Chereads / Broken(DC,Breaking Bad) / Chapter 49 - The law is powerless.

Chapter 49 - The law is powerless.

Everything was going as usual until sudden inspections began sweeping through the business. Federal agents started storming into facilities, turning them upside down in search of something. The only thing that stopped their further actions was the appearance of Lex Luthor. He quickly calmed the hotheads and pointed them toward the exit.

"What would we do without you," Elizabeth sighed.

"It's nothing. It wasn't difficult for me. Sometimes these ignoramuses overstep their bounds, and it's best not to let them interfere with our long-term collaboration. We're trying to help humanity what could stop us?" Luthor said with a smile, clearly planning to stick around for a while.

"I don't understand. Everything's clean on our end. Why would they come after us?" Elizabeth asked in frustration, shaking her head.

"I have friends. I could find out, if you'd like," Luthor offered.

"No," I said sharply, drawing his attention. "There's no need. You don't have to go to that much trouble. We'll try to handle this ourselves," I replied, suspecting where the threads were leading.

"If you say so, I won't interfere. But if you need any help, just let me know. And since we managed to pull you away from your lab research, I'd like to speak with you privately about an important matter. I'll have to leave soon my company's affairs are pressing," Luthor said.

"All right. As soon as I sort this out, I'll meet with you," I said.

"Wonderful," Luthor replied.

I quickly said goodbye to them and headed for the exit of our company building. I urgently needed information. Pulling out my phone, I got into my car, but before starting it, I remembered Saul's advice. Taking a deep breath, I inspected the car. At first glance, everything seemed fine, but then I noticed small scratches and some items that had been moved. Opening the glove compartment, I found a tracking device. It looked like I'd have to dig a little deeper.

After removing all the devices, I decided to contact Saul Goodman.

"Who do I hear? My old client. You know, lately, things have been a bit slow for me. Any idea why?" Saul said in a less-than-cheerful tone. It seemed his business wasn't going great.

"I have no idea. I'm calling because I need your help. My company's been getting raided by the FBI. I need you to keep them busy for a while," I said.

"I'm just a lawyer, and you're asking me to play cat and mouse with people who forgot the meaning of 'confidentiality' and 'life' about fifteen years ago?" Saul replied.

"You're a wizard, aren't you? I can pay much more for results, and you know it," I said.

"Fine, I'll figure something out. Let's say... a counter-lawsuit for inconvenience caused. We'll create some public buzz. I'll find a couple of people your company has helped. I've got it: headlines on TV screens 'Feds killing innocent citizens while hindering an honest company's efforts to save lives'? Sounds good. I'll reach out to a few channels, and we'll stir things up," Saul Goodman said. I knew I could always rely on him.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver," I said. Noticing a car tailing me in the rearview mirror, I added, "I have to go," and hung up, pressing the gas pedal of my brand-new Ford Mustang with 700 horsepower. Picking up speed sharply, I drifted around a corner. The car behind simply couldn't keep up for long and quickly fell behind.

Leaving my car in a paid parking lot, I quickly disappeared into the streets, heading for my secret base. Once inside, I checked the security system, turned around, and saw an unexpected sight: Probability was sitting in a chair, shuffling a deck of cards.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I approached him.

"You needed me, so here I am," he replied.

"You said you couldn't track my fate," I said.

"I can't track yours, but I can track mine," Probability said, laying out the cards. "So, what do you want to know?"

"Why are the federal agents interested?" I asked.

"Let's see. They were tipped off by an old enemy who's now on their side," he replied, shuffling the cards.

"Who?" I asked.

"Hector Salamanca," Probability said.

"That's impossible; he's bound to a wheelchair and drooling," I said. The doctors had given the worst possible prognosis for his condition.

"And yet, he managed to say something. He's set up a small conspiracy against you. One of the twins survived and received orders from Salamanca to kill you. He's gathered a small group and is already organizing them to take action," Probability said.

"What do the feds have on me?" I asked.

"Not much yet. Most of it is still unknown to them, but they'll figure it out eventually," Probability replied.

"Then everything that remains must be destroyed," I said, mentally sifting through anything that could potentially serve as evidence against me. "It's time to act," I added, approaching the table with all the necessary materials. I'd procured the best on the market, combined with Firefly's designs. This would allow me to use an alternative form if things escalated unless it turned into an all-out assault.

"Yes, they've awakened a fire that will consume them, for the one who bears it does not forgive mistakes," Probability said, watching me prepare.

