Chereads / Angels Egg / Chapter 2 - Falling

Chapter 2 - Falling

March 22, 2019, 9:07 am

Ram Kane

A few hours had passed since the initial incident, and before I could comprehend it, people had started to call those who had went to the place the Fallen, and someone on a social media platform had begun calling that place the Cursed Realm, which caught on like wildfire. Personal I agreed with their assessment, we were dropped in a place with no knowledge and given a goal, it could only been seen as a curse. Additionally according to some news's reports only 35% of the population had fallen, and only 25% made it back. Of those who died nothing had come back, no bodies no nothing. As if plucked out of reality they were entirely missing.

More importantly I had a single day left, a sigh escaped me, I had a vague grasp of the form's and what they meant. From what other's had posted about Armament's were just that Weapons and Armor physical things like that. However you didn't get to choose the specify form, like you could choose a armament but couldn't specify a sword or shield. However that also not where it ended, the weapon would come with an attribute, a special power unique to the user and weapon. Things like fire, water and more unusual things, however people weren't too giving on information of their abilities. We had no way of knowing what would come once the seven days were up so I don't blame them. 

The next category were Summons, people who Angel's egg took the a random form of a creature or beast. Such as a giant wolf or something more mythical like a dragon, which also came with a special attribute. Body seemed something that affected the body, some people a reported part's of their body were replaced with something new, like a prosthetic arm. Finally Occult seemed to be anything that didn't fit into the other categories, and I wasn't able to find much of anything about people who had chosen that as their form unfortunately.

Since I'd been waiting for other's to choose their forms I didn't have much time lift to decide mine, time was of the essence, I couldn't decide which I wanted most each had certain upsides and down sides. If possible I wanted the one with the most up sides or the best all arounder. I wanted to be able to adapt to any situation if at all possible. Over the past nine hour's of research and pondering I came to my conclusion, I didn't know what to predict from the Cursed Realm.

"Ahh alright fine, Armament" I sighed and said, turning my attention towards the screen I shifted my eye's to the first option. A physical weapon was probably the best for me, I would prefer a sword with a cool ability or something of the like. A summon seemed to unreliable, sure I may get something powerful but I could be left defenseless pretty easy. Body was a close second, but I wasn't to sure if I wanted lose apart of me, Occult had to little information and seemed unreliable.

I recited the words "Armament" while clicking it on the screen, suddenly a clicking sound was made and the world went black.

"Oh hello! You're pretty late to making a choice, probably one of the last infact!"

"Huh?" Somehow, a creature was before me, it was pure white, It had the snout and snipped ears of a Doberman feathery angelic wings covering it's eyes, its ears also had angelic feather sprouting our of the top of them giving them further height, it had a sorta human body however it was gnarly and deathly thin. It had a hunch from its large legs, which resembled neither a humans or a dogs, but a gross mix. It had two set of skinny arms, and large teeth.

"An Armament? how interesting" It's voice carried a almost sarcastic tone. "Well it's up to you humans I guess?" He pulled a egg from thin air, It too was was pure white and had intricate gold designs and weeks covering it. 

"What are you?" I spoke up from my daze, I hadn't heard anything like this yet what the hell? A strange dog man feel's important enough to mention.

"Ah you guy's can't talk about me or any of the Angel's its would make for bad business" it replied in its strange voice, it felt like I shouldn't be listening. "Now then since you past the preliminaries please consume this egg in a single gulp" It said while putting out the dog human arm and holding up the egg with two fingers and thumb. I felt a strange compulsion to do as he said, infact I was delighted at the idea. What an awesome chance this was! I can't believe this was really happening to me.

"Okay yeah sure!" I said enthusiastically, however deep down my voice felt distant and wrong. My body excitedly reached out picking up the egg, dropping it in my mouth and getting ready to swallow. I could barely handle pills but since the dog man said so I better do it. Not much else could be done about it, I didn't want to pass up the kind offer of the angel.

"Enjoy" The angel smiled from ear to ear, I swallowed the entire thing in on bite. It tasted like death, how happy I was that I could do this for him. My head hurt thought, but I was so happy, I struggled to breathe for a few long moments. But finally it went down, for a moment my head was clear.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" I roared before the fog came back, "ah sorry never mind I trust you!" I said, the kindly angel said nothing but began to laugh.

"Please grow strong and powerful for us!" It said drooling.

Then I was back in my room, a soft glow now emitting from stomach before quickly dissipating. I felt gross and sick, what the hell was that thing? what did it want? however a glint caught my eye, looking down at my hand were pitch black spikey gauntlets. They had similar angelic engravings to the egg.