David and Rove darted up to the second floor, bursting into Newt Scamander's bedroom with urgency. The scene they encountered was starkly different from their excitement—Newt was peacefully sleeping, snoring softly, completely unaware of the chaos brewing below.
"Grandpa, Grandpa!" David and Rove whispered, leaning close to Newt's bedside.
Newt stirred, opening his eyes halfway. The room was still bathed in darkness, not even a sliver of morning light peeking through. "What's going on? Why are you two awake at this hour?" he mumbled groggily.
"Grandpa," Rove began sheepishly, "have you noticed something missing in the house?"
Newt sat up, looking around the room with half-lidded eyes. "Nothing seems out of place. What is this about?"
David and Rove exchanged nervous glances. Taking a deep breath, David confessed, "Grandma isn't in bed. She's downstairs… with… uh… your…"
"What?" Newt's voice shot up in alarm. Wide awake now, he threw off his covers and hurriedly put on his robe. "What have you two done this time?"
"We… we might have gone to your studio," David began hesitantly.
"And found a box," Rove added, staring at the floor.
"We accidentally opened it," David continued.
"And might have undone a hidden curse on it," Rove chimed in.
"And… forgot to put the contents back before leaving." David finished with a wince.
Newt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You mean to tell me you tampered with my highly secured box, forgot to return what you took, and now your grandmother has found it?"
David nodded sheepishly. Rove whispered, "Sorry, Grandpa."
"You two little rascals!" Newt exclaimed, but despite his exasperation, he couldn't suppress the faint hint of amusement in his tone. "Fine. Let's go see what's happening. Follow me."
The three descended the stairs to find Tina Scamander seated in the living room, her posture rigid, and her expression a mixture of calm fury. A small box rested on her lap, and the light from the fireplace cast flickering shadows across her face, making her appear even more intimidating.
David and Rove quickly took the farthest seats from Tina, while Newt cautiously approached the sofa next to her. "Sit properly," Newt said sternly to the boys.
"You, too," Tina added sharply, prompting Newt to shuffle over and join David and Rove on their side of the room.
"Newt," Tina began, her voice cutting through the tension, "have you accounted for everything in this box?"
"Yes, of course," Newt replied, his tone defensive. "John was with me when I sealed it. Everything was properly secured." He glanced at David and Rove with a smug expression as if to say, See? You can't pin this on me.
"Grandma, we're sorry," David and Rove blurted out together, their voices full of genuine remorse.
Tina's stern facade cracked slightly, but she quickly regained her composure. "Now that you're sorry, tell me… what exactly did you learn from meddling where you shouldn't have?"
David hesitated, then answered, "We found evidence that Organization R is conducting experiments on magical animals. They're trying to control them, aren't they?"
Newt nodded solemnly. "Yes. We've suspected as much for a while now. We've even rescued some of their victims. But it's still unclear how far their research has progressed."
"Have they succeeded?" Rove asked, his brow furrowed in concern.
"Not yet," Newt replied. "At least, we don't think so. If they had, we'd likely be facing much bigger problems by now."
David and Rove exchanged uneasy glances. "What about the members of Organization R?" David pressed. "Have you caught any of them?"
"We've captured many," Newt admitted, "but they're tight-lipped. Even our undercover agents can't get close to the researchers. The organization's structure is too compartmentalized. The researchers and the hunters operate separately, and neither knows much about the other."
"So the research base is still hidden?" Rove asked.
Newt sighed. "Yes. They're incredibly cautious. Even our best trackers lose their trail. The base is likely protected by the Fidelius Charm. And those who are taken there… they don't even know its location themselves."
"What about the Raim bull in the magical space?" David asked.
A small smile finally broke across Newt's face. "Ah, the Raim bull! Its discovery was pure chance. It's a fascinating creature, isn't it? But that's a story for another time."
David and Rove nodded, their curiosity piqued but their guilt still weighing heavily. Tina, meanwhile, leaned back in her chair, her expression softening just a little.