[3 days after the forest incident]
James and Clare are now best friends, the two are just like two kids in the world of games. School life mixed with danger lurking. James takes care of those trying to find their location every night, keeping Clare's little life flowing smoothly. Although he wants to let himself be free and play by his own rules, something is restraining him back from killing her, not because of his systems, more like humanity inside the mechanical body.
[at the present]
"Hey dude...." Clare is lying on James's lap, her head lazily watching TV.
While multitasking, James still does the house chores, which are more like abusing his abilities. Cleaning, washing, and dusting the places while they are chilling in the air in the living room.
"Bored?" he said still with that voice sounding glitchy
"Kinda... you wanna go out and do something?"
"Erm... I don't really know, I'm just an A.I with self-conscious, hell I can use a randomly generated engine online to find out how we're gonna spend the Saturday" he chuckled coldly
"C'mon let's waste our time outside"
James slowly makes everything land and turns off his gravity control power, He lifts Clare and carries her on his shoulder.
Just about when they got out, the TV turned on without any commands. It automatically plays an EAS warning.
Their attention is dragged away from the outside world. Watching the important message from the NDS [National Defense army System].
"Attention for your own safety and national peace"
James can tell the incoming danger.
"The army has been deployed all around the sector, please leave your stay inside your house, the whole area has received orders from the government. We believe the sector is infected with a dangerous virus that spreads through signal and core. The danger level of this virus is unknown, so plea-"
James turns the TV off, "I don't think there's any virus"
"my phone lost services, it can't connect to other sectors or outside the country" Clare put away her phone, and looked outside, seeing everyone returning to their home.
the ground begins shaking and the whirlwind sounds of the air war machine fly past by,
"They seem to have changed their plan," James said seriously, he peered his eyes outside, looking at the army trying to find him.
The helicopter scanned the ground, and it detected Clare, staring, it swept her eyes for identification. Next is James who doesn't know he has just leaked their position.
[priority target located]
all the helicopters turn their way to the House. His system warned him about the compromised position.
"Clare! Get down!" he yanked her away from the window, just in time before the missile blew up the side. He placed an energy shield generator in the form of a pin on Clare's shirt.
It helps her unharmed from the shockwave and debris.
The whole army begins their way to Clare's house. The helicopters finally have a clear picture of the Two. Just before they could fire again, a kinetic force slammed all of them, crashed, and blew up.
"Jame! They found us!" she panicking said
"I know... sorry... it's all my fault, they all aimed at me" he comforted her "Don't worry I'll run away"
"you will have a new life after I go, they won't hunt you down if I go"
"No! you will not!"
hey carry her, dashing out of the house, dodging the tanks and gunners, they swarmed them from all directions. Luckily, he can redirect the bullets and incoming projectiles upon getting close.
"I'm so-"
"Shut up!" she cut him off, tears dropping on her cheeks "I will not be alone and hiding for the rest of my life. I'm ordering you, ordering you! to stay"
"Clare do you know how dangerous this organization is?" he super jumped, his tail taking hold of the helicopter blade, swiftly like a flash, James cut the heli in half, and landed on a tank before two of his claws reshaped into laser cannon and blew it up.
"Clare! You will get yourself killed!"
"I Don't Care! You killed my mom, my dad lost during services, you're the most valuable thing I have left. So follow your order Core!"
[O-2: absolute follow your order]
"Dammit girl...."
He stole a car from the soldiers, after brutally ripping out their heads and assimilating their hearts. He hacked a core, making it into their driver, and blasted off. Jame repairs the armored vehicle, taking hold of the mounted gun.
"stay low, I can't keep an eye on you all the time"
James is confused about how she can be that positive during these moments, it makes him laugh, "It seems we are both crazy"
Clare from a young time has been interested in dangerous hobbies, her friends even feared her complex head.
The mounted gun, enhanced with D-liquid, increased its power, and a shower of incoming projectiles poured onto the small car. With the mounted gunfire, the round ignited, pushing out of the barrel, and then the second ignition acted like a second launcher, breaking the bullet's limit speed. Coated with an AP shell, explosive reactor, and smart targeting system, James easily shreds those armored pursuits.
"Clare, I don't want to say this, but I think innocent humans will get killed during this shootout session!"
"Bot brings us to sector 10!"
The core acknowledges that. It drives straight to the exit of this sector.
"I have been to that sector before, it hasn't finished constructed so no one-"
a powershot flew into the car, inches from her face, but luckily it hit the core Who was driving. Clare screamed in shock and ducked below the seats.
the car begins to lose control, and acting fast, He has to separate his endo skeleton, crawling the out layer of human skin James takes control of the car, while the other self shoots the bad guys
"Stay down Clare, I know you're excited but it's too dangerous"
his core let out more dark liquid and covered the endo skeleton, some of them even seeking into the car systems, upgrading the speed.
The tunnel is right up ahead, James's clones dissolved into the liquid metal, and the material fused with the car. Four armored tanks charged at them, they made a formation by trapping them in the middle, and their guns spun toward the car.
