The next morning, Zack woke with a renewed sense of energy. The previous day had been all about exploring, but now he was ready to dive into something more active. After a quick breakfast in the dining hall, he grabbed his gym bag and headed toward the basketball court.
The air was crisp and cool as he stepped onto the upper deck. The court was tucked away near the back of the ship, surrounded by netting that swayed gently in the breeze. A small group of guys was already playing, their voices carrying over the rhythmic bounce of the ball.
Zack stood off to the side, observing the game as he sipped from a water bottle. He wasn't one to insert himself uninvited, but he didn't have to wait long.
"Yo, you looking to play?" one of the players called out, pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow. He was tall and lean, with dark hair that stuck to his forehead.
"Sure, if you've got room," Zack replied, stepping onto the court.
"Always room for one more. I'm Eric," the guy said, tossing Zack the ball.
"Zack," he replied, catching it with ease.
The game resumed quickly, and Zack fell into the rhythm as if he'd been playing with them for years. His height and athleticism gave him an edge, and it didn't take long for the others to notice.
"Not bad, man," said another player, slightly shorter with sandy blond hair. He extended a hand during a break. "Josh. Where'd you learn to play like that?"
"Just pick-up games," Zack said, shaking his hand. "I don't take it too seriously."
Josh chuckled. "Could've fooled me."
The game wrapped up after another half-hour, and Zack was drenched in sweat but smiling. Eric and Josh stuck close as the group disbanded, the three of them lingering on the sidelines.
"You sticking to basketball, or are you into other stuff?" Eric asked, leaning on the railing.
"Whatever keeps me moving," Zack replied.
"Cool. We're hitting the gym tomorrow if you're interested," Eric said.
Zack nodded. "Sounds good. I'll be there."
That evening, Zack met up with Eric and Josh again, this time at the bar near the main deck. The atmosphere was livelier than the previous night, with laughter and music filling the air.
The bartender greeted Zack with a familiar smile as he approached the counter. "Your usual?"
"Yeah, thanks," Zack said, leaning on the bar.
Eric and Josh joined him a moment later, each ordering their own drinks. The three of them grabbed a table near the large windows, the view outside a dark expanse of ocean glittering under the moonlight.
"So, what brought you on this cruise?" Eric asked, swirling his drink in his hand.
Zack shrugged. "Curiosity, mostly. Wanted to see the Bermuda Triangle."
Josh raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? What, you hoping to find some alien shipwreck or something?"
Zack laughed. "Not quite. Just like the mystery of it, I guess. We don't know much about the ocean, and that's… interesting."
Eric nodded thoughtfully. "Fair enough. Better than my reason—I just wanted to get away from work for a while."
They traded stories as the night wore on, laughter punctuating their conversation. Zack found himself relaxing more than he had in a while. Eric's sharp wit and Josh's easygoing demeanor made for good company, and he was starting to feel a connection he didn't often seek out.
Still, as the others talked, Zack's gaze drifted to the windows. The vastness of the ocean beyond was almost hypnotic, a reminder of the unknown that lay beneath its surface.
"What's on your mind?" Eric asked, snapping Zack back to the present.
"Just thinking about the ocean," Zack replied. "It's crazy how big it is. How much we don't know about it."
"Man, you're way too deep for this hour," Josh joked, chuckling.
Zack smirked, raising his glass. "Maybe. Or maybe I've had one drink too many."
The three of them laughed, the night winding down as the bar began to empty. When they finally parted ways, Zack felt an unfamiliar sense of contentment.
For once, he didn't mind being part of a group.