Takano was restless, and Bai Zhizhan wasn't faring much better.
Although he had deliberately acted unruffled when he received the order, instructing his officers and soldiers to conserve their strength, after returning to the commander's cabin, Bai Zhizhan managed to sleep for less than two hours before a foreboding nightmare woke him, after which he couldn't fall back asleep.
What made him ironically smile was that, after fully waking up, he couldn't remember the content of the nightmare no matter how hard he tried.
If he could remember, perhaps he could have found an expert to interpret the dream.
He hung on until midnight, estimating it was about time for a late-night snack, before Bai Zhizhan went to the officers' mess located at the bottom of the ship's island where he ordered a bowl of small glutinous rice balls.
This mess was mainly open to the pilots, it wasn't large, and it was usually not very crowded.