James turned on autopilot, he climbed outside, standing on top of the hood. Clare widened her eyes, wanting to see what he would do next.
Using gravity would be easy, he doesn't want his only audience to be disappointed.
"I'll get rough with these steel cans"
He leaps over the front tank, his tail takes hold of the vehicle, and he brings it out of the trap right before all four tanks fire, he lands down, crashes the first it then crashes into the behind. James grabbed two barrels from his sides and yanked off the main gun. In the meantime exposed the crew inside, killing two, decapitated while taking off the gun. he threw in incinerator grenades, burning them alive.
The tank in front of him fired, and he caught the explosive round mid-air, his palm skin shredded off by the power of the shot. James then punched the tank he was standing on and blew it up using the H.E round. He bends the barrel of the last one. Seeing the army approaching. He looks back to see the tunnel heading to sector 10, Clare inside the car is so close. Jame right arm materialized into a giant Railgun. His claws held onto the tank as he aimed at the mercs.
Once Clare and Him entered the tunnel, James fired. The energy surge pushed the spike with an enhanced gravity pulse, and the shock wave made the entrance of the crumble, the tank tried to pull off but it was no use, he already hacked it. The projectile set off, and the whirlwind created from its speed was too strong, slashing the surroundings. Making the tunnel collapse. The projectile is still going, wiping off the middle line of those chasing them.
James jumped off the tank after planting C10. Fly away in style before a huge explosion went off.
"Holy angel..." Clare watched the whole intensive scenes amazed at what he could be capable of
Jame turned into the Cube, landed in the driver seat, and reformed back. "We safe. For now" he said with that sadistic glitchy tone on that grin.
"This would be interesting in my social media" She takes a picture of him and her together, and she climbs on the back seat, putting back her glasses "It's still confusing how you can materialize stuff out from nothing"
He chuckled, "I actually absorb material at the molecule level, it's kinda hard on how a machine can do it, but it related to the classified file in here about A.S"
"Can you access it?"
"Sadly no"
The car speeds up, driving outside the tunnel. The scenery hits their eyes: Sector-10 is under construction, and the whole place looks like a dried land, with catus and large rocks around. The road system is completed and dusted with sand. Clare looks back at the barrier blocking the sectors. The long mountain separates those places.
"This place looks unfinished..."
"they said it will be done after 10 years starting from this year"
"Why that long? Don't we have advanced technology and Core?"
"I dunno, the conditions I think"
a loud crash begins the car, the shock makes it lose balance a bit. Clare took a look at the smoke from what just crashed down. As the drop ship from above flew away, the loud roar of the machine armed with heavy weapons slid off from the smoke curtain, sliding on the road toward them like gliding in the sky.
"Armored destroyer Core! [A.C]" he yells before pulling Clare out of the backseat. The rockets blew up the back of the Humvee.
"Jame! I'm scared!"
"Put your seatbelt on" [generating vehicle]
he gets on the Car hood after making sure their transportation is still functional, one of his floating claws catches one of its missiles, moving the matter inside for it to become a "blade"
Clare was confused about his choice of weapon, out of many mass destruction abilities, he had a Katana-looking sword mixed with a bit of advanced warfare.
The mech charged head first after emptying all its missiles, firing all heavy round bullets at him. Jame is just like a dancer between those projectiles, deflecting and cutting like chopping onion, along with his claws blocking the humvee while it's fixing.
The armored Core brings out its heated arm blade, and James gets into the poison of quick drawing used by the honorable soldiers. Locked in, their swords collide at supersonic speed. The core dashes in front of the car, and its blade crumbles into pieces.
Jame slowly turned around after commanded the vehicle to stop. His blade was red hot from the friction. His face let out a mocking smile, all the time he didn't put on the mask.
"Come at me" his hand mockingly challenged the Core.
It stomps the ground before gliding toward him. The booster stopped working, the generator failed its body instantly crumbled like legos falling on the ground. Its head rolled in front of the Humvee and fell in two.
"Even the grade 20 weapon can't make me have difficulty"
"That robot was over 30 feet tall dude, and you just clarified it easy?"
"For me. Now... I think there will be more coming"
"We should get going then"
Jame gets on the Humvee again, the engine rumbling with fuel and electricity. The car climbs through the Armored enemy
they ride around the deserted area finding someplace to stay temporarily. Take 30 minutes to discuss what they will do next, especially Clare and her school.
[Warning: hunter killer Core approaching your position]
"We got company, it will be here in a few minutes"
"Clare don't get out of the car alright?"
He got out of the car, before setting the car go away. Clare knows he just wanted her to be safe.
Back to James, he starts by setting up traps, such as mines and invisible bomb drones surrounding him. The place is set, and he will finish this battle in the dirtiest way possible.
"Welp... but why did they only send one?"
the wind blows, the dust blasts from a distance, a humanoid figure core with those wings blasting near the ground floor, flying toward James.
On its hand holding the high caliber machine gun.
