Four days after her breakthrough, Charlize was in a small cafe with Noel and Priya. So how does it feel, being an awakened that is?Noel asked. Good, very good, it was hard getting used to the increase in strength at first, I kept breaking everything in the house, I even burnt my car down, she said as she laughed out loud.
My senses have also increased by a lot, I can hear the heartbeat of everyone in the cafe, look across the street, Noel and Priya turned their heads at the same time. Look through the window inside that restaurant, that waitress over there is going to lose her job because she turned down her managers advances.
Is that even legal?asked Noel. No it not,answered Priya. Don't interrupt me, as I was saying, that man she's about to serve, his heart beats faster when he looks at her and he keeps saying this is the day which means he likes her but is too scared to confess to her, she knows and likes him too but waiting for him to make the first move.
That guy on the corner. Which corner? The only one you can see through the window, she looked at him like he's an idiot, Ohhh yeah, he replied. He's about to propose to his girlfriend who's on the bathroom, she knows and she's pregnant. How do you know that? He asked. She's on the phone with her sister as we speak.
You can hear all that? Yeah and I can see and smell a lot too, although my brain is fast enough to process all that information, I'm still not used to it. I think I'm going to have my breakthrough in a few weeks as well, said Noel, when are you having yours, they both looked at Priya.
Soon, she answered with a cold voice. Still cold as ever, I thought we friends now, said Lize. < I don't mean to I swear and she called us friends, okay calm down Priya don't ruin this, say something nice, don't act like an iceberg> sorry, she said.
You don't need to apologize, I was just kidding, I know that your personality, there's nothing to apologize for. While they were talking Lize suddenly looked at an empty spot next to Priya.
Are you going to show yourself or should I make you? Her hands turned red like a burning stove. The temperature in the entire cafe suddenly went up by a few degrees. They heard a sigh on the empty spot.
A young man with dark messy hair and dark circles under his eyes suddenly appeared there. Liam raised his head and looked at Lize with tired eyes. How did you know I was there?
My senses are very sharp, she replied. < Senses aren't enough to discover me> is what he thought but was too lazy to say so he just replied mmh before taking one of Priya fries and started eating.
It rude to sneak up on people like that, especially when they eating said Noel. Liam did not reply. Have you broken through?asked Priya. Yes I have. When? A few days ago. So that why you didn't reply to any of our text when we texted you four days ago, you were preparing for your breakthrough. Asked Noel.
Sure he replied < well he wasn't going to tell them he did not reply cause he was sleeping the whole day>. Lize phone buzzed, she looked at her screen and the stood up with a smile. Sorry guy I got to go, my awakend licence test is today and I have to fetch the licence myself.
Can't they just send it to you?asked Noel. There might risk of it getting lost, making a second is expensive apparently and I have to take a few tests which can't be done online, okay see you later, she turned around and walked toward the door.
Wait I'll accompany you. There's no need, infact before you awaken you can't know the location of any of the offices, the only reason we even know the association exist is because of our background.
They watched as she left, Priya looked at Liam, is yours ready?she asked. No not yet, she nodded and kept quiet. Noel stood and said goodbye to the two of them before he left the cafe.
Lize went to get her licence, everything went smoothly for her and on the way back she felt a sense of familiarity but did not know where it was coming from and that kept bothering her.
Vulcan was confused, how can something so delicious exist, he had eaten all kind of treasures which increased his power but none had tasted so divine.
He had tasted logs and bark of the divine flame tree and even the coal made from lumber burnt by his masters divine flames, raw flesh of the sea devouring whale and iron teeth shark.
So how come this thing made from common vegetables and this thing that looks like blood but taste sweet be so delicious. Vulcan had arrived in Cape town city South Africa when his lord had directed him to. He has yet to find his target but he did find many delicious and fascinating things here.
My lord would surely love this pizza thing, he said out loud which earned him a few odd looks, combined with the clothes he was wearing, he truly looked like a madman.
After he was done eating five whole pizzas with the money he forced somebody else to pay he stood up to leave. He started searching for his target but every now and then he would find something interesting and get distracted.
Three days later he was sitting in a shisa nyama eating fried ribs like a savage beast when the feather on his back started heating up. It vibrated and started pointing at a certain direction.
During this time Lize was undergoing a test and had released her full power. A few seconds later the feather stopped pointing but he already had a sense of direction. As he passed by a building he felt a few powerful auras.
Although only one was enough to threaten him a little the rest were also stronger than normal humans which mean they are one of the blessed like he is just weaker because they are not favoured by the lord, he thought happily.
As he entered the building he saw a girl exiting a very tiny room. The girl had red hair as if they on flames which made him happy, atleast one these barbarians knows the beauty of flames.
-----------------------------------------------------------As Lize exited the elevator and was about to leave she felt a sense of familiarity so strong it made her uncomfortable. She pulled out a chocolate bar and bit into it to calm her nerves, as she was savouring the taste a giant man with bulging muscles approached her.
What are you eating girl? She looked up at him, she could sense this towering man's aura as he was not hiding it, he was powerful, more so than even her parents. Chocolate she said, give it to me he said.
She slowly extended her hand to him, she was nervous, she saw the feather at the mans back and knew what is was and had an inkling of who he might be. She had afterall heard her parents talk.
The man threw the entire chocolate bar into his mouth with the rest of it cover and started chewing, it was really inelegant, he was like a beast. NECTAR NECTA OF GODS, THIS LOWLY ONE HAS TASTED THE NECTAR OF GODS he shouted with tears in his eyes.
Everybody looked at them, some were covering their ears as his voice was really loud. A security guard came to ask him to quiet down. LEAVE ME BE, YOU KNOW NOT OF THIS GREAT ONES JOY, little girl this Great one will forever be grateful to you, tell me your name.
Samantha, answered Lize, she did not dare tell this madman her real name. Samantha, what a glorious name, truly worthy of one who could easily give away such a precious thing.
Yeah sure, said Lize, goodbye, she rushed outside, just as she was about to release a sigh of relief the temperature rose, she turned around and saw the feather vibrating. Fuck she thought.