The moon, celestial being facility
We see Alejandro and rebbons watching a video of exia in trans-am mode.
Alejandro: what is this function built into the gundam's?
Rebbons: there's nothing about it in the databanks.
Alejandro turns to rebbons
Rebbons: most likely, it was built into the black box of the GN drive during its original construction. Also, it appears that all information regarding the meisters has been completely deleted from Veda. And I've look for information about the new gundam and there's nothing about it as well.
Alejandro turns back to Aeolia dead body.
Alejandro: so, Aeolia Schenberg even predicted my attempt to change his plans…? I will no longer be trifled with ny som arrogant idealist, who thinks he's god!
Lagrange 1 - resource Satellites
We see the Ptolemaios getting repaired
Christina: preparing to like assault container to the Ptolemy.
We also see a new weapon for the Kyrios
Feldt: Retrieval of tail booster complete.
With Ian and the gundam's
Ian: let's finish our maintenance before the enemy comes. Hurry up!
Haro's: Roger! Roger!
In the mission room with the screen showing a blueprint of gundam exia
Sumeragi: If you release all the compromised High- density particles… accumulate in the machine. It's able to perform at three times its normal output for a limited time.
Allelujah: It's a feature that's was only included in the original solar reactors.
Tieria: The Trans-am system.
Lockon: old man Aeolia left us with one hell of a present.
Kiyo: But if the time runs out it's a double-edge sword. So I recommended using it as a last resort. . . . ? I'm receiving a code message from setsuna, playing it now.
Setsuna: This is exia. orders to return to Ptolemy have been received. I have something to report. All mobile suits with pseudo solar reactors that were on earth have headed for space. And…one of the gundam thrones has been captured by the enemy.
Tieria: Captured?!
Allelujah: By the UN Forces?
Setsuna: The pilot who took the throne is Ali Al-saachez. That is all.
Lockon: Ale Al-Saachez… that bastard's coming here. How much longer is he gonna mess with us?
Allelujah: Who is this man?
Tieria: I heard that he's some kind of mercenary.
Sumeragi thoughts: *will we get our resupply finished in time, or will the UN Forces get here first? Either way… Lagrange 1 will be the site of a battle.
With the UN forces repairing the thrones
Ale: Sure was nice of them to have enough spare parts to help me out.
Sergei: So you're the one who captured this gundam.
Sergei: I am lieutenant colonel Sergei Smirnov of the Chobu Special Forces team.
Ale: it's and honor to have the wild bear of Russia come and greet me in person.
Ale: I am second lieutenant Gary bragging of the Fourth Foreign Mechanized Regiment. I am happy to be taking part in this gundam elimination operation.
Sergei: I am curious lieutenant. How was it you were able to actually capture a gundam?
Ale: I'm afraid that's a Business section, colonel.
With setsuna and Lasse
Lasse: did you get your answer, setsuna?
Setsuna: I don't know. But I… I mean we… have had a trust placed in us by Aeolia Schenberg. Then I choose of my own free will to keep fighting for the eradication of war…
Lasse: To be honest, I don't think It's possible for us to eradicate war and conflict. But for better or for worse, our foolish attempts to do just that have been engraved in peoples' hearts.
Lasse: At this point, I think Celestial Beings existence… the fact that we exist… might have a certain significance all by itself.
Setsuna: the fact that we exist?
Lasse: I mean that people can only truly understand things that they've actually experienced.
A message from the Ptolemy has popped up.
Setsuna: Ptolemy's located a UN Forces fleet!
With the Ptolemy
Christina: Looks like the three approaching transports are Union Virginia class ships.
Feldt: 4,200 until they're in visual combat range.
Sumeragi: Ptolemy is to back off and use the resource satellite as a shield. Kyrios, Virtue, dynames, Kiyo, prepare for defensive battle.
Christina: Kyrios stabilized with linear field.
Allelujah: Kyrios, Allelujah Haptism, commencing defensive operation!
Kyrios launches from Ptolemy
The UN forces launching their GN-X's
Feldt: Mobile suits have been launched from the enemy's transport ships.
Tieria: Virtue, Tieria Erde, taking off!
We see the Dynames being loaded on to the Catapult
Lockon: Dynames, Lockon Stratos, Launching!
The Dynames has left the catapult.
Feldt: The enemy Forces consists of twenty-six machines equipped with pseudo GN Drives.
