"No.3 Dragonfly, pull up quickly, pull up quickly!"
"Maintain the original course, do not turn!"
"Third squad, keep up, don't fall behind!"
"Watch that fighter, turn right quickly."
"Upper left, ten o'clock direction, it's a Zero Fighter."
"Watch out for the High-altitude Gun, accelerate into the barrage area."
"Squadron leader, don't worry about us, don't worry about us. Long live the Navy, may the Empire endure forever!"
The headset had already been filled with deafening noise, and the entire world had become dim and unclear.
Zhu Huasheng wasn't injured; it was lubricating oil spraying from a bullet hole in the nose of the plane, smearing the cockpit windshield and blocking his view.
To see outside, Zhu Huasheng opened the cockpit canopy.
A fierce wind blew directly in his face, but he could see the giant ship ahead.