Elena POV
I was outside reading a book with Erin and Layla gone through the portal today but I know that they can handle it but maybe I should go to see there progress.
I gave Erin the Ice Demon Tier Sword, I gave Layla the Demon Tier Sword plus bow so they should be good.
I closed my book to see Heather playing with birds.
Elena: Heather, come on, we're gonna go check on there progress.
Heather: Your worried about them running into the Truedream?
Elena: They just got back plus Truedream is a dangerous individual that can't do anything to us but still there's also the Blade Family.
Heather: You know will have to go to the Vampire Settlement soon.
Elena: I know, will have to meet them there plus also Erin to come with us.
Heather: Yes, now that we will have to show why your the strongest God Slayer for a reason sister.
Elena: Your second but I don't see anyone passing us for a while, so will get rid of those who start to become a problem truly quickly, did you get Malik?
Heather: Yes, his memories have been altered to which he believes you are his savior, he's at the home ready to take on
Jim Eno and Jack Truedream or any enemy that tries to come after you.
Elena: Good.