Christina: There's a Throne with the enemy mobile suit team!
Lockon: that Bastard.
Kiyo: I guess I'll join in as well. Ultimate Gundam, Kiyo Hoshizora, joining the operation.
With the GN-X's
Sergei: message to all pilots. Four gundam, including the oversized one, have launched. We will respond with formation 245. Surround them and destroy them!
Soma: Roger.
Patrick: Colonel, look forward to my great combats results!
Daryl: I'll get them. I'll get them!
The squad moves forward while the throne stay behind
Ale: Oh, boy! Everyone seems so excited.
A display appears showing the Gundam appearances
Ale: so, they have a new one I don't know of. It gonna be an easy target.
With the Kyrios
Allelujah: Commencing pre-emptive attack! Go!
Kyrios fires only to hit one mobile suit.
Sergei: what?!
Daryl: A new weapon?!
Patrick: You're no match for me!
The battle commences with Kyrios dodging all of the UN beam weapons.
Allelujah: with this Tail booster I've got Great mobility!
Another GN-X gets taken out but the Virtue.
Sergei: all machines, stay in formation!
Both Kyrios and Virtue move out of their line of fire.
Sergei: switch to plan E and shoot them down separately
The spread out as two more gets out by the Dynames.
The Virtue is being chased by the GN-X's. The virtue turns around firing the GN-Cannons at them destroying one of them.
Daryl: Our attack are ineffective!
Ale: leave it to me!
Daryl: what?
The Throne comes in firing at the Virtue only to get shot at by Kiyo.
Ale: what!
Kiyo: Don't think I'm gonna let you mess this operation up!
With Kyrios
Kyrios gets a direct hit at the tail booster and then get a quantum headache.
Allelujah: M-My head
Kyrios ditches the tail booster to block soma's beam saber.
Soma: subject E-57
Allelujah: Is that soma peries?
Dynames provides covering fire for Kyrios to escape but gets intercepted by the other GN-X's
Lockon: Dammit, we're getting overwhelmed!
With the ptolemy
Christina: the tail booster on Kyrios is damaged! It's fighting super-soldiers mobile suit! Dynames is backing up Kyrios but is getting intercepted!
Feldt: Virtue is fending of the enemy but it's GN-particles levels are decreasing. Kiyo is fighting the Throne and is still running at full capacity.
Ian: Bridge can you hear me I'm sending out the GN-arms. Tell Dynames to dock with it.
Sumeragi: alright… Christine tell Kyrios and Virtue to use trans-am. Feldt, tell Dynames to dock with the GN-Arms and cover Kyrios and Virtue. Tell Kyio to support Kryios and Virtue. Tell her not hold nothing back.
With the Dynames
'Comms' Feldt: Dynames, we're sending out the GN-Arms. Dock with it and provide backup for Kyrios and Virtue.
lockon: alright, heading to the GN-Arms now.
With Kyrios and Virtue
Christina: Kyrios, Virtue, you are to use Trans-am The Dynames will providing cover fire with the GN-Arms. Kiyo, Your are to use all weapons at your disposal to support the Kyrios and Virtue.
Allelujah and Tieria: Roger that!
Kiyo: Roger that!
With Kyrios
A beam from Sergei GN-X hits the Kyrios form behind.
Sergei: now, second lieutenant!
Soma: die! gundam!
Kyrios then glows red before disappearing infront of Soma
Sergei: What!
We see Kyrios moving away from the two.
Soma: but how…?
We see Kyrios moving forward with after images.
Allelujah: The trans-am. !My headache's is gone.
Hallelujah: I'm blocking the quantum brain waves for you.
Allelujah: Hallelujah…
We see Kyrios turn back towards the fight
Hallelujah go kill them, Allelujah!
With Virtue
The Virtue has is being overwhelmed with its GN-field still up
Tieria: It's the trans-am!
The GN-X's back away while firing at the Virtue
Daryl: what happening?!
Patrick: what that light?
The Virtue holds the bazooka with both hands for a powerful attack. A GN-X tries to hide behind a asteroid but the asteroid gets destroyed along with the GN-X.
Patrick: Is that new weapon?
A warning pops up
Patrick: huh?
Get it's had chopped of by a chunk of the asteroid.
Patrick: C- Colonel!
