"While the evolution of the Nanobody vastly increases the power of your regeneration, you are able to access the scales of the Anunnaki model that I planted in your form from the Anunnaki's corpse. That energy is finite," Uncle Bob explained.
"If you're reckless to the point of excess, you will expend the energy of your regeneration, and I am afraid after that, Ryuk, your Nanobody will cease to exist. It will never be able to be put back, no matter how hard you try."
"Somehow, you can say that your Nanobody doesn't survive on your beating heart but on the energy scales of the Anunnaki model within you."
"These have their own advantages."
"Somehow, even if your legs and arms are slashed off, as long as you have your heart beating and your brain functioning, you can always continue to live, Ryuk!"