In the house library, Izaya was lying on the carpet, his two fingertips holding the edge of a page between them. His feets were swinging. He flipped the page after reading it, to read the next one.
The book was about the history of Japan.
To be specific, it was describing the events that happened in the Meiji Period, which is also known as The Modern Era. This period started from 1868 and ended in 1912.
Izaya was reading and knocking the information of the book into his head out of a sense of duty. He thought that it would be right for him to know the history of his new country.
He had already read the book about the period before the Meiji Period.
The Heian Period, also known as The Classic Era.
As his reading was going on, the door of the small library creaked.
A shadow loomed over Izaya and stretched its hand towards him. In a death grip, it gripped his waist and lifted him up without his consent.
Izaya's eyes widened.
Flesh smoothly and repeatedly grazed Izaya's cheek.
Apparently, it was his mother who was grazing Izaya's fluffy cheek with her own cheek with a gleeful grin plastered on her face.
"Oh my little cutie!"
Izaya's face morphed into an expression that literally said, 'Bruh, seriously?', for a moment.
Her child was a peculiar one. Cute as he is, he also possesses a great amount of curiosity.
To make her child advanced from other children his age, she decided to teach him her native language, Japanese.
He was just 2 years old. She obviously didn't expect much from him. But even so, she tried.
And to her pleasant surprise and shock, her beloved child absorbed the information like a sponge absorbing spilled milk.
She taught him with the only intention of making him understand the language by hearing but he also learned to speak the language.
Both her and her husband, Ren, never heard of such a thing.
Seeing his capabilities, she also decided to teach him how to read Japanese, which he did quite easily.
This further strengthened their assumption that their child was an actual genius.
They thought that they were blessed with an amazing child. And actually, they were.
It was evening.
Izaya was sleeping on his bed.
And his mother went to the market to buy various things.
Previously his mother was telling him about the Meiji Period with him listening attentively to her in the library.
As the book finished, Izaya somewhat demanded that she read another book.
As her lovely child asked her to read another book, she couldn't deny his wish and stood up to take another book from the shelf.
At the start of every month, Sakane with her child goes to the market to buy monthly stuff.
Today was the first day of March. And
Izaya didn't wish to go to the market and wanted to read other books himself, fastly. Not in the slow place in which his mother told him the contents of the book.
So as his mother was searching for another book to read from the shelf, he pretended to fall asleep.
Seeing this, his mother brought him to the room, and gently put him on the bed.
She wanted to bring Izaya with her to the market as she usually did. But alas, she couldn't, as he fell asleep.
She thought that he wouldn't wake up and decided that she would quickly finish the shopping.
So, she decided to go to the market nearby.
In the end, Izaya was left alone in the home.
He heard the closing of the door of the house as his mother went out and then instantly sat up with a victorious and silly smile on his face.
Through the window, rays of orange light were falling from the sun on the floor besides the bed on which he was sitting.
Izaya removed the thin blanket that was covering his body. He crossed the bed and put his feet down from the right side of the bed, intending to switch off the fan and head straight to the library.
If his mother came when he was reading in the library, he would just tell her that he got awake.
Just as he thought this, the atmosphere of the room changed.
And a distorted voice crawled up his ear.
His survival instincts suddenly activated and his guard upped. He looked at the source of that horrible sound.
And what he looked at… sent a chill down his spine.
A small brown, 'deformed' creature with four muscular legs on the floor was directly looking at Izaya with its only eye positioned on its head.
As Izaya positioned his line of sight at the out-of-place eye of the creature, he broke into a cold sweat.
The eye of that absurd creature looked normal when put with its twisted body. It looked normal to Izaya and even then caused him to break into a cold sweat as that eye of the creature was the eye of a 'human'.
It seemed like someone had forcefully transplanted a human's eye into that horrible creature, making it look more horrific.
The creature started to slowly move towards the frightened Izaya. The distance between it and Izaya was only of a few long steps.
