aidoneus threw Hippio. He moved swiftly, more swiftly than Zen has ever seen him move before. He grabbed Zen and slammed him on the table, snapping the oak wood in one blow. The wood started burning blue underneath him. He pulled his fist back and smashed it into Zen's face.

"YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" He shouted while continuously smashing his fist into Zens face, as hot steam poured out of Aidoneus's mouth. Zen managed to put his arms up to block his brother's blows, snuck a foot under him and shoved him off. Aidoneus went flying but caught his footing before slamming into the wall, He lowered himself to the ground ready to charge again.

"STOP!" Hestia screamed, Aidoneus flicked a glance towards her. That gave Hippio an opening, he jumped over the table throwing water onto Aidoneus's hands, then froze Aidoneus to the floor. He gritted his teeth in anger, he attempted to pull his hands free but couldn't. Zen walked up to him, brushing off some blood from his mouth.

"Impressive, knocking everyone out outside and coming in here and actually drawing blood on me!" Zen grabbed Aidoneus by the chin and forced him to look at him. Hippios grinned evilly behind Zen, cracking his knuckles, giddy with excitement that he finally could beat some respect into Aidoneus . Enraged, Aidoneus spat in Zen's face. Zen responded with a punch in his jaw. Aidoneus was un-phased. He grinned at Zen.

"That all you got?" Hippio walked up next to Zen. "A caged animal is what you are and always will be. No wonder why you were fathers favorite to beat" he punched Aidoneus in the stomach smiling as the sound of breaking ribs filled the room.

The ice cracked on Aidoneus's hands from the heat he was emitting, he pulled one last time, his hand breaking free while grabbing Hippio's fist mid punch. There was a sickening crunch. Hippio reeled and pulled his hand back; shock waved over everyone's faces. Aidoneus had broken Hippio's hand.

Aidoneus pulled and broke free of his other restraint, his shirt completely burned off, the doors creaked and groaned as they started to light a blue flame. His hands engulfed in the flame, healing the broken wrist he had just broken from using so much force on Hippio.

Hestia stood there in awe. Aidoneus was always the weak one, prone to wounds and broken bones. He could easily break a man, but to harm Hippio or Zen was another level Aidoneus did not have. Hestia didn't notice Hera sneakily headed towards him while Hestia was standing there dumbfounded.

"Brother!" Hippio groaned while holding his hand. He looked up to Zen for answers, last he knew his brother wasn't supposed to be this strong. Aidoneus stood up menacingly while blue flames flicked from his skin. He took a step forward, just to feel a wave of calmness rush through him.

He looked down and saw Hera had planted her hand on him, she looked at him with her eyes glowing gold, Hestia came running and put herself between them and her brothers.

"Stop this! All of you!" She cried, her eyes were glowing red as her hands started forming red fire. She loved Aidoneus , she remembers how he would shield her with his body as father beat them. Tears formed in her eyes as she stared Zen and Hippio down.

Hera was wincing at the pain from the fire Aidoneus emitted, she was fighting against him to manipulate his emotions, normally it'd be a breeze, but she was visibly struggling.

Aidoneus glared at her. He ripped his arm away from her and turned his attention back to Zen and Hippio. He got hit with a wave of exhaustion; he fell to one knee. Panting, he looked up at his brothers as the flames died down. He overextended his powers for the day. Hestia turned and ran to her brother. She stooped next to him as Hera took her place next to Zen.

"We need to kill him now adelfós" Hippio roared, holding his arm and taking a step towards Aidoneus . Hestia put herself between the two again.

"No! We still need him to run his part of the business" Hera placed her hand on Hippio as he slowly calmed down. "Without him, we wouldn't get rid of our competition" she whispered in Zen's ear while placing her hand on his shoulder. He relaxed as well.

"Go, take him now Hestia, I can't control them for long" she tilted her head towards the exit for Hestia to get Aidoneus out of there. She helped her brother up and quickly left. Aidoneus relied a little too much on Hestia for support, but she didn't mind. Just because she's small didn't mean she wasn't strong, and she was glad Aidoneus relied on her.

They Quickly made their way down the stairs; Hestia laid her eyes on the carnage her brother caused.

"Oh...Aidoneus , what have you done?' She softly whispered to him. She got him to his car and placed him in the passenger seat. She closed the door and headed to the driver's seat. Thunder started to roar around the house as Zen stepped outside, eyes fully yellow. Hestia quickly started the car and drove off.