Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter four : A "Ghost" Chasing the Shadows of the Past


She started her life in darkness.

 "What? Again?!" A strange voice echoed in the distance but no one heard it. 

Her birth was different from any normal Dark Elf birth. She was born a slave, for a Dark Elf mother who was captured and enslaved by a lesser nobles in human society and forced to bear his child. 

"Hmm… I get it, I get it… No, I can't understand this! Am I a ghost stalking this little girl or what?" The owner of the strange voice wondered as he tried to understand what was going on, and whether he was just an isolated entity watching a child's life helplessly.

This child, half Dark Elf-blooded, was born to live a life of submission, contrary to everything her species stands for. She was forced to serve her master and his family, who shared the other half of her blood. The Dark Elf, however, would rather die than become a slave. 

The child was given no choice, has been raised by a father who misled her into believing that her cruel treatment was normal. "That annoying father! What the hell is normal about this, for heaven's sake ?!" The isolated entity cannot bear the injustice, but it is powerless to stop it. 

It's like brainwashing since early childhood and being of the Dark Elf race played a role in that as they know that they are loyal to their teachings and the rules imposed on them, which makes them fulfill their covenant and be ready to die without a hint of hesitation. 

Once a mere slave serving the interests of the noble family, she was trained from a young age to become an assassin and spy due to her innate talent inherited from the Dark Elves in the arts of combat, stealth, and dark magic. For three thousand years she served the family loyally, raising its status until it became a great ducal family in the kingdom.

During the Dark Elf's life, her separate self was closely observing every moment, living the experience fully but without the ability to intervene, as if she were just a helpless spectator. This self was clearly aware that she had experienced these events before, as if her soul carried the memory of a previous life. 

Her last master, whom she considered different from all her other masters, was the most greedy and cunning. 

"Hey… you, stop, don't listen to him." The self tries to warn its body not to obey, knowing that the end will be tragic.

With his feigned kindness, he was able to exploit her love for him. He made her commit the most heinous crimes in order to serve him, and he even convinced her to break the most important rule, which was not to harm the First Lord, his family, and his descendants, even if he was the one who made the request.

"Don't do that! You will suffer a severe reaction if you break the rule, you might die." But once again, the separate self couldn't stop her, feeling helpless as she watched her body ignore the warnings. She had assassinated his brothers and everyone who had the right to succeed the noble title besides him. 

Her blind loyalty to this man led her to help him take over the family, and she led a revolution against the royal family and crowned him king of the kingdom. "Are you serious? A revolution against the royal family? Have you gone crazy?!" The soul cannot believe that things have reached this point, and the astonishment increases with the success of the plan.

"I can't believe it, she really did it! Hahahahahaha…"

But the people did not welcome him, and the resentment and hatred against him increased, while she continued to defend him against the many assassination attempts. 

The kingdom had become a miserable and wretched state and many people had suffered, but she diden't care because she had drawn a smile on the face of the one she cared about the most. 

"What now? He already has a kingdom, does he still want more? Damn, this greedy-man will never be satisfied… and you… you definitely have a problem with your head… he's taking advantage of you." The soul tries to wake its body up to reality, realizing that all of this is nothing but exploitation.

She loved him and thought he loved her back, his actions and behavior suggested that. She loved him deeply, and despite all the signs that suggested that he loved her back, but the truth came back painfully when he married another woman who did not deserve to be her alternative. She felt jealous and resentful, but she had no choice and thought that it was normal and that she had exaggerated in her delusions. How could the king of the country marry a slave from a different race when thousands of years of age separated them? 

She decided to keep her feelings to her heart and continued to serve him. 

Over time, she continued to conquer neighboring kingdoms in his name, bringing him glory, and then presenting those conquests to him as a reward for victory. 

"Oy, oy, oy… don't do that… don't kill them, they're your kind, they're your family… no no no noooo." Pain ravages the separate self as she sees that she has killed her own kind, the dark elves who have entered human society, whether they are prisoners or free people seeking to reclaim and liberate them, at his instigation. 

The self speaks bitterly: "You are crazy, you really are crazy. What is wrong with your head? Is it for decoration? I thought you were the strongest and most intelligent being." But there is no use in its talk, it only mocks itself and its despair.

"What the hell?... I'm the crazy one, why am I talking to someone who can't even hear me?... I'm getting on my nerves. (Sigh)" The separated self realizes the futility of its attempts and tries to accept its helplessness.

"Look behind you… turn around, come on, come on, you're in danger… me… us?…" The separate self screams in a last-ditch attempt to save her body, but it's too late, "Arrrgh (coughing up blood)." The moment of the stab comes, and then she starts laughing madly: "Ahahahahaha."

In the end, because he doubted her loyalty and thought that she might betray him at any moment and stab him in the back, he stabbed her first and killed her before she could do what she hadn't intended to do, because he was afraid... and a coward. 

In her last moments, she realized the bitter truth. 

He exploited her and drained all her capabilities for his own interests. 

She felt a pang of remorse weighing down her heart as she recalled her memories, remembering the innocent victims she had killed, the families she had destroyed, and the lives she had taken just to make this man's life comfortable. 

She had gone against all her principles and devoted her heart and body to serve someone who was not worthy. 

With every drop of blood that fell from her, her hatred for him grew. 

She felt the bitterness of betrayal seep into her heart, but she couldn't move or take revenge. Her body was staggering, her consciousness was fading, and darkness was beginning to engulf her. She had an overwhelming desire for revenge, but she was powerless. 

It was too late, the strength had drained from her body and the flame of her life had gone out, while the last thing she saw was the smiling face of her master who stabbed her without mercy or remorse. The Dark Elf died cursing herself for betraying her values, and for all the pain she had caused for someone who did not deserve any sacrifice. 

"Really, why do I have to suffer so much?... It's the third time!!!" The separate self lets out a cry of grief and pain, resentful of having to suffer again and again.