Chereads / The Degeneracy of Shinigami [R-18] / Chapter 32 - Chapter 31

Chapter 32 - Chapter 31

He knelt down and began to gather the papers and stuff them back into the folder. When he was finished he looked up and came face to face, or face to crotch, with Nel. She had taken a few steps forward, unbeknownst to him, while he was cleaning up her mess. If she was any closer it would have been on his forehead. 'Is that a K?' he thought to himself. His tongue pressed against the inside of his teeth, begging to get out of his mouth and inside of her.

"If you were hungry you could've just asked for some food," Mashiro said, entering the room.

He jumped to his feet and looked around nervously. Nel thought it was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen, even with that scowl on his face. If felt good to know she was making the unflappable Captain Kuchiki nervous. Byakuya knew he needed to get out of there and fast. He'd just have to see Yoruichi at a later time. This was like the best dream and the most horrible nightmare rolled into one. He turned, saw the kimono that was draped over the Visored's arm and snatched it from her.

"Turn around," he said, being sure to keep his eyes focused on anything but the naked beauty.

The combination of those two simple words and his drop-your-panties voice was enough to make Nel moist on the spot. She pulled her hair over her shoulder so he could get a good look at the little surprise on her back. Hopefully he was smarter than Mashiro, and would understand. She turned slowly and waited, imagining what his expression would be when he laid eyes on the ridiculously large 'B'.

Byakuya stared with his eyebrows furrowed. Hadn't there been a '3' there before? He couldn't be sure. It had been so long since they'd left Heuco Mundo with her and the blue-haired Espada. She had clung to Ichigo like her life depended on it, dressed in a poor excuse for clothes that barely covered her voluptuous body. The thought of her on Ichigo made him clench his jaw tighter than it already was. 'What is wrong with me?'

"Are you going to give me my clothes or are we just gonna stand here all night?" Nel joked.

Byakuya snapped back to the present. He gently laid the kimono over her shoulders, then turned and left without a word. His hands balled into fists as he heard the faint sounds of laughter. He narrowed his eyes and ground his teeth. He wasn't sure what was going on but without a doubt Yoruichi had to be behind it. Then, for no reason at all he thought of Nel's naked body on top of that desk and his already hard cock twitched. Frustrated and, for the first time in a very long while, horny, he flash-stepped to his manor.

Day 5

Byakuya rose before the sun after a long night of tossing and turning. He knew Yoruichi would still be asleep. She'd never been a morning person, but he couldn't wait another minute. He was going to kill her. He'd decided it last night, right after he'd tried to relieve himself of his erection…for the third time. She'd set him up. He just knew it.

He arrived at the Shihoin compound within minutes. One scowl at the guards and he was in, no questions asked. It had been some time since he'd been inside of the manor and a lot had changed. After roaming around aimlessly for almost twenty minutes and not seeing a soul, he ran into one of the maids. Her face turned a bright red when he asked where the lady of the house was, and she stuttered for entirely too long before finally directing him to what was probably the third sitting room he'd seen. The head of the Shihoin clan was curled up in a ball under a table sleeping… naked.

Lord-Captain Byakuya Kuchiki casually walked over to the table and glared down at her for a moment before kicking her right in her butt. She always did bring out the worst in him.

"AHHHHHHH!" Yoruichi jumped up, banged her head on the bottom of the table, then sprang up again, and banged her head…again. "What the hell is going on? Where am I…the Seventh Circle of Hell?" she yelled, confused. She flipped the table off her and rubbed her head. Byakuya couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed something so much. He almost laughed…almost.

"Leave me alone, I'm sleepy," the bedraggled shapeshifter whined, not bothering to open her eyes.

"Get up," he said, not bothering to hide his exasperation.

She cracked a lid as soon as she registered who he was. "What are you doing here?" she said in a voice still scratchy from sleep.

"I have business with you. Now please put some clothes on." Yoruchi's nakedness did not bother him since he, along with probably everyone else in the Soul Society, had seen her naked at least ten times. It wasn't that she didn't have a great body. It was just that she was a demon cat so that negated her appeal.

"I'm not here," she replied, before turning into her cat form and crawling under a nearby couch.

Byakuya's eye twitched dangerously. He walked over to the couch, flipped it and yanked Yoruichi up by the scruff of her neck. She hung helplessly in his hand and sighed.

"Can't you just go away? I have a hangover."

"How do you intend to effectively run your squad if you're drunk?" he scoffed.

"I didn't say I was drunk, I said I have a hangover, meaning…I was drunk last night. Now get off me." With a pop she turned back to her human form and was released from Byakuya's hold. He fell backward on to the floor with a thud and Yoruichi landed purposely right on top of him. She leaned down and licked the whole right side of his face, then slapped him with her boobs a couple times and jumped up.

"Why don't you two just fuck and get it over with?" Kukaku drawled as she entered the room.

Byakuya reached for his sword, intending to just kill them both and be done with it. But before he could pull it from its sheath Yoruichi's hand was grabbing his wrist.

"Calm down, Byakuya, geez. Get the stick outta your ass."

"What is or is not in my ass is none of your concern." Kukaku and Yoruichi exchanged amused looks as he continued to speak. "What business did you have with me last night?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"None. Why?"

"I received a note saying you had urgent matters to discuss with me, but when I arrived at your office I found your lieutenant and the green-haired Visored in an…" he cleared his throat, "…awkward position."

"So what's your point?" Yoruichi left the room, having finally decided to put some clothes on.

"I know you are behind this and I will get to the bottom of it. This is the second time something like this has happened."


A/N- I will be requesting you all to kindly join patreon. I will be updating chapters early there and will be having some exciting news for you all over there.

Thank you.


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