"What else do you need?" I asked, focused on my work.

"Just simple curiosity, nothing more," he replied, vanishing into a mist.

His motives remained a mystery to me, but so far, he hadn't done anything to earn my hatred. He merely assisted me for a price, of course. Still, he was a demon.

I used my old design: an impenetrable mask with a skull pattern, a durable suit equipped with various gear. No flames or other powers there was no need to draw unnecessary attention. I only took Firefly's thermal grenades. Why can't I just live in peace? Why is someone always trying to interfere? The criminal underworld refuses to release its grip on me.

I know how they like to operate. I must strike at their remnants before they strike at me. Their first target is always the weakest point family. They take them hostage, then kill them. I can't allow them to get near Elizabeth's home. I sent her a message, instructing her to always stay with security. I wasn't too worried about Alice she was currently out of the States, on a musical tour in Europe. There, they had no influence, but just in case, I told her to remain extremely cautious. Still, my heart couldn't settle. I sent Garfield a message, instructing him to fly to Alice and watch over her. That gave me peace of mind to act without fear for them.

After finishing the suit, I packed it into a case it wasn't time to wear it yet. First, I needed to deal with Hector Salamanca. Leaving my hideout, I took an inconspicuous car, placed a backpack with equipment on the seat, and set off after him. He should currently be in a care facility under the supervision of doctors. The Salamanca family had plenty of money to afford that.

Pulling up to the hospital, I got out and headed toward his room. Passing through the staff unnoticed, I made my way to him and stepped inside.


I immediately felt a slight sense of danger, but what could he do to me? His furious gaze recognized me at once, as if he was trying to say something, but all he could do was glare at me with murderous intent.

"Hello. Didn't think it would end like this, did you?" I asked, stepping closer to him. The expressions on his face kept changing. Looking down, I noticed a bomb strapped to his wheelchair. Hmm, not a bad plan. If I were an ordinary man, he might have decided to take me out one last time. "You know what I want to say to you? You shouldn't have messed with me. You're the one responsible for your fate. I wanted a simple life, and you took that away from me. That's why I will never forgive you or anyone like you."

His finger started frantically tapping the bell, creating a loud ringing. Moments later, I caught his final glance before the explosion went off. The fire, eager to erupt from the bomb, froze in midair and flowed into my hand. He stared at me, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"It's over," I said sharply. My gloved hand reached for his throat. One motion and his neck snapped. I couldn't allow myself not to kill him personally, not after everything he had done to me. The swirling ball of fire still hovered nearby. Time to go.

I jumped out the window, and a moment later, the explosion engulfed his room, erasing all evidence. The fire alarm blared loudly, echoing down the street.

It was done.

I got behind the wheel and gripped it tightly, but with my strength, a piece broke off in my hand. It was all behind me now. This was my final return to this part of my life I needed to finish everything once and for all.


Green Arrow's Secret Base

"We have an emergency Hector Salamanca has been killed. Looks like they've started a war," she said over the comms.

"Find out where the other cartel members are gathering. I need to get there in time," Green Arrow replied, abruptly stopping his training and hurriedly putting on his suit and gear.

"They'll probably be back at their usual spot," Felicity said.

"This time, I have backup," Green Arrow responded, hoping that with his team, they could handle it.

"I believe in you," Felicity replied.

"That's all I need," Oliver Queen said with a smile, stepping into the elevator and giving her a wave.


Parking my car across the street from a house on the edge of the city, I observed the armed guards standing watch. I was already fully geared up. Over time, I had honed my weapon skills significantly. Stepping out of the car, I immediately began moving closer to their position. It was time to start. I didn't need a scope my weapon seemed to find its targets on its own.

Gunfire erupted. They didn't even realize where the shots were coming from and fired blindly in all directions. Their lives ended far too quickly, giving them no chance to mount a defense.

The window of one of the buildings shattered, and the barrel of a heavy machine gun emerged, spewing out 12-gauge rounds that tore through everything in their path. A few bullets struck me directly, but I didn't even flinch. In response, a single shot from me silenced the machine gun fire.

A gunshot rang out like thunder, and I froze for a moment, feeling as if something was missing inside me. Touching my temple with my hand, I felt a hole. Incredible armor-piercing power. A specialized rifle, firing tank rounds. It penetrates armor up to 50mm thick. The shot came from about a hundred meters away the sniper wasn't far. All of this flashed through my mind while my skull throbbed in pain and I couldn't move a muscle, waiting for my brain and body to reconnect.

