Deep in the Forbidden Forest, David stood with a hefty piece of barbecued meat in his hands. "Go ahead, Norbert!" he shouted, swinging his arms back and launching the meat through the air.
Norbert, the Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid had recently named, roared in excitement. With a mighty kick, the dragon propelled itself forward, its black wings flapping as it leapt to snatch the meat mid-air. It landed gracefully, biting into its prize with a contented growl.
Only three days had passed since Norbert's hatching, yet he had already grown significantly. His body now gleamed with shiny black scales, and his size had doubled. Though Norbert's fierce demeanor was tempered by his loyalty to David—earned through a combination of tough discipline and generous rewards of food—his rapidly growing strength made him increasingly difficult to manage.
"Well done, Norbert!" Hagrid beamed with pride, his booming laugh echoing through the forest.
Nearby, Harry and Ron eagerly approached with their own pieces of meat.
"It's my turn!" Harry declared, grabbing a chunk of barbecue from the bucket.
He took a deep breath, winding up his throw. "Go, Norbert!" he yelled as the meat sailed into the air. Unfortunately, it landed unceremoniously on the ground. Norbert simply snorted, ignoring it entirely.
"What happened?" Harry asked, crestfallen.
David chuckled. "Dragons aren't dogs, Harry. They're proud creatures. Either it's not hungry, or it doesn't trust you enough yet."
"Let me try," Ron said confidently, grabbing another piece. Just as he prepared to throw it, a sharp clicking noise emerged from the underbrush. Everyone froze. A cluster of small, eight-eyed giant spiders skittered out, drawn by the smell of the discarded meat. They began gnawing at it hungrily.
Norbert's eyes flared with anger. Though he had no intention of eating the meat himself, seeing the spiders claim what was his was too much to bear. With a roar, he unleashed a blast of dragon fire, incinerating the spiders instantly.
David's stomach sank. "Hagrid! Take Hermione and the others and get out of here! Now!" he shouted.
"What's going on?" Hagrid asked, confused.
"Norbert just killed some eight-eyed giant spiders!" David explained hurriedly. "And where there's one, there's a whole swarm not far behind!"
The telltale clicking sounds grew louder, coming from all directions. The forest's shadows seemed to come alive as dozens of giant spiders emerged, their many eyes glinting with malice.
"Go, Hagrid!" David yelled. "I'll hold them off!"
"But—" Hagrid began.
"No time to argue! Just get them out of here!" David snapped. Reluctantly, Hagrid scooped up Harry, Ron, and Hermione, carrying them away as fast as his massive strides could manage.
David turned to face the oncoming swarm. Summoning his courage, he raised his wand and called forth a three-headed dog and a kelpie using his summoning spells. The magical creatures flanked him, standing ready to defend their master.
Norbert, oblivious to the danger he had caused, roared defiantly at the approaching spiders. He leapt into their midst, clawing and biting with ferocity. Spiders were sent flying, crushed under his powerful blows.
"Norbert, focus!" David shouted. He dodged an incoming spider and sent a powerful Stunning Spell at another. The spider's body convulsed before collapsing in a heap.
A larger spider, clearly the leader, stepped forward. Its body was twice the size of the others, and its voice was a chilling hiss. "Human," it said, its pincers clicking menacingly. "Do you really think you can stand against us?"
"I'm not here to fight you," David said firmly. "But I'll defend myself if I have to."
The spider sneered. "Your dragon killed my children. For that, it will die. And so will you."
"So there's no reasoning with you?" David asked, gripping his wand tighter.
"No!" the spider roared, and the swarm attacked.
David unleashed a flurry of spells, protecting himself and supporting Norbert as best he could. His summoned creatures fought valiantly, holding the spiders at bay. Meanwhile, Norbert's claws and fire devastated the arachnids, but their numbers seemed endless.
Just as David began to feel overwhelmed, a volley of arrows whistled through the air, striking several spiders and driving the others into disarray. From the shadows emerged a group of centaurs, their bows drawn and ready for another attack.
"Who's there?" one of the centaurs called. "Is it Hagrid?"
"It's me, David!" he shouted back.
The centaurs advanced, their arrows flying with deadly precision. The spiders hesitated, their leader snarling in frustration.