Truce arrived at the Suffolk-county courthouse, with Chen looking dashing in his rented tuxedo. Chen had so many questions whirling in his head. But one straight look from the boss, made him zip his wide mouth. Wisps of their hairs swayed in the gentle winter morning breeze. Snowflakes covered the courthouse steps, sidewalks and streets, as they glistened like polished marble, reflecting the pale winter sun.
Truce sent some agents to Nichole's. his phone beeped and he opened the notification, to see Nichole in pajamas, gagged and bundled in her room, sending death stares into the camera. Satisfied, he called his agents and ordered them to keep her contained for the whole day. He ended the call, and scanned the area, for his sniper, strategically positioned on the rooftop. He got the feedback and nodded gently. everything was in place… except the bride, who was running late.