Bullets fired, and the mines caught in the crossfire. James was not expecting this, he used Absolute Solver and threw all the explosives at that one. The core with that combat mask flew up the sky, he started shredding James with the machine gun.
Jame takes a good hold, deflecting the subsonic rounds. He then brings out his weapon, a multibarrel chain gun made from the smallest particles. Armed with bolt bullets, he fires back at the Core. He notices that one has an armband.
Their bullets ricochet against each other, and the mask core maneuvers around while James stands his ground and just shoots.
When he was about to make a high-speed leap at the Core, it threw away its gun due to the limited amount of ammo, a strong flashbang blew right in front of James's face out of nowhere.
It landed down, and crushed the chain gun, moving faster than James could detect. It struck him with a powerful kick right in the abdomen. The internal machines and organs. His titanium skeleton structure shattered.
[get better]
the car stopped, Clare looked behind to see what was going on, just to be met with James flying straight into the car, crushing the back of it before the car did a frontflip and slammed onto the ground.
"James! What's going on!?"
"Dammit that asshole is too fast... I'll need you to get out of this, get inside that gas station, I'll catch you later"
Once Clare exits the car, James turns it into weapons. Clare ran into the safest place currently, her right hand with the symbol to activate the Death-Core lit up, it collected material from the surroundings to create a tablet, Clare was surprised to see this, she watched the incoming battle between Jame and that Core.
[activate combat mode]
the mask has been put on, He sends a barrage of Missiles at the core, his claws turned into a pair of laser cutters., burning the air with superheat energy. The core countered him with flares, evading the beam's wave attacking, it fired back at James with its heat vision, the beam melted the missile launcher, and it blew up on his shoulder.
The core speeds up, and its claws slash James from the top down. Right before the arm is brought down, James grasps it, his right hand squeezed, cracking the claw. His left-hand winds up the EMP blast, and he strikes it right on its body, thinking its main board would be fried. No. The core designated number 0-7-A.C [assault core] slices off James's right hand and then fires a laser blast right on his face.
He stumbled back but not over yet, from his decapitated hand, formed out a tendril, it whirled around the core, and then he slammed it right on the ground over his head, the impact shattered all the windows and the road. The core breaks free out of his long whip.
The core flies up from the crater, facing James. "I wonder why they would fall under some core like you"
Jame laughed amused "Buddy you just got slammed dunked by someone who is more superior than you"
"You such a person with no manner, talking to someone who has been here longer than you"
Jame leans on his claws, his tail acts like a stand for him. "So I have to call you like the way huh? okay old timer, get ready to get your asses beaten!" [Target locked: Vix]
James's body begins separating the particles, his core teleported Right behind Vix, pulling the phasing matters at him. They turned into sharp titanium spikes, Vix countered this move, his core blasting out an EMP blast causing the spikes to lose direction, he then swung his wings right at James when he was still regenerating his body, and It stuck right in his body. James lit up his mask, Vix detached his wing, he kicked James right in the chin, splattering the skin, completely avoiding the laser.
Vix reattached the wing, spun a round, and served James's body in half. The anti-personnel missiles launched from Vix's back, it seems he can also control the body's material structure like James to create weapon arsenals.
"Only the inside body. Noticed" James's Claws throw himself back away he quickly regrows the lower half, and Vix dives straight in, his claws slashing him with very high speed, With each slash, the claws seem to get redder from heat, and more powerful. Cutting deep into his body, James doesn't care when he gets injured, he knows Vix has counter-solver, it doesn't allow him to get disintegrated by his power. So.
"I will break you" James finally caught Vix's speed, perfectly blocking his two arms, James slammed his head at Vix's face, and the mask from the core shattered on the half.
Vix stumbled back, James's claws cut off His arms, an uppercut right next using the served arms, James turned them into two blades, diving right at the main heart.
Emergency reboot. Vix let out a devastating metallic screech the forcefield stopped the blades right before it stabbed his heart. Vix fired heat vision full power at James, forcing him back on his feet. Missiles, wing strikes, and EMP cluster bombs. The heat vision ricochets into many beams when in contact with the blades.
[warning overheating, evacuation initiated]
behind Vix a titanium zipline shot up in the sky, acting like a hook, A jet flew by catching the zipline, it brought him out of there the laser beam continued firing around the ground for a while before stopping. His combat mask melted, and the crimson eyes stared at James, filled with hatred from being humiliated. [return to the hangar for repair and upgrade]
James looking at the core, could fire a blast from his railgun, but need material.
"He got away... lucky... I need those missing parts of my core"
Clare got out of the gas station, looking at the art the two cores made.
"I got that on video. that was amazing dude"
"You could die out here"
"Yeah, but I don't think I will be safe even in there"
James looks at the gas station which has been almost blown away
"Oof, I almost forgot about you" he picked up the blades stabbed on the ground. "Let's go shall we?"
"I think there's a road motel nearby"
James switched out his metal wings, looking above the sky, he fired a giant cannon, and blew up the satellite above, watching them two.