"What... What do you want?" Lydia asked, her voice tinged with despair, as the air in the room suddenly grew colder.
Ryuk looked into her eyes.
"I don't need much from you, Lydia. Just dial this number, call up your dad, and ask a simple question. Which train will be going to Grade A tomorrow morning, and where is its location? That's all I need from you."
"And what if I choose not to?" Lydia said, frost escaping her lips from the dropping temperature.
Ryuk pressed his hand on the wall beside her head, bringing his lips mere inches from hers.
"Then, I'm afraid an insolent human like me will end up being your first time. And just so you know, I'm rougher than even werewolves themselves."
He whispered, sending a chill down Lydia's spine. More frost left her lips as her eyes flashed green, locking onto Ryuk's sinister expression.
The silence became incredibly deafening to Lydia, and her gaze remained seemingly stuck on Ryuk.