Chapter 54 - Chapter 54

Disclaimer : 

The characters and images used in this fanfic do not belong to me but to their rightful author.


— World: Draconic Deus

Earth, Japan, Tokyo:

Avalon Residence —

The next day, Aiden curiously observed the blonde girl with a hat standing in front of his house, a black cat perched on her shoulder.

The scene had a certain peculiar air, especially because of the way the feline looked at him, almost as if it was amused by the situation.

Aiden narrowed his eyes, observing the small mage and her peculiar companion.

"Le Fay… and Kuroka…" he murmured, recognizing them instantly.

"Nya~, exactly," the black cat replied with a feline smile, its golden eyes fixed on him, full of "amusement."

Aiden noticed Kuroka's strange gaze and couldn't help but find it amusing.

She, on the other hand, had plenty of reasons to be uneasy.

Thanks to her Senjutsu, she could perceive the auras inside Aiden's house… and what she discovered left her frozen.

At least twelve individuals in there surpassed Vali in power, and Vali was already a warrior strong enough to be close to Satan-class level.

In other words, those twelve presences could make her disappear with a snap if they so desired.

Internally, Kuroka was sweating cold.

Who the hell was this Aiden?

Where had he been hiding all this time for the supernatural world to have not the slightest clue about his existence?

She also wondered if Le Fay wasn't being too reckless by visiting so eagerly a man who had crushed Vali in a training match.

Although, thinking about it, Aiden and Vali seemed to have developed some kind of strange relationship…

Perhaps companions, or maybe Aiden just saw Vali as a talented brat with potential.

After all, if her memory didn't fail her, Aiden was around 120 years old.

Aiden had even gifted Le Fay the spell [Cognitive Acceleration and Synaptic Restoration], which had made her an even more powerful mage.

Kuroka understood, in some way, that this meant Le Fay wanted to see Aiden again.

Besides, Kurumi had told them they could visit anytime they wanted…

She had even given them the address of his house.

And now, here they were.

"Good afternoon, Aiden-sama!" Le Fay greeted enthusiastically, her voice full of energy, unaware of Kuroka's enigmatic thoughts.

"Just as we promised, we came to see you, nya~," Kuroka said before agilely jumping off Le Fay's shoulder and landing softly on the ground.

Though a little scared, she didn't believe Aiden would harm them.

She had already felt it with her Senjutsu when Kurumi saved her from those demons and when Aiden healed her.

So, she decided to ignore the fact that twelve nuclear bombs lived inside Aiden's house… not counting Aiden himself.


Aiden looked at them silently before letting them in.

Kurumi had already said they could visit, and, in any case, he didn't mind.

His house was noisy as it was, so two more guests wouldn't make a difference.

Besides, Le Fay seemed like a well-mannered girl… though Kuroka gave the impression of being a troublemaker.

He led them to the living room, where Kurumi and Leen were sitting, having tea.

Beside them, Paula, the teddy bear, gracefully imitated Leen's elegant movements as she held her teacup.

But when Paula saw Le Fay and Kuroka (who had already returned to her humanoid form), she immediately stopped imitating Leen and remained completely still, acting like a simple plush toy.

"Hahaha~," Leen laughed with amusement at her reaction.

"Don't worry, Paula, you don't need to stay still. These two are from this side of the world."

Paula looked at her for a moment before nodding.



Then, she waved at the newcomers.

"Nyaa~… It's moving…" Kuroka murmured distrustfully, eyeing the teddy bear warily.

She couldn't sense any vital energy in it, so she thought it must be some kind of magic.

Le Fay, on the other hand, found it adorable.

She wanted one.

After exchanging greetings, Kurumi invited Le Fay to sit beside her.

Kuroka sat across from them, and soon, they began chatting about girl things.

Meanwhile, Aiden used telekinesis to pick up Paula and took her away.

He was in the middle of modifying her body to construct Leen's [Sacred Gear].

He had already defined the concept of the spear, its first form called [True Chastiefol], along with some other transformations.

He just needed to integrate the technology into Paula and reinforce her base material with other compounds without changing her original appearance too much.

Paying little attention to the teddy bear's complaints, Aiden disappeared into his laboratory within the dimensional gap.

Although, to be honest, sometimes he thought Paula was a little too "alive"… but it wasn't surprising, considering the number of programs inside her.


Kurumi let out a sigh as she watched him vanish.

"Ara~ ara~, my dear husband really doesn't know the meaning of rest, does he?"

Leen, sitting beside her, nodded with a tired smile.

"Truly… he can never stay still. He's been like this since I met him. Sometimes, we have no choice but to drag him with us so he can rest a little."

Le Fay, with a worried expression, cautiously asked:

"Is Aiden-sama busy? I hope we're not being a bother…"

Kurumi flashed a playful smile and waved her hand dismissively.

"Ara~ ara~, don't worry, he's not that busy. Besides, I'm sure he doesn't mind at all that you came to visit. This house rarely knows peace, after all."

Leen smiled slightly and calmly added:

"In fact, it's surprisingly quiet right now, but only because they're all in their rooms lazing around."

Kuroka swallowed hard.

