Anna settled in the library, and decided to start from where she missed. She brought out her notes, and a necklace fell out. The pendant wrapped round the one Pastor Ben gave her. She picked them up, thought about them for a bit, then threw them into her bag, tucked away from her sight.
She selected a book from the shelve, sat down and revised and revised, so it would stick. When she was satisfied with what had stuck in her brain, it was past noon. The place was filled with students in groups doing topic hunting.
She saw some of her course mates and waved. But they were to busy to recognize her. Anna thought they knew she failed. Her eyes dropped. Her stomach growled at her.
"No food for you now, I have to get my head filled with this." Determined, she dived deeper into coming topics about that course. She felt satisfied at her progress, scribbling notes and highlighting words that caught her eye.