As the creature slowly closed on Izaya like a predator closing in on a helpless prey, its mouth opened and revealed inhuman, sharp and long teeths.
Its teeth clattered and its long tongue lolled.
Izaya knew this wasn't a dream as all the fear, the unknown creature, the creepy atmosphere felt too real.
Izaya did what a normal person would do when faced with the unknown. He ran.
However, just as he was a few steps away from the door, the cursed spirit that was slowly moving, vanished and appeared beside him at a blinding speed with its razor sharp teeths open.
He saw the curse at the corner of his eyes, while running and his legs slipped.
He fell onto the floor and the curse passed above him with a great speed-
-and collided with the wall.
Seeing this opportunity, Izaya scrambled up on his feet and ran.
He passed the door and was about to move right where the exit of the house was. But suddenly stopped as he realised that his mother would've locked the door.
'There was no way she would not have locked the door when I was alone in the house!', he thought.
Suddenly, he felt the wooden floor vibrate and heard the running of the creature in the room.
There wasn't even any gate of the room that he could close to lock the monster inside.
'Aargh.. Damn it!'
He rushed straight to his left.
The cursed spirit popped up from the room.
As Izaya crossed a great distance, passing the dining room, with the curse chasing him, he was just about to run up the stairs on his left.
But suddenly, he felt a vibration run through his legs and then what followed was a strong impact on the back of his small body, which caused him to roll and crash into the front wall.
After some moments, Izaya half stood up with pain coming from his back, facing the monsters.
The curse which was staring at Izaya intently, started to jump with joy. It flashed a creepy grin to Izaya. Even dancing with glee, it was closing in on Izaya.
One thing was clear, the creature clearly intended to kill Izaya.
With no route of escape left to him, Izaya was watching the gleeful monster coming towards him. He could try to escape between the walls but he had a strong feeling in his bones that told him that if he did that, that disgusting creature would surely tear him apart with its sharp teeths.
This scene now, didn't look like a predator closing in on a helpless prey. It looked more like a creature playing cruelly with a toy.
There were several emotions swirling inside Izaya: regret, anger, helplessness, hate, curiosity, sadness and so on.
He made a plan: when the monster would rush at him, he would grab it with his small hands and slam it nearby. However, after slamming it, he will not run.
He would slam the creature as many time as it would take to kill it. After all, the two emotions swirling inside him the most strongly were anger and hatred against the monster.
However in hurry, there was one thing that Izaya couldn't take note of. That thing was the creature's speed.
As Izaya made his decision, the creature stopped its dance and prepared itself.
Its distorted voice once again fell on his ears, "...hyaa-aaah.."
The wooden floor once again shook and the creature rushed towards him in a 'blur'.
Izaya's golden eyes widened.
Because of the shock, time seemed to slow for Izaya. There was no way he could intercept the coming monster.
It was crystal clear. Death was coming towards him.
He could see the grotesque creature flying towards him with its razor sharp teeth open and long tongue waving in air.
Deja Vu.
It was just like the last time when he died before his rebirth.
He could clearly hear his heart beating furiously.
His childish features suddenly morphed into an expression of extreme anger.
Did this world expect him to suffer this cruel fate again?
There was no way... No way!
There was no way he would accept something like this!
With greater force than normally is needed, he brought his right hand between him and the curse in a display of his anger.
His palm directly faced the creature.
The 'thing' that was congenitally imprinting itself on his body, completely got engraved on his body and a stream of information about that 'thing' flowed into his brain.
Izaya's brain instantly recognised that thing as an intrinsic superpower.
An 'energy' stemmed from his negative emotions and fuelled his innate superpower, causing it to activate.
The creature that was slowly flying towards Izaya, in his perception, suddenly got 'dismembered'.
The time started to flowing in its normal pace in Izaya's perception.
The whole body of the monster burst open and its blood splattered.
Its ripped body ignited in bright pink and purple fire and vanished, as it had never been there before.
Izaya's angry expression changed into a shocked one.
"Wh-what..?", Izaya asked in disbelief.
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