She could feel all those powerful auras… though well-controlled, they didn't seem to be making much effort to hide them.

Of course, the house's barriers prevented their energy from leaking outside, but for someone with her level of Senjutsu, it was impossible not to notice.

That was why she was so quiet.

And everyone noticed.

Kurumi flashed a mischievous smile and sang playfully:

"Ara~ ara~, Kitty-chan, you're very quiet~."

Then, she added in a teasing tone:

"I wonder what you're thinking about right now~."

"Kuroka, are you okay?" Le Fay asked, looking at her with concern.

"Nyaa~, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just need to get used to it a little. But seriously, you all hide yourselves too well… How is it possible that no one knew about you until now? If you don't want to answer, that's fine, I'm just curious, nyaa~," Kuroka replied.

After a while, she finally managed to get used to the presences of Mukuro, Nia, Kurumi, Miku, Tohka, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Origami, Kotori, Natsumi, and Yoshino/Yoshinon.

However, Leen's presence never felt uncomfortable to her, as she had impeccable control over her power.

"Fufufu~. Well, saying that we're hiding isn't entirely incorrect," Kurumi replied with her characteristic enigmatic smile. 

"This territory belongs to the Shinto pantheon, and Aiden simply refuses to pay 'rent' to stay here, so we prefer to remain in the shadows. Why did no one know about us before? Hmm~, let's just say we're not from around here. Why don't you find out for yourself~?"

The fact that they weren't from this world wasn't something Kurumi tried too hard to hide from her "friends," as long as they didn't go around proclaiming it to the four winds.

Kuroka and Le Fay were left speechless.

So… all this secrecy was just to avoid paying rent to the Shinto pantheon?

Well, if it were a weak entity residing in their territory, the Shinto gods probably wouldn't care.

But an entity stronger than their primordial god… that was a completely different matter.

Therefore, Aiden simply chose to "hide" to avoid the problem.

After all, in his past life, he had lived in Japan for half of his existence, so moving to another country where myths weren't as abundant didn't seem like an attractive option.

Not paying rent to the gods… was a good deal.

"This world is absurdly full of rules…" Leen frowned, visibly irritated.

She was used to walking freely without hiding her wings or using magic whenever she pleased.

In Elicia, a medieval world where the existence of magic was common sense, these things weren't a problem.

But here… here, everything supernatural was hidden from most of the population by the pantheons.

Le Fay and Kuroka also frowned at her comment.


"Ufufu, well… over time, you just get used to it, don't you think?" Kurumi shrugged with a playful smile.

Kurumi and Leen continued talking among themselves, mentioning things about their world, which only confused Le Fay and Kuroka even more.

— Dimensional Gap

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Training Field —

"Alright, Paula. Let's see what you're capable of with your new abilities."

Aiden crossed his arms as he watched his time clone, who had a completely expressionless look.

Of course, he was going to be used as a punching bag.

If looks could kill, Aiden would already be dead.



Paula was offended.

Her great self turned into a weapon?


"Come on, Paula, don't be like that. I just helped you become stronger."


Paula dramatically turned away, pretending to be upset.

Aiden pursed his lips… so did his time clone.

'She's too "alive"… but just saying a name will make all that anger disappear.'

"Now that you're stronger, you'll be able to help Leen, you know? Fight by her side, beat up the bad guys and all that… blah, blah."


The moment she heard her "mother's" name, Paula's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Her anger vanished instantly, and she quickly agreed.

Aiden gave his time clone instructions: it would only use [Touki].

The clone took position in the training field.

Calmly, he drew a sword from the ground, formed with earth magic, and reinforced it with [Touki].

"First, let's start with the first basic form… [Chastiefol]."

Paula, who was next to Aiden, suddenly glowed.

Her body began to change.


She disintegrated into light, which spiraled until it took the form of a two-meter-long spear.

Aiden didn't need to grab it, as the spear floated at his side, waiting for his orders.


With a simple movement of his hand, the spear shot toward the clone.


The clone easily deflected the attack using his sword.

However, Aiden controlled the spear's trajectory remotely, manipulating its direction and force.

The spear spun and danced in the air, attacking from every possible angle.


Sparks flew with each impact against the sword reinforced with [Touki], while the ground filled with dust from the intense battle.

Aiden smiled.

He guided the spear upward and, with a touch of gravity magic, made it descend in a rapid spiral, aiming it at his clone.


The impact formed a crater beneath the clone's feet, who frowned as he blocked the spear with his sword.

Satisfied with the first form, Aiden decided to test the others.

"Second form… [Guardian]."

The spear glowed, and suddenly, in its place appeared a four-meter-tall teddy bear, completely brown.

Without warning, the [Guardian]'s right hand shone with a golden glow and, with absurd speed, launched a downward punch.

The clone barely managed to dodge.


Another crater formed in the ground from the impact.

"¡Tsk! How the hell does it hit so hard if it's just a teddy bear?"

The clone clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed.

Though, thinking about it… it made sense.

That teddy bear was strong because the original had created it.

As expected of himself.

He had no time to keep reflecting.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of him, and he heard Aiden's voice:

"Fourth form… [Sunflower]!"