With the Virtue
Tieria: I'm running out of GN-particles…!
The Virtue get Fired upon again.
Daryl: How dare you do what you did, Gundam!
GN-X: enemy machine approaching fast!
Daryl: What?!
Two beams destroyed four of the GN-X's.
We see The Dynames docked with the GN-Armor.
Tieria: It's a GN-armor! Lockon stratos!
The GN-X's turn to fight The Dynames
Daryl: concentrate fire of the new enemy!
With the Dynames
Lockon: sorry, you guys have to be shot down… so let's do what I do best, lockon startos, targeting and firing!
Haro: Commence bombardmen! Commence Bombardmen
Dynames Fires a whole load of missiles at the GN-X's destroying all but one.
Daryl: Damn you, Gundam!
Lockon: I'm going on ahead to attack their ships.
The Dynames the moves forward to the UN transport ships
With Kiyo and the Throne
Kiyo: Now I don't have to worry about screwing up the plan!
She Fires the variable beam cannon and turrets at the throne and the GN-X's
The thrones dodges but a few attacks manage to hit but the GN-X's weren't as lucky.
Ale: Tch, this things got way to much fire power! How is it even operational with that many weapons, better yet, who operating it and are they even human?!
Ale Al-saachez is catches off guard with a giant claw clamping down on the Thrones left arm and rips it off.
Ale: Damn it!
The throne grabs its sword and swings down on the claw only only to find it did no damage.
Ale: God damn it!
The throne dodges the other claw Kiyo attack to finish him off and retreats.
Ale: that thing is way too agile for its size! It's Better to pull back now than risk fighting that thing!
With Kyrios
The Kyrios Dodges all shots fired at him.
Soma: He's too fast!
Kyrios fires two shots, one misses, the other destroys a leg.
Sergei: Second Lieutenant!
Sergei's Mobile suit gets hit losing an arm.
Allelujah: Damn it. The Trans-am's running out of time…!
A screen shows the GN-X's retreating.
Allelujah: They're retreating.
Hallelujah: You let them get away.
'Comms' Christina: Kyrios, Virtue, Trans-am is finished.
On the bridge of the Plotemy
Christina: They'll have reduced performance until their particles are recharged.
Sumeragi: Where's lockon?
Feldt: He's broken through the enemy mobile suits. He's charging straight for the enemy Ships!
Sumeragi "thought": "setsuna, please hurry! We need all the help we can get!"
With the UN transport ships
Flight crew: Incoming mobile armor, Colonel!
Kati: Respond with linear cannons!
They fire upon the Dynames
Lockon: I'll target and fire right at their bases!
Dynames proceeds to destroy one of the transport ships
FC: We just lost the Norfolk
Kati: Are the mobile suit teams back yet!
Another ship is destroyed.
Lockon: This is the en…!
A red beam saber is immediately thrown into the beam guns barrel.
Lockon: What?! Agh! Crap!
Another beam saber is stabbed into the GN-Arms as we see the gundam throne gripping the beam saber.
Lockon: Damn it!
Dynames leaves the mobile armor before it blows up and turned to see the gundam throne with only one arm to wield a weapon with.
Lockon: That's the Throne. Then that must be Ali Al-Saachez!
Dynames chases after the throne.
Dynames fires at the throne with very few actually hitting its target
Lockon: Damn it, he's toying with me!
The throne loops around an asteroid before attacking the Dynames and they lock blades.
Lockon: You're Al-Saachez of the KpSA, aren't you?
Ale: That Krugis punk told you about me, huh?!
Lockon: You're the bastard who ordered the suicide bombing in Ireland! Why?!
Ale: I did it because I'm a mercenary… besides…! It was obvious the Middle East read violently when the AEU built their orbital elevator!
Lockon: Your involved innocent people!
Ale: You're the same as me! You're just a terrorist who says he's trying to eradicate war!
Lockon: I'll take full responsibility for what I have done but after I defeat You!
Dynames fire missiles as the throne but it dodges all of them and the chase continues.
With Setsuna and Lasse
Lasse: Setsuna, I've confirmed the point.
Setsuna: Disconnect from Container.
The GN-Arms disconnects from assault container letting exia out.
Setsuna: I'm Heading to the combat zone with trans-am!
Exia activates trans-am and heads to the combat zone
With Dynames and the throne
Dynames rapidly fire at the throne but misses as the pilot has better skills
Lockon: I'll never forgive you!
