After leveling off, Jiang Haiyang glanced back.
The bomb he had released hit the carrier and exploded inside the hull. The hit was located on the forward half of the flight deck, towards the port side.
A great fire had erupted on the carrier.
In the sky, the second and third dive bombers had already dropped their bombs, but they all missed the carrier. The fourth was diving, and the fifth had reached its dive entry point.
The interval between dive bombing attacks was about ten seconds, exactly the same as in routine training.
Jiang Haiyang didn't pull the dive bomber up even though low-level flight wasn't the dive bomber's strong point and the turbulence was severe.
The key issue was that enemy ships were everywhere.
Climbing now would be like offering himself as a target for the enemy ships' high-altitude guns!
Don't forget, that fast battleship hadn't been hit and was fiercely firing its antiaircraft guns, as if attempting to fill the sky with shells.