The [Guardian] glowed again.

From the ground, roots rapidly emerged, giving way to a plant that grew uncontrollably until it became a twenty-meter-tall sunflower.

The bud opened.


And then, light rained down on the clone in the form of a powerful beam.


The clone concentrated a great amount of [Touki] and reinforcement magic into his leg.


He jumped straight into the beam of light, leaving a crater on the ground, and with a precise movement, delivered a powerful kick.


The impact sent the beam of light flying back toward the [Sunflower] at an absurd speed.


The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the training field as a massive dust cloud rose.

"Oh, it's just like in One Piece with [Haki] and all that!"

The clone heard that feminine exclamation and turned his head in that direction.

In the distance, he saw Kotori alongside Natsumi, both comfortably seated while eating sweets and watching the fight with interest.

'Since when have they been there…?'

That was the question lingering in the clone's mind, but before he could say anything, Aiden's voice interrupted him.

"Fifth form… [Proliferation]."

From the dust where the [Sunflower] had been, multiple blue flashes suddenly emerged.

But if you looked closely, you would realize they weren't mere lights… but hundreds of floating blades, sharp as kunai.

Without wasting time, the kunai rained down on the clone.

He reacted quickly, summoning a dense fog around him and hiding within it.


"I can see you perfectly."

Aiden murmured calmly, and with a simple gesture, the hundreds of kunai changed direction, chasing the clone with lethal precision.

The training field filled with Aiden's voice, shouting different attack names and numbers as the clone desperately tried to defend himself.

But when Aiden decided to bring out the true forms… the [Balance Breaker]…

The fight ended in a one-sided beatdown.

Meanwhile, Kotori and Natsumi clapped and cheered for Aiden with excitement.

The clone only wanted to send his original self to hell for turning him into a punching bag and mere entertainment for those sadistic women.

Too bad he was just a clone…


"Hmm… not bad. Leen just needs to train until she can handle it smoothly, but at least this will strengthen her… If it's not enough, I can always assign Aries Prote or Leo Pemptos as her bodyguards…" Aiden murmured to himself, watching his clone.

The clone returned a cold gaze before sinking into the shadow dimension along with the other clones.

Meanwhile, Paula had already returned to her teddy bear form and was flexing her "muscles," as if saying:

"Look how strong I am."

Aiden just laughed.

/Clap! Clap!/

"Wow, Paula, that was amazing~!" exclaimed Kotori, approaching with a smile while clapping enthusiastically.

"So this is what you've been working on, huh…" commented Natsumi, walking up to Aiden while glancing at the training field… which now looked like a war zone.

Aiden nodded.

For the others, only a couple of days had passed since he started building Leen's [Sacred Gear].

But in reality, he had been working on it for at least two months inside the time-accelerated room.

Not only did he design the weapon, but he was also researching and creating a spell to split Yoshino/Yoshinon's soul in two.

Suddenly, Kotori picked Paula up in her arms and hugged her tightly.

Paula… blushed?

"(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)"

'Seriously… I never stop being surprised by how expressive Paula can be…' thought Natsumi, unable to help but find the scene strangely adorable.

Aiden, Natsumi, and Kotori, with Paula in her arms, left the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the Dimensional Gap and soon arrived at the living room.

Kurumi, Leen, Le Fay, and Kuroka were still there, but now there was a new member in the group: Yoshino/Yoshinon.

At that moment, Yoshino and Kuroka were engrossed in an intense video game match while the others watched with interest.

Aiden pursed his lips.

"You're still here, huh…"

He had spent quite some time testing the [Sacred Gear], at least two hours, but apparently, they hadn't even moved.

"Well, whatever," he added indifferently.


Kotori handed Paula to Leen, who took her gently.

"Are you done already?" Leen asked, fixing him with a piercing gaze.

"Unn." Aiden nodded before adding:

"You just need practice and training… Though, with your talent, it won't take long to master it. Besides, [Chastiefol] is an auxiliary weapon that also allows you to use your magic."

"I see…" Leen nodded, observing Paula with interest.

"So you've gotten stronger, huh? Now we can kick bad guys together, don't you think?" she said with a mischievous smile.


"( ̄︶ ̄)"

Paula adopted a proud expression, puffing out her small chest with confidence.

Leen just laughed at her attitude.

Meanwhile, Aiden dropped onto the couch next to Kurumi and, without hesitation, rested his head on her lap.

Kurumi let out a soft laugh before gently running her fingers through his hair.

"Fufu~ Danna-sama is quite the spoiled child," Kurumi commented with a playful smile.

"Unn," murmured Aiden, not bothering to deny it, closing his eyes peacefully.

"Fufu~ You can always afford to act spoiled with me," she responded in a sweet and seductive tone.

"Unn," was all Aiden replied before surrendering to sleep, enjoying Kurumi's caresses without a care for anyone else.



Sorry for not uploading chapters for so many days…

I could give a bunch of excuses, but I'll sum it up:

Personal problems = Zero inspiration.

Even so, thanks for continuing to read this fanfic.

I love you, Reader.

Here are some images I found somewhere:


Peace out!