Chereads / Tales unbound / Chapter 21 - Waves 2

Chapter 21 - Waves 2

Somewhere in a beautiful garden filled with all sort of fruit and vegetables as well as flowers was a young looking woman with flowers on her beautiful silky hair.

This was the high druid Aoife the forest witch, she was obviously not a witch but that was what people called her. She was an ancient being, one of the very few still living third rank humans on earth.

Behind her stood a very beautiful woman who appeared to be in her early 20s, she was the second in command of the druids and the daughter of Aoife, Aira the dreadful, she earned this nickname because of her unusual ability for a druid.

The boy might be In danger mother, what should we do? What do you think we should do Aira? Bring him here, nobody will touch him here. So you suggest we kidnap him?asked Aoife with a small smile.

No, it for his own good. It still kidnapping, besides,after we bring him here, then what? We protect him. We can't take on everybody by ourselves Aira. If we take the boy, we would be drawing all the flames to our leaves and we cannot handle that heat.

Does everybody want to steal that thing? No I'm certain the Buddha and the pope want the same thing as us, to protect him and that sand witch might not even take action. Then.. but if we take the boy, especially by force it would look like we also coveting the key.

But that would not be true. It does not matter if it true, as long as they believe it or even suspect it, they might even use it as an excuse to steal some of our resources, afterall many covet our gardens.

Then what should we do? Take leafblower, make sure the boy and his companions are not hurt. Mother wouldn't it better to send ironroot, he's more powerful than us. Ironroot has already reached the peak stage, if he joins so will others like him, things will blow out of proportion.

Do not worry, nobody will send peak stage expect, it agreed upon that sending rank two peak stage is reason enough to start an all our war, unless necessary they would only be used as the last resort. Now go. Yes mother.

Similar conversation were happening all over the world after the news of Anele going into seclusion. Although these organisations were more powerful than her on her own, they had more knowledge that the rest of the world. They knew the true terror of the dark reaper as well as her family.

So as long as she does not know who took the boy it would be fine afterall angering an assassin as skilled as the reaper was not a good idea, even though the leaders of these organisations might be safe from her, they could not say the same about their subordinate.

She by herself could possibly cripple them let alone with her family in tow. So her going into seclusion was the perfect moment to act. But most were still apprehensive and were acting carefully.

Somewhere in Egypt, deep inside the pyramids in a space unreachable by normal means stood two people facing each other. One was on a throne with their face covered by shadows and a veil like those wore by ancient Egyptian women.

Opposite them was man who appeared to be in his fifties. Lady Amunet what should we do about this news? The person on the throne was Amunet the sand whisper another of the few third rank beings,Amunet was a seer, the oldest and most feared seer in the world. Legends say in her younger days she was very weak like most seers, had no personal fighting ability.

That was until she found a wounded scorpion, it was not a ferocious beast, it was normal scorpion through and through. She it healed back to it peak condition then an idea struck her, it took her five years but she created a taming ability.

Unlike the traditional taming abilities, where beast and master are seperate entities, she branded the scorpion beast into her body as a tattoo, it soul bound to hers. It rank and stage will always be the same as hers and as long as she lives so will it, if you kill it,it will only return to her to heal and with a seers tremendous amount of essence, killing it is a talk order.

This ancient being turned to look at her subordinate. An enchanting voice one would not expect of a 600 years old person came out of her mouth. Do not interfere. Yes my lady. Any of her subordinate knew of her power so none ever questioned her.

All over the world powerful people moved out, any one of them enough to match an entire modern army, some went to help while most were there to reap benefit. South Africa Cape town city became the gathering place for these monsters.

While this was happening,Dalena and Charlie told the kids what going on. That they were going to use Noel as bait to bring out the snakes in the bushes. Lize refused saying they will not put Noel in danger asking why can't they just hide but Noel agreed immediately.

He knew Anele would not do this unless necessary so he had no reason to doubt her. They packed their things and openly left for table mountain like they were going on a vacation. They called both Liam and Priya and explained the situation to them.

Priya agreed to help but Liam said he can't as he still have a family errand to attend, they both understood and didn't press him to help them. Coincidentally, the day of the confrontation was the same day Imani chose to attack Priya.

They spent a night at table mountain and at 11pm Lize stood up stretched her body a little. need help? Asked Priya.

Naa, you just watch and enjoy the show.