In a quiet corner of the Hogwarts library, David stretched his sore neck and leaned back against his chair. He had been bent over his notes for hours, and his body was starting to protest. In front of him lay a piece of parchment, densely covered in Professor McGonagall's notes on spellcasting techniques.
David felt he had made significant progress over the past few days. His spellwork had improved noticeably, and he was just one practical session away from feeling like a true master of magic.
Across the table, Hermione was completely engrossed in her own studies. She was sorting through her notes, carefully marking what she thought might appear on their exams. The problem, David noticed, was that nearly every line in her notebook was underlined or highlighted in red ink.
"Hey, Hermione," David said softly, trying not to disturb the other students in the library, "do you want to take a break? We've been at this since breakfast."
Hermione barely looked up from her notes. "Just a little longer, David. There's still so much to cover."
David sighed and slumped back onto the table, staring at the parchment in front of him. His focus, however, was soon interrupted by a strange smell—something earthy and wild that didn't belong in the library.
Before he could think too much about it, a large shadow loomed over him.
"David!" Hagrid whispered loudly, causing a few nearby students to glance their way.
Hagrid was standing by their table, clutching a bundle of large books tightly to his chest. His eyes darted around nervously, and David raised an eyebrow. Hagrid wasn't exactly known for subtlety or academic enthusiasm.
"Hagrid?" David said curiously. "What are you doing here? And what's with the books?"
"Shhh!" Hagrid hissed, leaning closer. "Listen, David, can you come by me hut this afternoon? There's... somethin' I need yer help with."
David smirked. "Let me guess—you've got yourself another magical creature you can't handle, haven't you?"
Hagrid's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered. "You'll see when you come. Just... make sure no one follows you, alright?"
Without another word, Hagrid shuffled away, leaving David and Hermione staring after him.
"What was that about?" Hermione asked, frowning.
David shrugged. "Probably some magical animal. With Hagrid, it's never something simple."
Hermione's eyes sparkled. "Do you think it's something cute?"
David laughed. "With Hagrid's taste? I wouldn't count on it. If it's anything like last time, it'll probably have fangs or claws—or both."
That afternoon, David and Hermione walked across the sunlit grounds towards Hagrid's hut. The air was crisp, and a gentle breeze carried the smell of grass and damp earth.
When they reached the hut, David knocked loudly on the wooden door. "Hagrid! We're here!"
The door creaked open slightly, and Hagrid's bearded face peered out. His expression was hesitant when he noticed Hermione.
"Oh, Hermione's here too? Uh... well, alright then. Come in, but ye both have to promise not to tell anyone about what you see—especially Harry and Ron."
Hermione nodded earnestly. "We promise!"
Hagrid stepped aside, and they entered the small, warm hut. The windows were tightly shut, thick curtains blocked out the sunlight, and the fireplace was roaring with an intense fire. The heat was overwhelming.
"Hagrid, it feels like an oven in here!" David said, wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Come 'ere, come 'ere!" Hagrid said excitedly, motioning them closer to the fireplace.
In the center of the flames hung a large iron pot, and inside it sat a huge, black egg with faint patterns etched across its shell.
David's eyes widened. "Is that... a dragon egg?"
Hagrid nodded proudly. "A Norwegian Ridgeback egg, to be exact! Got it from a stranger down at the pub. Said he didn't want it anymore."
David smirked. "Well, judging by the setup, it looks like you're making roasted dragon egg soup."
Hagrid's expression fell, and David quickly added, "Hagrid, you can't just keep a constant high flame on it! Dragon eggs need controlled heat—not a bonfire."
Using his wand, David carefully reduced the flames, cooling the fireplace to a gentler warmth.
"Keep it like this," David instructed. "When the egg starts shaking lightly, then you can raise the temperature again. Otherwise, you'll end up with a very expensive omelette."
Hagrid nodded solemnly, his large hands cradling the book he had been referencing.
Hermione stepped forward. "Hagrid, you know keeping a dragon is illegal, right? You could get into serious trouble!"
Hagrid's face softened as he looked at the egg. "I know, but... I'm its mother now. A newborn dragon needs someone to care for it. It can't survive without its mother."
David sighed. Hagrid's heart was always in the right place, but his love for magical creatures often clouded his judgment.
"Alright, Hagrid," David said gently, "we'll help you for now. But you have to promise that you'll find a proper home for it once it hatches."
Hagrid nodded eagerly. "O' course, o' course! But for now, it's my responsibility."
The three of them sat around the egg for a while, discussing dragons and their care. Hermione still looked worried, but David knew she wouldn't betray Hagrid's trust.
As the sun began to set outside, the fire crackled softly in the hearth, and the egg sat peacefully in the gentle heat.
David couldn't help but smile—life at Hogwarts was never dull, especially when Hagrid was involved.