They clash blades again.
Lockon: You're a personification of everything the give birth to fighting p!
They lock blades.
Ale: Keep crying! You and I are two of a kind!
Lockon: I'm nothing like you!
The thrones pulls back
Lockon: I'm gonna change this world!
Haro: Enemy approaching! enemy Approaching!
We see Daryl GN-X going in for a suicide attack
Daryl: There you are, Gundam!
Lockon: Don't get in my way
Dynames fires missiles at him but he blocks his cockpit with the mobile suits arms. The missiles hit the arms and legs destroying them
Daryl: I am proud to be a Union Flag Fighter!
Dynames fire a shot killing him but not before getting hid arm destroyed form the explosion.
Lockon: Shit!
With the Throne
Ale: seems you lost your right arms!
The Throne launches the remote weapons
Dynames pulls out its GN-pistol and fire at the drone weapons but is getting overwhelmed by fatigue settling in.
Haro: Lockon, Lockon!
Lockon: shit! Agh!
The Dynames head and leg get destroyed.
With Kiyo moving to their fight
Kiyo sees the explosion and picks up the pace
Kiyo: I need to hurry!
With Dynames
Haro: Serious damage! Serious damage! Serious damage! Unable to fight! Unable to fight! Unable to fight!
Dynames moves behind an asteroid.
The throne looks for him
Ale: I wasn't able to finish him off. He's one tough bastard!
We see the Dynames floating their and in the cockpit lockon detaches the scope.
Lockon: Haro. Take the Dynames back to the Ptolemy.
Haro: Lockon. Lockon.
Lockon: That's an order.
Haro: Lockon. Lockon.
Lockon: Don't worry about me. I'll come back in one piece…
Lockon rubs haro before leaving.
Haro: Lockon. Lockon.
Lockon floats away from the Dynames.
Haro: Lockon. Lockon. Lockon. Lockon…
Lockon: I'm trusting you with the solar reactor. Farewell, little partner.
Lockon turns to the cannon part of the GN-arms
With exia
We see exia heading towards the battle site
Setsuna: trans-am is running out of time
With the throne
Ale: Damn it. Where did he go?
We see a green image of the throne as it zooms out to reveal lock has hooked up the scope to the cannon.
Lockon: What am I doing out here? But unless I get rid of him… unless I can avenge them… I can't move forward. And I can't face the world!
The throne picks up his life reading and head towards it.
With Kiyo just about to reach lockon and sees what he is gonna do.
Kiyo: Lock no!
Back with lockon breathing heavily
Lockon: Targeted and Firing!
The cannon fires at the throne but not before the throne lands a shot on it causing it to explode. We see Lockon drifting among the GN-particles with Kiyo just a blur in the background
Lockon: Father… mother… Amy…
Lockon thinks about his past with his family
Lockon: I know the things I've done may not change anything… I know things will never go back to the way they were. Even so, from now on… after today… the future that Lyle will know..l
He sees the light of GN-particles coming from exia
Lockon: setsuna. Did you find your answer?
With setsuna.
Setsuna see the GN-arms
Setsuna: The GN-arms!
Next to it he sees
Setsuna: what? It's Lockon!
With kiyo
She is almost at the Gn-arms
Kiyo: I need to go faster! I must go faster!
With lockon
Lockon looks at earth
Lockon: Hey, you people down there. Are you satisfied with the way the world is?
We see the GN-arms start to explode as Kiyo is almost right behind lockon
Lockon: as for me… I hate it…
The GN-arms explode with Kiyo nearly have lockon in her hands
Setsuna and Kiyo: Lockon!!
With the Plotemy
Christina: Both Kyrios and Virtue have survived!
Feldt: Dynamesmis Confirmed! Its making its way back to the Plotemy now.
Licht: Then everone's safe!
Christina: Yes! Thank goodness!
Audio from the Dynames starts to play
'Haro': Lockon! Lockon!
Haro repeats this over and over
Feldt: what the matter, haro?
Haro continues to say his name and everyone takes this as he's dead
Allelujah: now way…
Tieria: This can't be true!
With setsuna and Kiyo
Setsuna just stares at Kiyo hands, that's holding lockon's chard corpse.
Setsuna: Lockon… Stratos…
Setsuna screams in sorrow.