Character and item level

Alphabetical levels:

F: F-, F and F+

E: E-, E, E+, E++ and E+++

D: D-, D, D+, D++ and D+++

C: C-, C, C+, C++ and C+++

B: B-, B, B+, B++ and B+++

A: A-, A, A+, A++ and A+++

S: S-, S, S+, S++ and S+++

( A is the limit of any players or creatures,items(normally). They can be normally measured by items or abilities. S are limit breakers normally got through unique circumstances.)

Unique levels:

EX: beings or items which can resist worldly laws and even invade them to some extent, planetary to galactic.(Normal entities, low tier higher beings)

Hero: Beings or items which can impact an entire Minecraft world with countless timelines.

Super Hero: Beings or items which can travel to other Minecraft worlds and impact them. Can't impact all of them at once.

Saint: beings or items which can impact uncountable number of Minecraft worlds,miltiversal level.

Divine Saint: beings or items which can travel to other seeds.

Demigod: Can destroy uncountable seeds, can't travel to other server.

Low god: Can travel to a server and destroy it not all.

Mid God: can destroy uncountable servers but can't destroy Minecraft realm completely because of it's protection.

High God: Can destroy the Minecraft realm but can't travel to the real world and other realms.

Beyond levels:

Creator God

Omnipotent God

Supreme God

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