The landscape outside the town was the same, a thick and somewhat gloomy forest, but we didn't care. We passed through that forest without any problem; now we were in a wide meadow; we really didn't know where to go. Luckily, a merchant passed by and we took advantage of it to steal money, clothes and maps from him.
We continued walking for 5 days until we reached a town. The town was medium-sized, it had about 100 inhabitants, but from then on it was nothing special.
We couldn't believe what God was saying.
And as if we were programmed robots, we entered the town without covering our faces, we went to the bank and without hesitation we unsheathed our swords and the robbery began.
The police slammed open the door while shouting ''hands up everyone''.
The police caught us without knowing that we wanted that and they took us without any problem (besides I had no idea where to go)
The trip was fast, it lasted 10 days and 9 nights. Once back in New Thalord I was able to see the city of New Thalord in more detail than in the previous visit. The police took us directly to the court where they would put us on trial, but since it was very late, they took us to the cells. Around 12 am, we started planning how to screw the king. The ideas were simple: get to the court and kill him by surprise, blow up the whole place until there was nothing left, etc., but the one we liked the most was: get to the court, run away quickly so that the guards would follow us, lose them in some alley and return to the king's room without any guards. And so it was, we waited for them to take us to the court already given the time, of course, in order to carry out the plan.