6:45 in the early morning, the northern waters of the Flame Sea Southwest of Zu Island Strait.
Although daylight had already brightened the sky, the sun had not yet risen. From high above, looking down, everything blurred by the morning mist, nothing was clear.
In order to see the ocean surface, Petty Officer Amari lowered his flight altitude to below one thousand meters.
Unfortunately, it was the time of day for fog to form, with dense clouds overhead. Even squinting, he couldn't be sure to see anything.
Amari felt a bit frustrated, thinking this was a waste of effort, but there was nothing he could do.
In any case, he had to fly this 97 Ship Attack Squadron aircraft toward the northeast until the endpoint of the route, the turning point for the return flight.
When he would arrive, the fuel gauge would tell him.
Because there was no wind, in theory, he could fly all the way to the southern mouth of the Zu Island Strait.