The moon remained high above the stronghold, displaying scary silver light across the scattering stone walls. Aveline crawled in the shadows, her body was filled with exhaustion but her mind was sharp and filled with determination. She had snoke past the outer guards with practiced ease, but the true challenge remained ahead, convincing an old friend to betray their new master.
She moved carefully through the bending corridors, the smell of wet ground and blood remained thick in the air. Then she saw him, Jareth, a warrior she once trusted, standing with arms crossed, waiting. His face was as she remembered, sharp scary, and piercing eyes, but there was something different and darker now, a hardness in him that hadn't been there before. He was looking more serious than she was used to and more assertive now than before.
"Aveline," Jareth greeted, the voice was without any form of warmth. "I figured you'd come. How did you -get here."