The cartel fighters regained their composure and quickly took up positions to surround me. Grabbing a nearby wall with my bloodied hand, I pulled myself up. The capillaries in my eyes had burst from the shot, but they were already healing. My blood-filled vision cleared, and my weapon locked onto the bandits.


The next shot I managed to anticipate, dodging it at the last moment. I aimed toward the origin of the shot, pulling out a thermal grenade and throwing it directly at the target. Distance meant nothing with my strength. Five seconds later, a deafening explosion rang out, consuming everything in flames.

Another grenade flew toward the remaining enemies' positions. Another explosion, and I finished off the rest of the fighters. Among the torn bodies, one figure rose. I recognized the familiar style of one of the twins. Half of his body was covered in severe burns, with exposed bone visible in places, yet he stood and aimed a pistol at me, firing.

I didn't respond to his shots, steadily approaching him. On the last reserves of his willpower, he stood and kept fighting. It was almost a shame they existed only to kill. Standing face-to-face with him, I snatched the pistol from his hands, and that was the final blow for him. He swayed and collapsed to the ground, his empty gaze fixed on the smoldering remains of their empire.

"When I was hired to kill you, it was hard to believe you could survive a shot to the head," came a voice from one of the buildings.

Turning, I saw the familiar gear of Deathstroke in his signature orange-and-black mask. With swords on his back and a sniper rifle in his hands, he stood watching me.


"How much did you value your life at?" I asked, staring at him. He discarded the rifle and jumped down, part of his gear slightly singed.

"Ha-ha! Not my life yours. One and a half million dollars. Thought it'd be an easy job, but turns out it's you. My employer's dead, and no one's paying me now," Deathstroke said.

"Then why are you still here?" I asked.

"There's a hefty stash of cash in this warehouse. I was planning to take my cut," he replied, drawing a blade.

"You might lose your life over that money. You'd be better off leaving. I'll let you take that dirty cash and walk," I said, hoping for some sense from him.

"In my line of work, reputation is everything. I took the contract, and I must fulfill it," he said before suddenly lunging at me. "Let's see how far your regeneration can go."

He wielded the sword in just one hand. Why not both? There wasn't time to ponder; his blade gleamed near my neck. A precise step back avoided the strike, but with almost superhuman reflexes, he twisted, and my palm caught the blade. The metal was clearly extraordinary, slicing through my skin effortlessly. But I didn't let go of the blade.

He quickly released it, realizing I'd disarmed him. Swiftly, he pulled a pistol and began firing, but the bullets were useless. The twin's pistol in my hand aimed for the gaps in his armor, and I fired several shots. His second sword intercepted, deflecting every bullet with incredible speed.

"You're no ordinary man," I remarked, impressed by his strength, speed, and reflexes.

"You'll be a worthy opponent," he replied, lunging with the blade. Using the sword I'd taken, I parried his attack, our blades clashing.

"This fight is pointless. You'll tire, and I'll heal from any wounds," I said.

"Call it a sport. I'd never heard of you before, but now I'm testing your skills," he said. The fight turned into a dance of blades. My swordsmanship was on par with watching movies, but his was on another level his weapons were an extension of his body.

"You're no swordsman, but you're excellent with firearms. I'm impressed. You're the second person I've seen with skills like this," he said.

"Thanks," I replied, tracking his every move. Adapting to his style, I parried another strike, my counter slashing through his armor.

"Quick learner," he remarked, glancing at the tear in his armor. Just as he prepared for another clash, his sword veered mid-swing to slice an arrow in two.

"Familiar style," he muttered, looking toward the other end of the street where Green Arrow stood not alone. A woman in a black costume resembling more of a dancer's outfit and a man in a metal mask flanked him.

"We'll finish this some other time," Deathstroke said, dropping a smoke grenade at his feet. Dissolving into the cloud, I could sense him leaving but didn't chase. He always worked for whoever paid him more.

"Where'd he go?" the woman asked. Hmm, a familiar face. Wasn't she the police captain's daughter?

"Forget him. Focus on the enemies in front of us. This time, you're not getting away. I know you're one of the arsonists. You're tied to the Lame, and you'll pay for all your crimes, just like him," Green Arrow declared.

So, the disguise worked they think we're different people. Though it's strange they believe I'm one of the arsonists.