The young ninja vs the savate champion.
Hiro was the first to make a move, throwing a quick jab that Lucio easily blocked. Lucio responded with a powerful kick to Hiro's chest, knocking him back a few steps.
The two fighters continued to trade blows, with Hiro's superior speed and technique eventually paying off.
Lucio was a tough opponent, but Hiro was a seasoned martial artist.
With a final flurry of punches and kicks, Hiro was able to land a decisive blow, knocking Lucio back.
Lucio was a tough opponent, but Hiro was a seasoned martial artist.
With a final flurry of punches and kicks, Hiro was able to land a decisive blow, knocking Lucio out cold.
With a final blow, Hiro was able to knock his opponent down, winning the fight.
The crowd cheered, and Hiro was declared the winner.
"Congratulations." Said Lucio.