Chereads / Love in Transition / Chapter 13 - Unacceptable

Chapter 13 - Unacceptable

The school was noisy as usual. Everyone talking about what they were talking about but most of them were talking about the coming of Kevin. Since the day they heard and saw Kevin's post, they couldn't stop talking.

Not everyone cared same way, not everyone knew him. He has been away for two years and he's existence is a mystery to some people.

"Your head is supposed to be healed by now. It's been weeks" Joy had been working as Ryan's 'personal assistant' since the day she said she felt like the accident was her fault.

She really cared back then but now she felt like punching Ryan in the face, hard.

Ryan smirked at the young lady carrying his bag and helmet to the school exit. It was already past closing time and Joy was going to be late for work. Ryan was too busy being a pretty boy and ordered Joy to wait till he finished.

For the past few days, he's been better than before. He was slowly finding himself and having fun like always but Joy hated it. It was frustrating.

Ryan on the other hand, knew why he was unusually happy but didn't stress it.

"Are you by chance complaining?" She turned slowly to face the young lady who carried two bags and a helmet.

"Yes! Yes, I am" Joy couldn't hold it anymore. Was Ryan punishing her?.

Ryan's smile faded. He frowned.


"For goodness sake, tests are approaching and I haven't had the chance to study. I miss my friend and I haven't been able to talk to her well since you 'employed' me. I'm sick of this. Is this punishment? Cause if it is then I'm defeated. I don't wanna do this anymore" she faked cry as the man in front of her looked speechless. He couldn't say anything.

"You should've told me earlier" he sounded gentle this time.

Joy looked at him not buying his words.

"Would you have freed me?'' she asked waiting for his answer.

"Nope" he blew raspberries and walked to where his bike was parked.

"Get on. Let me take you home" he took the helmet and his bag from her.

"Do you even know where I'm going?" She to one feet away from him as she stood looking at him with those big eyes.

For a second, Ryan wondered why she was always cheerful and playful but her eyes told a different story. One had to look closely to see that they are secrets hidden under that pretty smile and big brown eyes.

"Can't you just tell me where you are going?"

Ryan wore his helmet and looked at the girl beside him.

"No, thank you " Joy knew what would happen if she was seen on a bike with a guy and not just any guy, it was Ryan.

Ryan frowned, obviously displeased "why? Are you declining my generous offer to give you a ride"

"Yes, I am. Just take yourself home safely. I'll go alone"

Questions, he wanted to ask questions. Why on earth was she refusing to let him take her home.

" Get on"


"I won't repeat myself"

"Then don't"

"Are you testing me?"

"I'm not"

Joy knew what Ryan may be thinking but she had to protect herself and Ryan's reputation.

If he gives her a ride to her workplace, everyone will talk and words will eventually reach her guardian and when it does, she knows what might happen.

"Sir, go home safe" she bowed slightly and turned and left.

Ryan was speechless.

Honestly, he has always wanted to do something for her but she keeps on refusing and he's starting to hate it. Why does she keep refusing him? Does she not like him? Like, just a little bit of likeness?

Ryan knew that they were not friends or anything like that but he thought their relationship had improved these past days.


"If you let me do it myself you know it's not going to end well"

The man sat in his office chair sipping his tea as he talked without looking at the woman sitting in front of him.

"But....we have to go easy.."

Fear was clear in the way she spoke but she couldn't and might never disobey this man.

"No. The clock is ticking. Act fast or I'll take it into my own hands and make sure it goes as planned. It's our duty but you keep saying we should go easy and you know I don't have forever. I can't let my reputation tarnish because of that. Either you do your duty or I'll do it and you know it won't take long." He was angry and he said those words. He didn't say much but whenever he did, he really means what he says.

Sigh...."okay, sir. I'll do it"

Couple that were married for almost thirty years but never been a real couple. Their marriage was a deal, a business deal.

She mostly called her husband 'sir' while he simply called her by her name 'kimberly'.


"Hook me up with a guy at your school" Jess stood beside Joy as she stared at her nails talking to Joy who was doing her chores.

Joy halted thinking she heard wrong but looked at Jess and she could she her looking at her nails. Jess does that when she nervous and wants to appear bold. Joy knew that along with the many things she knew about Jess.

"What did you just say?"

Their eyes met and Jess straightened herself and looked at Joy.

"You and dad has no money to give to me and you obviously have things to do the money you earn so....that's why I'm asking you to help me. Guy in your school are rich and if I have one I'll never have any problems until I get a job and I have to buy my skin care products " she rushed everything as if Joy would say no if she slowed or hesitate a little.

Joy somehow understood Jessica's situation. Her mother, hellbent on making her look prettier than Joy made her start using many facial and body skincare products even when she knew she could barely afford them.

Of all the few things she knew about Jess she knew Jess wasn't as bad as her mom. Her mother just wanted to spoil her and she was succeeding or maybe not.

Author's note- what do you think about this book so far? Is it to your taste? Do you like it? I knows I've delayed a lot but I have my reasons but now I'll try to be a good author and update this book and make it worth while.