Chereads / White Fox Jade / Chapter 27 - Run Tiger Run (IV)

Chapter 27 - Run Tiger Run (IV)

Hu Li finds the older folks are more busy everyday. All of them are very happy and she finds the house hanging red cloth and lanterns everywhere. Hu Li also make herself busy by looking out for the tiger. Even thou she doesn't know how a tiger looks like, she know that the size of it is a cat's size of five times. So she watch from the tall tower without the soldiers knowing there is someone else hanging out with them. 

In the evening when she return home, the ladies grab her and push her into a room. Hu Li is puzzled but she stand still to allow them to take her measurement. After that, she have dinner with everyone whom she cannot understand the conversations they have. She nod her head and agree whatever they said. 

At night, she stay alert. Her sense tells her that the tiger will appear soon. In the hours after midnight, she hear a loud growl. She understand it's an invitation to meet up. She close her book and look at the light floaters.

"I am going out to meet your old tiger guardian. I don't think there is a problem with Sheng Qin here. Can you both take care of him?"

"Master. We try. We don't have a physical body."

"Then i will cast a spell here. It will trap you both and Sheng Qin here. Is it fine?"

They float around in circles and a 'yes' is heard softy. With her resolute mind, she cast a spell to surround the room in a capsule. She climb out of the window and to leap from rooftop to rooftop. She see from a distance at clear cliff there is two figures dancing. She hurry there, Hu Li fear that Hei have started a fight without her. 

When she arrives there, Hei is fill with scratches. The tiger in front of them is a beautiful woman. Her tail is long with stripes while her nails are looking tough and sharp. She have a beautiful face however she have a fierce energy that no one can deny. Her eyes are big and slightly slanted. Her hair is full, black and shiny that is pull up in a high pony tail. Hei Shi Ren stands in front of Hu Li with his black tails up. His long dark hair is untie and dance along with the wind. He have a manic smile on his face. 

"You think you can win us?"

"I never actually believe that you all exists, how interesting! I thought that the years have past those who are too old to live this long."

"We are constantly revolving and moving with time. While you are stuck with time. Killing humans are a bad karma don't you know."

"Speak for yourself. How many humans have you kill?"

"I don't kill for fun! I kill for injustice!"

She laugh and cover her mouth gently. Her eyes glow and she point to Hei.

" You injustice? Who are you to judge?!"

" Tell me why do you bend on killing Sheng Qin?!"

She looks at Hu Li and place her hands behind her back. She tilt her head and stare at Hu Li.

" In order to be completely release from the bond between me and his family. He needs to die. He is the only one that can put me back into those scroll again! He needs to die!" 

"The scroll is burnt as far as i know. You can't..."

"Young master, the scroll is burnt but the bond still lingers! He can pick up a brush anytime to command me to return! I cannot allow that to happen! I want to be free! Why can you walk around and i can't? I have lived most of my life inside the scroll. Watching the generations past. Watching the days goes by. Watching them and blessing them. In the end, why do i get? Nothing..."

"You are design for this. You are created for the humans to cling on a believe."

"I did not ask for this! I want to be beautiful too! I want a family. Have little cubs to run around. I am a simple tiger who waited too long! I want what i need now. In order to fulfil this dream, all Yue blood must be gone. That boy must die! If he survives each round of attack, i will keep trying till one day, there is none of them."

"So in this case, you must not live."

"Give it a try, who knows who is the one walking away tonite." 

"Don't try your luck tiger."

"Ever hear of a tiger who fail to kill some poor foxes?"

Hu Li and Hei pick up their stances. Tiger attack fast by jumping with a leap. She is stronger and faster however she did not expect to see Hu Li morph into a huge beast with electricity. Her long white stands up tall into the sky. Hei laugh and mock the tiger "Run tiger run!" 

In a split second, Hu Li release a blot of electricity. The tiger leap away and landed near the edge. Her eyes fill with anger. She leap to attack. Hei use his one of long tail to whip her. Unfortunately he miss by a hair and she leap even further with her nails aiming at Hu Li. Like a hawk she fly towards Hu Li and her sharp nails land and scratch from cheek to cheek. Hu Li's electric eyes set off blots of lighting to strike the tiger. It hit her chest within seconds and the tiger falls back. However she still lands on her feet. With one leg stretch long and the other leg in a crouching position. Her nails stretch the rock floor under her. It cause a long vibrating of irritation to the ears. Hei stuff his ears and Hu Li is not able to within the sound change back to her human form and try to stand still but the sound of it is making her feeling dizzy and not able to think nor do anything. Hei try to calm himself down. The tiger continue to scratch the floor and wait for her time to strike. Her tail move as if it is dancing with the wind. She smile when she see them close their eyes for a second, her timing to strike is here. Immediately, she leap high, like a hurricane she rain down fast and ferocious. Hei immediately at that time open his eyes, the fire within shoot out. His tongue stretch long with fire on it. It reach out to pierce her chest. The fire touches her everywhere and she start to burnt. She falls wailing in pain. The fire spread all over her body. Hu Li open her eyes to see the tiger on the ground rolling and screaming. 

"You can't do this! You can't do this! I just want my freedom! You both are lousy guidance in this animal kingdom! You suppose to side us?! Why are you taking the side of human!!!!"

"You try to harm an innocent man, that is not the correct way."

"You don't understand! You don't understand! The humans are greedy! their wants and needs are never ending!!! AAAHHH ... Once i am gone! There will be a replacement!! Mark my words!!!! MARK MY WORDS!!"

Hu Li and Hei watch her transform back to a tiger. She roar loudly and continue to roll, her body is burning away slowly with her parts turn into ashes. The ashes follow the wind and raise into the air. The clouds turn grey swallowing up what is remain of her. What remains are the burnt clothes on the floor. Hei walk up and use his feet to toss the clothes around to see if there is anything hidden in it. After awhile, he set it on fire again. He turn around to see a sad looking Hu Li. Hei walk up and hug her. She must be traumatised, never she have encounter something like this. He force her to walk to him. They walk in silence for a long time, holding hands.