Chapter 3 - 3

She said after a few moments of silence.

"Man lives in the world of fantasy rather than the harsh world of reality. Every human being living on earth lives like this. Humans see very little of the present in their lives. As in a drunken frenzy, they forget themselves and live fascinated and delighted in memories of the past and the dreams of the future. Then the visions and thoughts born from this life will not be reality. So they cannot deal with the facts. Although they are illusions, they remain alive in humans as ideals and beliefs. Most of the beliefs, ideals, and rituals found in humans are all these. Realities and truth are far from these superstitions which are the enemy of man. Such precepts, which are thoughts that originate in one place, travel through many channels and are transmitted from generation to generation, often undergoing significant changes. Here Hitler came to Aryanism not having studied or known much about it, Hitler was a man with only a school education. Hitler had only vague, blind, historical memories that society passed on like folklore.

It is from that that his argument and the philosophy based on it arise. He went after that dream-like document. Then it becomes a protection for some and annihilation for others. Most human ideologies are like this. Every human vision is just a completely personal opinion based on the experiences and knowledge of its originators and formed in their thoughts. So you will see some right and wrong in it."

"Then how are we to see all these visions?" I asked.

When we discard our delusional dreams, discard the precepts born of other people's dreams, and live cautiously with the realities of the present, nature itself will reveal what is true and what is false."

Why do you like Hitler when you don't know this?

"Every man is the guardian of his interests and dreams. Men are drawn to the precepts that support it like a beetle to a flower. There, the truth and myth are not a criterion, but rather, their belief, doctrine, and will are relevant there. We all bury the truth and realities there knowingly or unknowingly. The poor man who runs after alluring and deluding desires has nothing to do. We do not know that we humans are deceived by our desires when we run away from God's shining truth, follow Satan's illusions, kill each other, and forget the ultimate truth that ultimately there is only one thing waiting for us on earth. What is it?" She looked at me.

"What? You are a theorist." I laughed. "I can't read your mind. Tell me yourself, what is that ultimate truth?"

"The ultimate truth is the soil or this earth that we die and dissolute." She kept looking at me. "Each human being is to end up in these fleeting visions. No one thinks about this ultimate reality. Before Hitler, so many mighty men came and went here and reddened the land with merciless bloodshed, and after, but no one gained anything, took nothing, and no one will take anything again. Helpless, dumb, and sad, they all ended up dissolved in the soil as histories and stories, or one could say that God covers human pride with soil. Later, in historical memory, they all live as blessed and cursed, noble and vile. God amuses us by leaving people on earth to tell us whether they are good or bad, while we search for their good and evil on earth. So let's look at that calculation only in God's accounting book, which is truth, and it has no relevance in the game of human existence, opportunism, who amuse themselves by mistaking truth for myth and myth for truth."

"May your faith be peace for you," I said. "But no philanthropist and naturalist can embrace and accept the ideologies of destruction born out of the blindness of human selfishness, and its champions, over and above the egalitarian natural law."

"Such are the great men in history whom you all hail." She retorted. "This is proof of the hollow ideals of man. We conveniently forget some things for our own interests, and blindly accept others." She looked at me for an answer.

"Yes, we all have different experiences and knowledge. Our thoughts, ideals, and understandings are formed from it. So your right can be wrong for me, and my wrong can be right for you." Jack replied.

"Why did Hitler ethnically exterminate Jews and others in the name of Aryan supremacy, since no man belongs to the earth?" I asked.

"What do you think?"

"The blindness of pride or the revelation of fools."

"Shut up." She shouted at me. Then he said calmly. "Why did the Europeans drive the Red Indians off their land and dominate the North and South American continents? Why did they set up colonies all over the world and loot and kill? Why did the warriors hail as the heroes of history performing ruthless acts of cruelty, establishing great empires, performing blood anointing on earth, and composing epics of bravery? Why did a Pope call for the Crusades, years of bloody fighting to capture Jerusalem?" She paused and looked at me for a few seconds. "Do you have an answer? If not, you should not only ask this one of Hitler."

I didn't say anything. Actually, I had no answer.

"This is what I said earlier." She continued. "Some things we conveniently forget, some things we are verbose..! Because we are opportunists, the opportunists who only want our own good, that's all. What we believe to be our good is only what is good for us, and what is not is bad for us. So we pretend to be saints and live decently. There is no good in men who live selfishly under the guise of hypocrisy, but the farces of opportunism. Remember that Hitler is not the savior of the world, but the savior of the German people. Each savior is for each class of people. While they save that nation, other groups will be punished. It is the law of nature, that one's salvation is another's punishment, and one's gain is another's loss. Fun game of God! The principle of Labensraum was Hitler's dream of a place for the German people to live autonomously. That is the Third Reich he tried to achieve. Many have become martyrs in that struggle for survival, and I grieve for them."

A sigh of sorrow rose from her.

"Hitler is lucky," I said. "When millions curse Hitler, Hitler gets the praise of angels like you to cover their curses..!"

"God's justice," she said with satisfaction. "God's justice is very strange that not all good is good for everyone, and not all evil is bad for everyone..! right?"

"Yes," I said the same as a whisper.